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Maf last won the day on January 11

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  1. Dragon Age: The Veilguard (Xbox)
  2. Maf

    The Hot Topic Returns

    3D Mario 3D Sonic Mario Kart 9 Pokemon Z-A
  3. Maf

    Sonic Fan Games

    How are these Smash mods this fucking good?
  4. This why I think it’s more lack of consistency than over saturation. I think over saturation has played apart for sure, but 5 years of mostly meh with the odd yay and no sense of progression for the universe has just killed it In a twist Superman got more trailer views than anything in WB/DC history or something. Maybe DC will bring interest back to comic book films and Marvel can ride that wave and find their feet again
  5. The one, key, advantage the 4090 has over the 5090 is at least you can fucking buy one Also watched a bit of the DF review on the 5090 today. It is soundly better from what I can tell, but also a bit disappointing? A 5090 runs Cyberpunk 4K native with full RT at about 30fps. Now I understand realistically you would always use DLSS or something but the point is i thought it would be more impressive than that? It seems like the current way they make their graphics cards is big diminishing returns? I guess they don’t care because DLSS is their baby and they want you to use it. And it’s great, and that’s fine. But a 4090 already runs Cyberpunk 4K upscaled full RT at over 100fps so…why? Just to get 200fps? Huge, raw, horse power upgrade still needs AI for good performance - but the AI is turning a 100fps game to a 200fps game which seems redundant? I didn’t watch the whole video. But this is what it looked like to me. DF also put out a video about the upcoming improvements in things like more complex Ray tracing and other stuff they saw at CES. Maybe when that stuff is released the 5090 makes more sense but right now it looks like nearly £2000 for an extra 100 AI generated frames. You can tell by the way I talk about it this is not something I know very well. Maybe I missed something but this is how it struck me
  6. My favourite thing about Marvel Rivals is the Psylocke cosplay has increased by 15,000%
  7. This does look cool but I feel like there are a lot more 2D, high speed, retro style action games as opposed to DMC style character action games. For me NG4 looks cooler and more interesting purely because those types of games are much rarer. But this is not put one down to raise the other, it does look very good as well
  8. Almost more people have watched the Daredevil trailer than the last Captain America trailer. Especially when you consider DD has almost outpaced it in a week Didn’t Marvel trailers used to get 100’s of millions of views or am I misremembering? I have a feeling after Secret Wars Disney will try to sell Marvel. They’ve just gone too long without consistency That was the key to Marvel in the 2010’s. Everything fell in between this 7/10-9/10 window and if one movie was a bit on the weaker side 3 months later a stronger movie came and made up for it. Especially as it always felt like it had a good forward momentum towards Thanos as well. I know there was over saturation. But when you think about Marvel from 2010-2016 as opposed to 2019-2025 ouch Wolverine and Deadpool was good but most of what made it good was built on the back of the Fox/Marvel history I don’t know. If the new Captain America movie is only getting slightly more interest than the revival of a 10yo dead Netflix show OUCH
  9. Wait, there are now 3 new Ninja Gaiden games. I had to scroll back to here to make sure I didn’t dream it No complaints
  10. Yeah, it’s just looking spectacular on every level. Just hope the story is good to back up all the visuals and gameplay. Some of it looks kind of silly which is surprising. I thought it was going to be a very serious thing
  11. Maf

    South of Midnight

    Kinda looking very 6 out of 10-ee. Looks extremely cutscene heavy and I think that will stop me from liking it
  12. I’m glad Ninja Gaiden 2 has come back around maybe this time someone can tell me how you’re meant to survive those exploding turtle bosses Apart from that I really liked that game back on 360. Will look forward to giving it a go sometime between now and the week it leaves Gamepass
  13. I just don’t think I like Doom very much. Whether you’re a fighter jet or an iron tank, it just looks boring
  14. Maf

    Ninja Gaiden 4

    Give me that on toast
  15. I’m still plugging away at it a couple side quests at a time. It’s become quite the grind for me though and I find myself playing it for shorter and shorter durations each go If this game was 30-40hours it would be much better
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