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Everything posted by Nag

  1. The games themselves are evergreen in my opinion... even the oldest still plays great.
  2. I've got no problem with Catwoman, Penguin or Joker... but Tweedledum and Tweedledee and Humpty fucking Dumpty... I know things were a little different then but come on... Are these characters a thing nowadays?
  3. Playing this for the umpteenth time and having unlocked a lot of the bios it's really hit home thise time just how shit some of the villains are in Gotham City.
  4. Supposedly 60 hours for completionists... hopefully those extra 30 hours won't have you collecting flowers or some bullshit.
  5. Guess that's part of the beauty of Game Pass... you get to try without maybe blowing 50 quid on a duff purchase... not that I expect this to be duff at all.
  6. Nag

    Random News II

    Most football fans are used to being disappointed on a weekly basis so I'm sure they'll be fine.😉
  7. Nag

    Nintendo News

    Should've gone for April 1st and had some real fun.
  8. Nag

    Trailers & Teasers

    As long as it doesn't off a T-Rex... nothing should ever be allowed to kill a T-Rex!
  9. Nag

    Trailers & Teasers

    It can't be worse than the last one... I hope.
  10. Same as @mfnick I'll be all over that Onimusha 2 remaster....🥰
  11. It's Pedro Pascal I have the problem with... if I picture Reed Richards he's not who I see, the others look great though... Sue Storm looks perfect.
  12. I know by the time I was half way through the prison I was almost begging for the lights to come on... you've got the one two punch of enemies with a ton more mobility and pretty much complete darkness... it does go a bit too far in my opinion. I will say @DANGERMAN (and I wouldn't call this a spoiler) things get a little easier in terms of lighting come the Lakeview Hotel segment.
  13. 03/02/25 - Horizon Zero Dawn: Remastered - PS5.
  14. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I'm pretty sure most people would've used a "start at most recent checkpoint" option in real life at some point given the chance...
  15. I've got a (what looks like) good endings guide saved... and I think my main problem was not switching up my last coin used in the puzzle... that and either healing too quickly or not. I tried the whole listening to the whole conversation in the hallway, looking at Mary's stuff and changing which egg I used in which door and it wouldn't change jack... everytime I went up that ladder she was standing by that fucking window.
  16. Nag

    TV Shows

    Yeah I really enjoyed it... one thing nowadays too, choreography is so good they can make literally anyone in to a kick arse fighter... like who'd believe Keira Knightley would murder you in a fight yet it's completely believable in this.
  17. Go on, rub it in some more why not...😭 I will go back to try again at triggering those last two endings I need but fuck me they're annoying.
  18. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    For as lazy as they can seem sometimes Red Barrels generally mean a good time is coming....
  19. I expect Wilds to score highly... I'd like to think Yakuza will be solid but I'm not sure if it's more a side story/expansion sort of deal and if that'll hurt it.
  20. First month down so let's check January's scores... @mmmark earned 11 points for Dynasty Warriors: Origins and 8 points with Tales of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter. @HandsomeDead scored 5 points with Eternal Strands (costing @Nag 5 points as a counter-pick) @radiofloyd earned 16 points for Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector. Leader board standings... 1. mmmark - 19 points. 2. Radiofloyd - 16 points. 3. HandsomeDead - 5 points. 4. @Jimboxy - 0 points. 4. @DisturbedSwan - 0 points. 4. @mfnick - 0 points. 7. Nag - -5 points. February releases... Jimboxy has Kingdom Come: Deliverance II and Rift of the Necrodancer. mmmark has Sid Meier's Civilisation VII and Avowed. Nag has Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. DisturbedSwan has Monster Hunter Wilds.
  21. I'm not entirely sure what your saying here... I have a bog standard hdd attached to my Series X (won't run Series games but you can store them there) and so far never had any issues... 360 and Xbox One games automatically install to the external drive and Series games on the internal. I have thought about removing it recently and just using it more like the PlayStation but needing to keep a certain amount of games playable at a time (for the Game Pass points) means I probably won't.
  22. Nag

    Ninja Gaiden II

    Think I'd better check those asap... I got an 82 hit combo earlier just by using throwing stars on a single enemy... then the prick died 18 short of the achievement. 🤦‍♂️
  23. Nag

    Ninja Gaiden II

    Well... trying to swim through a fucking tunnel seems to be a Ninjas biggest problem.🤬
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