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DANGERMAN last won the day on February 8

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  • Birthday 29/12/1981

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  1. I enjoyed the State of Play. I agree about the lack of a punch for the final game, it felt like it was missing a 'one more thing' There were plenty of games I thought looked interesting. Shinobi, Hell Is Us, Supermassive's space game, the claymation game, that Warriors rogue like could be genius
  2. Yeah same, just for a bit of variety as much as anything. Although I probably don't need Total War and Football Manager as characters admittedly Hopefully it's good
  3. The Dreamcast had a link up with the Neo Geo Pocket Colour for, I think, King of Fighters 99. It's not a companion app obviously, but I think you could send unlocked characters between versions or something
  4. I finished this the other day and got the Leave ending. I know it's not exactly a happy ending still, but I almost wish I'd got a worse one. I see James as a more complex character than a lot of people do, not a monster, but it's not that I begrudge him acceptance. I think, after everything, the world feels like it would keep taking. The sadder endings have the better writing I think
  5. This Chao Garden might have been the 1st companion app
  6. 10pm in Blighty Presumably we're getting Pirate Yakuza footage, the new Ghost Of game. I've no idea what else to expect
  7. If we're talking 2d Mario I'd talk about the slidy movement, narrow FOV, and moments where the game is designed to fuck you on a 1st playthrough
  8. Black Panther 2 is laughably bad. Absolutely dreadful film with awful writing and some misjudged performances
  9. I've thought of a couple of others. Maneater, which I probably would have knocked marks off too for the performance, I think it crashed a lot, but I loved that game. It's just a very simple fun experience The Order 1886 too. As a game there's very little wrong with it other than there just not being enough of it. It needed longer combat encounters and more of them, which again is why I'd have marked it down, but it's definitely better than it's reputation
  10. This is a good idea for a question and it's annoying me that I can't think of a better answer beyond Sonic 😅 Secret Rings on the Wii was a great game if you gave it a chance, because it did take time for find it's feet. Frontiers too is a great game if you can get past the draw distance
  11. I'm getting near the end of this and something I've noticed that isn't important, it just stood out to me. When I closed down the game just, the most recent achievement I got (playing on Steam) was also got by 42% of the people playing on Steam. I've watched the tape in the hotel, there really isn't a ton left, which means of all the people who have started Silent Hill 2 on Steam, about 40% have beaten it, which is a really high clear rate for a game of this length
  12. yeah, my memory is of the 2nd one being ok
  13. Yeah, I wish I still had my Dreamcast copy. It's a good game I enjoyed quite a lot without it being perfect, and I'm sort of in the mood for it again
  14. I wonder if the digital sales have dropped for them because of who it is left playing the Switch. I'm not sure how it would split exactly, but I'd have thought parents buying for young kids would go physical, and people like us might skew physical too, enough to alter the percentages a bit if the mass market has moved on a bit, maybe?
  15. The Switch 2 Direct now has a time as well as a date 2pm on Wednesday 2nd April
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