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It's funny that the live music talk started in the shout thread because I've been listening a lot to Justice's live albums wishing I was there 



This probably wouldn't be a £30 gig.


Carpenter Brut have done video game music for Furi and Hotline Miami 2 and his newest album is pretty cool and it has this 80s pop song I kinda love



And The Crystal Method also released new stuff this year which I've been enjoying (for the rap fans, I'm pretty sure the flow in this is pretty tight. I'm not an expert, but as a casual observer it seems like the good shit).




For a little while I've been leaning more into electronic music than I used to.  I don't know why, it just happened.

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You know, I really like it when acts manage to turn their whole album into a music video.  Of course I know Daft Punk did it with Discovery 





I finally got around to listening to the last Wolf Alice album.  Dunno why it took me a year to get around to it since their last stuff was in my most played.  I think some losers told me it wasn't good and I believed them.


But no, it rules, and they did the thing where there is a music video for every song on the album. 






But, I gotta say that Janelle Monáe has the best long form music video as far as I'm concerned



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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to get back out record shopping at local stores. Something i not done since pre pandemic. 


Sooner pay an extra quid or so per record rather than line amazons pockets more than I already do. 


Back on subject though new dubwar album is great. 


Loving the cover of al greens lets stay together. Vibes in the place is a great tune also. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a cool app called Music Dig on the app store that shows the playcount for all the songs, albums and artists in your music library.


So my top ten albums by playcount for 2022 are:


1.  Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You - Big Thief


2. Home in Sulphur Springs - Norman Blake


3. Renaissance - Beyonce


4. Wellswood - Thomas Dollbaum


5. Whiskey Before Breakfast - Norman Blake


6. Blake & Rice - Norman Blake and Tony Rice


7. The Car - Arctic Monkeys


8. Unlimited Love - Red Hot Chili Peppers


9. Big Time - Angel Olson


10. A Light for Attracting Attention - The Smile 


Number one is not surprising. Big Thief is my favourite band and their new album is already my 6th most listened to album ever (in the 6 years I’ve owned this phone). 

The Norman Blake albums are all old. He’s a country/bluegrass singer/guitarist that I discovered this year. I love his music. The rest are all albums from 2022.

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