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Sly Reflex

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About Sly Reflex

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Destiny allowed you to do your bank stuff as well, which was hilarious because it was actually the best way to deal with your loot unless you wanted to fuck with the awful way they dealt with it in game. I think the grimoire could be read through the app also.
  2. I am playing through The Messenger currently and it's a game that I am wondering why it was so well received, because it's the very definition of OK. Same with Hyperlight Drifter which I played earlier this year. I could talk to some lengths about both of these games. Will I convince anyone to my point of view if they've already played? Probably not. Ergo it's sort of pointless talking about anything unless you're just putting your thoughts down so you can read them back at a later date. People don't give a fuck what you think and neither should you give a fuck what they think. Play what you want. Like what you want. You don't need to fit in to a society that are misfits anyway.
  3. The only time I read reviews now are steam user reviews. And generally I only use those to see if the game runs well enough. Usually have to skip over the copy pasta meme reviews to find the good stuff. "Good" being the word doing a lot of heavy lifting there. In general now anything that has insane reviews I generally ignore now. Nothing ever lives up to the hype anymore. It's best to ignore it.
  4. Sly Reflex

    Random News II

    This gives me Shatter vibes.
  5. As mentioned elsewhere I have been trying to play a lot of the games I have. If you are part of my community you'll be familiar with the Challenge 52 thing I have going on across various medias. To qualify I have a soft cap of played for 4 hours at least, but a completion is preferable. So far I'm clocking in: Euro Truck Simulator 2 (hours played) Creeper World 4 (hours played) Monster Hunter World (hours played, although I am close to the end of the base game, Iceborne will follow and be classed separately) Balatro (hours played) Cyberpunk 2077 (hours played, but aiming for a completion) A Short Hike (completed, fantastic game, go play it) Gone Home (completed) The Gunk (completed) Valheim (hours played, I'm not sure this can be completed?) Hyperlight Drifter (completed) EDF5 (hours played, going for 100% with my crew) Maneater (100% completed) Supraland (completed) The Messenger (in progress) I think trying to focus on some games and really going at them until they are done has helped, as well as doing some shorter games. Generally I look through my list and pick several games and install them and then start another once I have finished one. I try to keep it variable with genre as well. Currently I have Baba Is You, Pacman 256, Slay the Spire and X-Com 2 installed and ready to go. I've mostly enjoyed what I've played so far, but some of the things have been a touch disappointing. Hyperlight Drifter felt like it really under delivered on what I was expecting from it. Maneater, The Gunk and Supraland all over delivered on what I was expecting. Messenger I'm not really feeling at all. I'll give it some more time but I'm not sure I'll make it through the expected 13 hours or so unless it picks its act up. Anyway, the whole point of this post. How many games have you played in 2025 and what have you through of them games so far. Played from different years and across genres, or just mainlined one game specifically.
  6. I thankfully have both. I didn't particularly care for OlliOlli World. I think part of this is down to my mind and fingers not being capable of what the game is asking of me over the game not been good. Rollerdrome is on my to do list. With the other 861 unplayed games I have.
  7. Not being able to climb knee high walls. Does my head in.
  8. Sly Reflex


    I am wondering if this is a success, or if it does an Expeditions and just folds in on itself. They are still making Snowrunner content, I think that might be the one they dd that had the staying power. Although that was mired in controversy as well. They are layering up a massive overhaul of Snowrunner too, I hope it's good and doesn't kill their cash cow.
  9. Crying shame nobody else picked up on this. It's really good, and has a stupid amount of secrets in it. I don't really want to say too much about it, but the puzzles are great and if you're into puzzles and rooting about using skills you have gained over the course of a game for secrets, you'll have a great time here. Combat gets better as the game goes on, it's still not amazing by any standards, but it's not the reason to play this game. It's criminally overlooked, I've always seen it in my library but never really pushed myself to play it until now, but I am glad I did.
  10. Sly Reflex


    This card always reminds me of Dustin Rhodes when he was in his "Seven" gimmick and I'll never be able to unsee it.
  11. Sly Reflex


    Mouse over the deck to see what you have, it gets a little fucky when you have cards in your hand faced down, but aside from that you can see the possibility of drawing a specific suite or a face card or whatever.
  12. Honestly it's still a fantastic game and there's many twists and turns that are just as important as that one. To be able to play that game again blind. What a pleasure that would be.
  13. Sly Reflex


    So you're just going for single pairs to win runs?
  14. Never cried, but I've been a bit frustrated or perforated by events in games. The aspergers girl sitting alone after being bullied in school in To The Moon is one. That game is full of stuff like that, it's a game where you will feel bad at some point. RDR2. There's a few things here.
  15. Sly Reflex

    Readers Feature

    The whole people buying the only big games and sequels has been a thing for decades. I have no idea what the fuck they're on about there. That's exactly where the argument falls apart. Being physical or digital has nothing to do with it. I would argue that digital allows smaller more arthouse games to flourish as well because they will give them equal footing on front pages. On the front pages of steamright now they are cycling through 16 games. Only 8 of them are big hitters like Final Fantasy and Fifa (or whatever the fuck it's called now), 1 is an older game (SW:KotOR) and the rest are games I've never heard of that are indie. Can you imagine going to GAME when it was a thing and them advertising Braid or Kingdom of Keftlings? Fuck no. Outside of something like Rocket League or Stardew I don't think I've seen anything small in one of those places. Feel free to step in and correct me if you have. This article is a load o shite.
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