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DisturbedSwan last won the day on September 11

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About DisturbedSwan

  • Birthday 02/10/1989

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    Hampshire, Tory Hellscape.
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    Vidya Gaems.

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  1. Haven’t had much more chances to play this as SH2 is taking priority, I have reached up to the first proper dungeon though (I think).
  2. 18 hours Jesus 😮 I’m about 4 hours in and liking it a lot. It’s like a mix between SMT and Persona, there’s definitely more influence from the latter though. The time element yet has barely made an appearance but it has been mentioned a few times that x must take place before y date which is again, similar to Persona. Likewise is ‘academia’ which is the Velvet Room in all but name. The Fairy is basically Morgana/Teddy as well. Not sure I like the class system as much, I have no idea what characters fit which class yet, I put a warrior looking guy as a Mage in the first beginner dungeon, the protagonist as a seeker and the Ryuji lookalike is the Warrior, which I feel is a balls up. I got my arse absolutely handed to me by the first dungeon, will have to lower the difficulty. Honestly don’t know how I got through the mini-boss at the end, pure luck. Just out of the beginner dungeon (cave). It’s good so far, plot wise it’s almost identical to FFXV with some FFXVI thrown in there.
  3. Argos are basically Sainsbury’s Direct at this point, I do quite like them to be honest. Although the last time I pre ordered a game from them they tried to tell me it wasn’t out on that day and refused to sell it to me thinking I was trying to pull the wool over their eyes. But yeah, house stuff, general stuff you don’t want to wait a day to get from Amazon I pick up from there.
  4. I really can’t stand Nic Cage so don’t think I’ll give it a go.
  5. Absolutely unreal this, it just feels exactly like playing the original, it’s uncanny how mad it is. Everything is exactly as you remember it somehow and the feel, music, voice acting and cutscenes are just so damn on point, they have absolutely nailed it. I’ve just got out of Woodside apartments and the apartment block (I can’t remember the name) after that and have just met Maria on the pier. The Woodside Apartments were just ingenious, absolutely superb, completely agree that the indoor environments just completely ramp up the tension, I’m not joking when I say I had to remind myself to breathe at points lol. Watching the cutscene with Angela in the mirror and I was instantly transported back to the early 2000s watching that cutscene on my mates Alba 15” mounted CRT TV in his bedroom. It’s mad how much of an influence you realise the original had on even modern games, so much of TLOUP2 in the apartment buildings there reminds me of Woodside, the paper map and ticking off locations, lot of SH influence running through Alan Wake 2 as well.
  6. Can’t speak for PC but I’ve had no technical issues on PS5 on quality mode so far. Plays like a dream.
  7. Yeah I agree, you just feel like a regular bloke in this, even in Resi you’re a cop with guns and shit, in this you feel just like a regular Joe. Super vulnerable and the atmosphere is just so oppressive.
  8. Also ordered from here, we’ll see if mine is at home when I get in, with RM these days I very much doubt it. I ordered SH2 from Smyths just so I could go and pick it up, don’t trust RM at all.
  9. Started yesterday and oh my fucking god it is glorious. It is crazy how your brain always thought the game looked like this, going through those same foggy streets again brought back so many memories. Back then I was playing it when I was probably younger than I should’ve been and used to leg it away from any enemies or whenever the radio used to go off lol, so I’ve never seen a lot of the streets back then, so it’s really nice to properly explore everything now. The atmosphere and music is just phenomenal, unsurpassed really, it is just a perfect recreation of the original game. Runs phenomenally well here, no technical issues to speak of, definitely get the Condemned comparison with the melee combat, enjoying it a lot, there’s a nice rhythm and heft to it, I don’t remember the wooden nailed planks lasting as long in the original though. Still exploring around the town, just found a puzzle piece at an apartment block and am now on my way back to a bar to complete it.
  10. Would love to play this but it’s going to be long isn’t it
  11. Holy fucking shit, cannot believe this, out of nowhere! Isolation is one of the greatest horror games of all time and one I’ll always remember fondly.
  12. Ah ok, ta, I’m not going mad then lol. The village bit itself played out almost the same as I remember with the cop burning etc. but I remember getting into it straight away in the original, this has a RE8-style build up to it before you got there, I don’t remember the OG having. Not a negative anyway, I never finished the original, got up to where you get Ashley (Church-ish?) and then threw in the towel and never went back really. I did really enjoy it then but this remake is absolutely superb.
  13. It’s just nice to be pleasantly surprised for once, at least that’s what I think tipsy me was trying to say last night 😂
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