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Showing most liked content on 11/06/19 in Posts

  1. What’s this ugly photo? It’s Ashen, Operencia, Outer Wilds (and Journey, in grey) picked up from the Epic Store sale. The sale ends on the 13th. Figured that tenner discount on everything was too good to pass up.
  2. So I bought this (Guessing by RF’s posts 2 years ago?) and have just started playing it and this is awesome. It’s a bit rough on the technical side, but it makes up for it in real playability. I just had to really put an effort in to pulling my self away from it to get ready for Nintendo. Clearly heavily inspired by A Link to the Past then dunked in that indie game, calming soundscape driven atmosphere it’s very easy to pick up and even more difficult to put back down. The big difference between this and a regular Zelda game is the map seems to be more Dark Souls inspired then Zelda. Meaning that instead of having an overworld to zig zag across to make progress it’s more linear with each area feeling unto itself and sort of like a big puzzle box/dungeon, and then once completed it spits you out at the Firelink Shrine equivalent and then you go to a different area. At at least that seems to be the case so far. Game play is very reliant on push this, pull that and less gimmick focused than a typical Zelda game, but it feels surprisingly good and is a game that really moves which I like a lot. I think this this is a prime example of a little gem. It’s not blowing my mind in terms of newness but it has taken me by surprise because of how fun it is.
  3. The first 30 hours are just Jessie crushing on Cloud while he acts all aloof and shit. Then she dies and Cloud doesnt notice.
  4. Apparently people are angry over the size of Tifa's tits. I genuinely pity those people.
  5. Honestly think this is the best looking game I saw all E3
  6. I suspect that fan art is out there
  7. That seems to be a little bit unclear. In the article I posted, Famitsu actually issued a correction changing the wording in their article from simply “2 Blu Rays” to “2 Blu Rays worth of content”. This article says the game is being released on 2 Blu Rays. I think it’s safe to say that “two Blu Rays worth of content” probably means 2 Blu Rays though lol... In Japanese the quote is 「Blu-Ray2枚相当分のボリュームで」which literally means “enough content (volume) to fill two BR discs.”
  8. There are three E3 moments that warranted cheering: - first reveal of Twilight Princess - Shenmue III - original reveal of FFVII remake Today it's: "Our next Xbox will have an SSD" "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I LOVE YOU PHIL!!!!!"
  9. Remake of Seiken Densetsu 3, due out in 2020 for the PS4, Switch and PC. Looks lovely. “Seiken Densetsu” means Legend of the Holy/Sacred Sword. The original Seiken Densetsu 3 is also now available on the Switch eshop as part of the Collection of Mana. https://gematsu.com/2019/06/seiken-densetsu-3-remake-trials-of-mana-announced-for-ps4-switch-and-pc
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  11. I've been playing a bit of void Bastards. I really like it but it feels a bit strange and I don't feel like the game is going to be showing me anything new after only an hour or two. It sits in this weird spot between early access and full release, which I suppose is why they decided to go with gamepass since a full purchase is a big ask. The aesthetic is great, the world is fun, especially the northern Juves that run around swearing at you. Its just a very sparse idea for a game and hopefully they can expand on it and it's not just a quick cash grab since roguelikes are where the indie money is at the moment.
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  12. Enemy Skill Materia, Added Effect Materia and All Materia. With the right spells on the former and corresponding Materia on the latter, you won't really need Random Battles. The only time this cheat will hinder you is building Limit Breaks.
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  13. @spatular There are three commands you can do by pushing in the analogue sticks. Triple speed. No random battles. Max stats. Each can be turned on and off at the push of a button.
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  14. In honour of Sly's epic carrying in tonight's session...
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  15. What do you want me to do about it?
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  16. I cheered. Thought they were a good size and she still dressed like a ho.
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  17. Just over 7 hours in. Got Yuffie, arrived at Junon, killed the sea creature and gave the young girl CPR. No idea how they're going to stretch Midgar out to a 40 hour game in the remake ?
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  18. I think they act as Echoes @OCH similar to Daisy/Peaxh etc.
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  19. https://gematsu.com/2019/06/daemon-x-machina-launches-september-13 Music was unbearable but the trailer was pretty cool. I’m trying to get my head around all these September release dates... Both Ni no Kuni and Link’s Awakening are launching on the 20th, Code Vein on the 27th, not to mention Astral Chain at the end of August...
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  20. Glad you can play as other Dragon Quest characters rather than just the Luminary from 11, because he is a nothing character. They've done well using some of the magic as special moves
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  21. Can't delay something without a release date.
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  22. From the main listing (news, general, games etc) click on the blue speech mark on the left. It'll mark that whole section as read.
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  23. That was by far the best show of all of them. So many games, and so many coming very soon!
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  24. Not that rich, other half keeps spending my money.... I have an original PS4 and the first xb1 s version, got it bargain price, I wanted to update one of them but if new consoles are bc I don’t see the point at the moment.
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  25. I don’t know if it was shown during any conference, but I like this trailer for Phoenix Point, Julian Gollop’s crowdfunded (on Fig) spiritual successor to XCOM. I don’t listen to Suede much anymore but this is a really nice use of their music. I wouldn’t have taken the slightest notice of the trailer otherwise but now I’m curious.
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  26. This is why American cinema audiences are the worst. "Look at me, I am reacting to the thing" ??
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  27. The whooping was bad, but it was far worse in the Bethesda show. Those people (whether they're plants, developers or weirdo fans) need taking out back and shooting.
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  28. The Slimes go into a 'thinking' turn and split as soon as their health points hit the half way point. With the big slime you want to do as much damage as possible in the opening two rounds to avoid is big attack. With card upgrades, I think there's only one that can be upgraded more than once (and it's not really worth doing). Relics can make or break a good run, if you get a few that synch together well with your cards, you'll breeze through it. A few I always go for: The Anchor - start each fight with 10 block. The Helix - negate the first damage you receive in a fight. Anything with a strength/poison/focus buff depending on character. There's also an encounter where you can read purple book - always do it if you can (it'll take about 20 hit points). You get a permanent curse card, but the relics you get are always stupidly powerful.
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  29. I only see it says PC?
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  30. There's actually no mention of Steam on their Kickstarter page: PS4 physical copy now a platform choice! All tiers $60 and above will include your choice of the following: PS4 Physical Copy PS4 Digital Copy Windows PC Physical Copy Windows PC Digital Copy https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ysnet/shenmue-3?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=shenmue
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  31. People gave money for a game that didn’t exist and may never have. You can’t throw money at nothing and complain when you it’s only 98% what you’d hoped when they showed you nothing that time years ago. They’re getting the game they asked for.
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  32. People gave them money to develop Shenmue III for PC and they will get Shenmue III for PC. There's nothing to refund here.
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  33. I really liked when Yves came on stage after showing about ten games of "shoot & kill powered by Tom Clancy" and said "we love to see family and friends play UbiSoft game together".
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  34. Hell to the yes, my dude!
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  35. Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk, does whatever a Cyberpunk can. Heart attack, breaks a rib, wears a bra and a shiny wig. Welcome back dude, sorry to hear of your troubles. Hope shits on the up tho?
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  36. And that's another one down, tonight it was Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla (2002) It was alright. Moved a lot quicker that the other one's I've seen so far. Maybe because it's 30 minutes shorter. Was a lot of fun too, I have a sneaky feeling it was one of the main inspirations for Pacific Rim. I really hate seeing Godzilla get hurt though. No matter what happens I just can't route for the humans. Apart from in Shin Godzilla.
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  37. You filthy casual. How could you forget that?
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  38. 7 more levels of hard and then we go into hardest. No turning back, baby. The train don't stop!
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  39. videos (and images) still have to be loaded, it's half the reason we had to bring the rule in in the first place, I'm not sure why it's such a problem for you, nor am I sure why it's such a problem for you that we occasionally have to have rules or do some modding
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  40. They all load quite quickly for me regardless of size. But that might be only ever using mobile. Delete mcu thread, see if it makes a difference? ?
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  41. Am I the only one who thinks video game music rules? Come on, people. Since I have Tetris Effect's OST in my history I keep getting Child of Eden's in my recommendations so you can have it too: I did think about posting a shorter version but, personally, I'm a sucker for long form tunes. Someone else better put something in this thread before I just start filling it with music from SoR3.
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  42. Welcome (back) Good Sir!
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