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  1. Past hour
  2. Last game on my Resident Evil rerun (come on 9, where are you?)... and I've decided to play it in third person for the first time and you know what? It's pretty damn good. Plays like a slightly clunkier RE4R... which isn't entirely unexpected tbf. Looks great too.
  3. tbh UFO has given me an appetite for badly aged things so I'm not averse to trying those earlier titles, at least a little bit of them considering the price of the whole thing.
  4. Today
  5. The Advance and Dominus collections are really good and worth the entry price alone I think. Anniversary is a nice bonus but a lot of the games on there haven't aged gracefully.
  6. Are you past the Labyrinth yet?... apparently the latest patch has introduced a bug that can break the game in that part.
  7. Haven’t had much more chances to play this as SH2 is taking priority, I have reached up to the first proper dungeon though (I think).
  8. regemond

    Readers Feature

    Oh I agree, and even depending on circumstances, I'd still say all the individual aspects can be explained by other things. Don't move out because of anxiety, can't keep clean because of depression. That's why I specifically said those parameters are 'seen' as more toxic. I try not to judge individual circumstances and was basing it on a general perception thought process.
  9. Maryokutai

    Random News II

    DLC is actually a good point. Particularly for those games where you don't have to buy it to download the content but rather push out their DLC as updates to even the playing field (every fighting game does this for example). Then I suspect it would probably be possible to access new fighters and such, at least as long as you don't go online again after updating?

    Random News II

    Hmm I hadn't thought of that. Any "on disc dlc" (more like in-.dat nowadays) might be susceptible. I suspect that might trigger a new court case though
  11. Maryokutai

    Random News II

    Battle Pass data and such is usually handled on the game's server, so that's a different application field those cheat thingies can't access. The Dragon's Dogma example is interesting though because IIRC you can obtain these crystals while playing and don't technically have to buy them. But on the other hand that's basically just how these cheat tools have always worked, it's only just now that they've become a thorn in publisher's sides because they monetise that stuff now. In that sense it's a good thing Sony lost this, because this would have made for a very questionable precedent otherwise I think.
  12. mfnick

    Random News II

    Ah right. That could be pretty major then. Does that mean potentially they could release a game genie style cheat device which could let me access all the battle pass content on Rocket League for example? Or get more of the fast travel crystals in Dragons Dogma 2 which is normally have to pay for? Awesome for SP stuff. But could destroy online MP games depending how far they’re allowed to go. Every game would be a cheaters dream.
  13. mfnick

    Readers Feature

    On about the can’t clean up or basically look after himself part. Thats why I mentioned about not blaming anyone who live with there parents after.

    Random News II

    It means, if it was feasible, they could sell a new Game Genie More likely, you can't get sued if you make a mod, so long as you don't mass with the source code
  15. Maryokutai

    Readers Feature

    I dunno, I think that's a bit unfair. One might be more susceptible to certain influences due to their lifestyle, but you can be a decent guy living in your mom's basement simply because of some unfortunate circumstances. Just the same way as someone who looks like they're living a 'normal' life can be a complete asshole who's doing Gamergate podcasts on the weekend.
  16. mfnick

    Random News II

    Can someone explain in dummy terms what that means going forward though? I’m just allowed to cheat and mod older games without issue? Isn’t that mostly the case anyway?
  17. That's where I drew the line for Portrait, just too much repetition from that point onward, at least for me. I did quite like the first half though. It's too bad the series died with Ecclesia so they never got a chance to revisit and polish the dual-protagonist setup.
  18. mfnick

    Readers Feature

    Rightly so TBF. Apart from the moving out bit - don’t blame anyone for having to stay with their parents these days.
  19. That’s part of the whole time management thing. It’s designed to try and prevent you being able to run through a dungeon in 1 day giving you way too much time to just do personality and follower stuff before the next deadline. I’ve had to lose days returning to the entrance and resting before being able to continue. Especially later in the game. I’m 35+ hours in now. Just keeps getting better and better. Had some pretty big moments which I just was not expecting at all. Combat is still fantastic & that battle theme is running on repeat in my head. Love it. Only thing I’m worried about is I’ve been doin absolutely everything but I’ve already got 1 follower to max and most of my personality traits up to level 4 out of 5. Maxed out a few archetypes too. Where the hell is that extra 35-40 hours going to come from? This is a rare case where I actually want it to last 100 hours and I’m worried it’s going to be done far quicker than the reviewers said. Hopefully something happens where I’ve got loads of new levels to go up.
  20. regemond

    Readers Feature

    I honestly don't have a massive social circle, and except for Rosie, none of my real life friends are into gaming. Oscar (big kid) has an interest, but also picks up toxic gaming behaviours - throwing hissy fits, blaming everyone else on the team when we lose - so I'm trying to keep him chaotic good when it comes to that sort of stuff. Nobody bats an eye around me when I mention I play though. Amongst the people I work with, both guys and girls play to various degrees, and I even took abuse for being the team 'gamer' but not being any good at Elden Ring when multiple girls on the team have rinsed it. I suppose in that aspect things really haven't changed since the '90s - boys are expected to be better than girls etc. From what I can tell, I'm not really seeing any aspects of toxic gaming culture in day to day life, either. But I generally avoid online, and most of the communities I take part in are good people - yes, that includes you lot. Could be wrong here, but I think the idea of being a gamer becomes more toxic depending on your circumstances. The 30-odd year old guy who still lives in his mum's loft conversion, has never moved out and can't clean up after himself is seen as being much more toxic than the people who work, have a life to live and play games when they get the opportunity.
  21. regemond

    Random News II

    That's nuts. Wonder if that applies to online gameplay, too.
  22. I think I've heard them mentioned elsewhere, I'll give them a listen Chat Pile have a new album out. It's ridiculously heavy, I love it
  23. I'm on Portrait now, it's easier than I remember, in that it's a easy game. I remember the circus painting being a nightmare back in the day, it's still one of the more difficult ones, but it wasn't all that hard. Anyway, I've "beaten" the sisters and am on to the 2nd half of the game. I don't remember this bit very well but I've really enjoyed going back to it
  24. I've been playing the demo of this. I haven't found it as hard as the others but I did come close to running out of mp in the cave. That's a little annoying that you don't seem to restore mp, or at least I didn't when I returned to safe areas, although I think I might have got health back from the safe room. I think I'm starting to understand the systems. At first I didn't see the point in switching jobs, but now I can inherit a skill, which presumably will eventually be a few skills, I can see the point. You'll at least be able to give a a couple of people heal spells
  25. Yesterday
  26. I really liked the last Amyl and The Sniffers album, they've got some new music out for the first time in a while.
  27. Might have to go back to his for the DLC. Looks ace.
  28. here's the trailer because it looks ridiculous
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