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One Life Left have featured the doyouinverts a bit on their show. I've liked what I've heard.

The two tracks you mention have been played by OLL before, and they're both good tracks. Random Encounter is class.

A Little Too Human Tonight is pretty good, lots of gaming references. Brain Dead Game Buying Sheep is funny.

Apocalypse Then is worth a listen.

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I'm listening to last nights Zane Lowe's Masterpieces. Each night he's been playing a full classic album which is proceeded by a documentary about the album.

Last nights was Prodigy - Music for the Jilted Generation. I love this album, probably one of my faves whilst growing up, and still sounds amazing today.

The documentary is pretty interesting, speaking about how it was a reaction to the dying rave scene and the amendment to the criminal justice act effectively outlawing out door raves.

Scares me to think there are people growing up hearing this album for the first time, must mean i'm getting old, i can remember when it was released. :weep:

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I heard a bit of that in the car on the way to work last night - is it a repeat? I know he's done the Classic albums week before, and I was sure Jilted has been done before?

Last night I was listening to:

Brad Sucks - Out Of It

Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid

Cold War Kids - Robbers & Cowards

Flight of the Conchords

Tonight I'm gonna giving a spin on:

Gitarooman Soundtrack

Goldfrapp - Seventh Tree

Guillemots - Red

Gwildor - Tales From A Town

M.I.A. - Kala

Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts / The Slip

Portishead - Third

Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger

The Twilight Sad - Fourteen Autumns And Fifteen Winters

I love working nights as I can put my headphones on and ignore everyone. :)

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After hearing a track on the radio I got Shearwaters album. The dj was taking the piss a bit because the track they played was so depressing, but I liked it, sounded a bit like Ben Folds meets Antony & the Johnsons. The album's fairly good too, only listened to it a few times whilst I've been out and about but it suits the wintery weather, really miserable but that's a good thing imo

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not that any bugger on here will give a shit (because thats just how you all are) the new album by The Killers, is made of awesome. Its easily their best, back to the sounds that they touced upon every now and again with the odd track never largely released (my favourite of these being 'Change Your Mind' ) its really good. I dont know if it will convert anybody previously dead against the killers, but its an album full of very good songs.

Id say that (with my limited knowledge of music) the album is very reminiscent of some stuff from the 80's, there one track with a bit of crazy saxaphone which is like roxy music's 'Same Old Scene'. Its just a good album, give it a listen bitches.

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I liked Hot Fuss, It's just a great listen and you can have it on with people who aren't into music that much around with no complaints and since I'm a little partial to it myself there was no beef from me either. Sam's Town was one of those albums that I listened to once and thought it was okay but never felt the urge to put on again. I'm sure someone I know will buy the new one and I'll just borrow it then rip it onto the old iTunes.. I don't like the current single though but maybe there's better stuff on it.

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has anyone got the new kanye west album? (does anyone else even like KW?) the new song, heartless is excellent. I'm downloading the new album from Amazon for £6.50.


fucking hell it was fast, less than 1 min for the whole album.

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The latest killers album is pretty good and i never listened to the first couple.

I have to say i only startred listening to it coz i like human.

I bought the latest killers album last month but completely forgot about it until I was looking for something to listen to on my ipod this morning - its a pretty good album - I do prefer Sams Town tho.

I also like James Morrisons new one as well - I love his voice.

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I've been reading a Tom Waits biography which has led me to pick up his Small Change album (there's still a few of his i dont own), it's good and has got one or two of his more 'famous' songs on it. I'm not sure i agree with the biographer that it's his best but that's not worth complaining about.

the same book led me to pick up a couple of Laura Nyro albums, it said she was too full on for some record labels, first album I got of hers was all pop so I've no idea if that was true. The next album I got is awesome though, kind of meloncollie jazz & blues (New York Tendaberry).

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has anyone got the new kanye west album? (does anyone else even like KW?) the new song, heartless is excellent. I'm downloading the new album from Amazon for £6.50.

Yeah I love a bit of Kanye, got the first two albums I think. Has he abandoned the whole college theme now then?

I also like James Morrisons new one as well - I love his voice.

That songs' been stuck in my head for weeks, only found out yesterday that it's Nelly Furtado singing with him.

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That songs' been stuck in my head for weeks, only found out yesterday that it's Nelly Furtado singing with him.

In a weird cross thread twist - he sang it with Keisha Sugababe on Children in Need.

That is not the reason why I like him tho - I liked him before any Sugababe involvement.

Oh and i meant his album - not just the song :)

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has anyone got the new kanye west album? (does anyone else even like KW?) the new song, heartless is excellent. I'm downloading the new album from Amazon for £6.50.

Yeah I love a bit of Kanye, got the first two albums I think. Has he abandoned the whole college theme now then?

I have the first two too. I really liked the first (Spaceship still being a track I rather enjoy) but the moment that prick from Maroon 5 opened his cake hole on the first track on the second album it tainted the rest of it. Oh well, I know fuck all about Rap music anyway.

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Kanye West is probably the only modern day rap artist I can put up with (mainstream stuff anyhow, I don't enjoy it enough to dig deeper to be honest), although I really really like that Akira inspired video, pity its influences were lost on the majority of the people who love his work though...

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i'm not even sure if the new one is even "hip hop" i guess it is, but like no other Hippity Hop album i've ever heard. That doesn't mean its bad, in fact quite the opposite, it is very very good.

Very electronic and orchestral,some of the songs have more in common with Air then they do....Jay Z, or any other main stream rap star. To be honest i don't like any of the other current rap artists, i think its TI that really annoys me. Kanye West seems to be the only one that does anything original within his genre instead of churning out radio friendly pop (of course that doesn't stop it being radio friendly, but it doesn't sound generic, think i'm giving mixed messages here...)

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