mfnick Posted August 15, 2019 Share Posted August 15, 2019 Basically post here when there’s a game you've had enough of and put down. Ive had 2 recently. Life is Strange 2 - Didn’t think much to the last 2 but thought I’d give it a go still, couldn’t get through this one at all. I just don’t think it was interesting at all. And worst of all it’s got a whiney brat kid in it. I hate kids. Real or fake. Wargroove - I love grid, turn based tactical games like this usually so jumped on it when I saw it on Game Pass. But something about this just won’t click with me at all, not sure why. Deleted it now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisturbedSwan Posted August 15, 2019 Share Posted August 15, 2019 I rarely abandon games at all but these below are the only recent examples that come to mind, I might add to it if I think of any more. Days Gone - Played about 10 hours or so in fits and starts and was enjoying it for the most part but not being able to get properly stuck into it meant I was finding a lot of it repetitive and tedious so I threw in the towel. I would like to go back to it in the future but not in any hurry. Super Mario Maker 2 - Really enjoyed it and I do genuinely think it’s an amazing game, it’s just my interest waned in it after awhile and I couldn’t be bothered to go back to it. CTR: Crash Team Racing - Got reasonably decent at the Online eventually but the difference between the front 1/2 racers and the likes of me was still ridiculous. It’s just no fun coming near the back all the time with no discernible ways of improvement, there’s always gonna be those experts that knew the OG back in the day who know the tracks like the back of their hand and you just can’t compete. The SP Campaign is better than I expected and I completed the first couple of worlds but I just couldn’t really be bothered to go back to it after that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted August 15, 2019 Share Posted August 15, 2019 Sekiro. I should like this. Bloodborne is in my top 3 of the gen (with ffxiv and botw). But it's too linear in its combat and just bored me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DANGERMAN Posted August 16, 2019 Share Posted August 16, 2019 @mfnick I'm kind of with you on Wargroove. I played a decent amount thinking I was only a level or so from it getting good, or enjoyable at least, and it never did. I think I said map size and how often you're fighting blind or being ambushed put me off, but it is hard to place what exactly is wrong with it 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfnick Posted August 16, 2019 Author Share Posted August 16, 2019 Yea it’s a strange one, just can’t describe why I’m not enjoying it but I’m just not. @Blakey For some reason I fell off CTR pretty quick too. I was really enjoying it and like I said in another thread it may be my favourite Kart racer but some reason I’ve just stopped playing it. Doing that with a lot of games now though... Not sacked it fully off yet though personally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spatular Posted August 18, 2019 Share Posted August 18, 2019 Guacamelee - second time trying to play this, enjoyed it the first time years ago but got stuck on a fight, heard the newer version made that fight easier so tried again and got pretty far but getting annoyed with the fighting again and don’t really find it fun, the platforming is fun mind and was enjoying it at the start, but yeah gave up again, oh well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted August 18, 2019 Share Posted August 18, 2019 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 because I oppose psychological abuse in all it’s forms Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DANGERMAN Posted August 18, 2019 Share Posted August 18, 2019 I think Hollow Knight might be the last game I actively thought "this game is shit, I'm never going to play it again" about. Even ones I don't like I usually try to finish or intend to put more time it, even if in reality you never do, but yeah, Hollow Knight. I'm not going to say any more about it though because I know some really like it and I'm not trying to rile anyone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigkopman Posted August 19, 2019 Share Posted August 19, 2019 Spiderman - Turf Wars DLC I really enjoyed the main game, which I got the Platinum for, and thought Black Cat DLC was OK but I'm stuck on the combat heavy mission set in a Warehouse that is kicking my arse! I tried so many variations of combat styles and gadgets but the getting done in either just before or during the Final Wave is bringing on rage quit. Shame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfnick Posted August 27, 2019 Author Share Posted August 27, 2019 Slay the Spire. Noticed this was on Game Pass and I’m sure I remember people bigging it up not that long ago so thought I’d give it a go. Well, you’re all wrong. It’s utter, boring, tedious shite. Don’t understand what people see in it at all. Another one off the list at least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duck Posted August 27, 2019 Share Posted August 27, 2019 3 hours ago, mfnick said: Slay the Spire. Mods please ban. I feel let down @mfnick I thought you had taste. ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craymen Edge Posted August 27, 2019 Share Posted August 27, 2019 Cuphead It's brilliant, I'm just not good enough. Void Bastards It has great style and humour, it looks great. Boarding a ship and cleaning it out is a lot of fun. But, it's a roguelike. It gets very repetitive. It gets hard too, some of the later enemies are really tough, and pirates fucking suck. Random strengths and weaknesses for each new life, plus the randomness of ships and enemies populating them can lead to some situations that just aren't fun at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craymen Edge Posted September 9, 2019 Share Posted September 9, 2019 Slay The Spire Had a little try via Game Pass. It's not for me, having to build up again from scratch from the same starter cards after each death was not interesting to me. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyberpunk Posted September 14, 2019 Share Posted September 14, 2019 With me it's a few classic types, like Castlevania, and a lot of JRPG's. I know I should love them. I know they have rave reviews, and a huge fan base. But I can't get into them. With JRPG's, it's primarily grinding that gets on my tits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfnick Posted October 13, 2019 Author Share Posted October 13, 2019 Into The Breach - Sounded right up my alley. I love grid based Strategy games such as X Com. But this just isn’t doing it for me. I also somehow missed it was a roguelike run based game which I just don’t think suits it. I may be more willing to keep at it if I felt I could learn a level and alter my strategy to suit. I also feel like each run is too much of a time commitment compared to other games like that, even if I’m real time it isn’t. But just feels it. & most runs I’ve done I got zero to show for it. Not satisfying at all. Sacked off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyKurosaki Posted January 11, 2020 Share Posted January 11, 2020 Uncharted 3 can fuck right off. I started replaying it when the Remaster first came to PS3. Then I loaned the Collection out to a mate, who still has it now ? With this coming to Plus, I thought it would be good to pick 3 up from where I left off, at Chapter 8. And up to Chapter 16, I was enjoying it. But then the game seriously started pissing me off. The ruined shipyard section is absolute bullshit, filled with shotgun bastards, rocket launchers, and generally enough cheap deaths to bring your piss to a boil. I got through that, to the desert area. I just reached a part where I was constantly getting surrounded, and killed, before I even knew what was going on. 8 cheap deaths in a row, lead to me going “oh fuck this”, deleting it from my system. And deleting the save file, as I have absolutely no intention of ever putting myself through that ever again. So yeah. Fuck Uncharted 3. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maf Posted January 11, 2020 Share Posted January 11, 2020 Yeah, Uncharted 3 is oddly mean. Even now it’s the only Uncharted game I’ve only played once. Even Golden Abyss I’ve played more than 3 (Although I still think 3 is better just because it’s memorable. I’ve played the Vita one 3 times and couldn’t tell you anything about it). What’s also annoying is in the cutscenes in U3 the characters are making plans and witty dialogue and full of energy, then you get back into the gameplay again and it just kicks the player’s ass and is completely at odds with the momentum of the story. Even on Normal Uncharted 3 feels like it’s on the hardest difficulty. It’s really strange why they made it so bullshit. I remember there being a news story that Naughtydog actually had fans in the studio after release and the fans showed them how they messed up the aiming and stuff and they patched the game based on these notes. I never went back and tried it because I was also really put off from it but it sounds like it didn’t make it any easier (Assuming the remaster is the patched version). At the time of release I defended Uncharted 3 but I think really only because I was (And still am) a huge fan of the second one. But Uncharted 3 is really, really disappointing for a number of reasons, not least of all because it’s too difficult and unfair. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfnick Posted January 11, 2020 Author Share Posted January 11, 2020 Agreed. UC3 just isn’t very good. That ship graveyard stands out as one of my worst gaming memories of last gen, and as impressive as the ship capsizing section was. The frustration took over at some point and it stopped being ‘cool’. I remember it being surprisingly buggy and glitchy for a ND game too. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyKurosaki Posted January 11, 2020 Share Posted January 11, 2020 Uncharted 2 was my first PS3 game,and I absolutely loved it. 3 is just ludicrously unfair, constantly. Even on Normal. It too often throws shotgun bastards at you, in combination with waves of snipers or rocket launchers. So many times in a fight you’ll die because you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, because enemies appear near you, and by the time you’ve figured that out, you’re dead. I died repeatedly in section in the cruise ship, because I only had short range weapons, and was trapped by 3 snipers, a rocket wanker, and 2 shotgunners. And due to it checkpointing there, I had no choice but to die again and again, until I eventually fluked it. After multiple shouts of “Oh FUCK OFF”. But soon after I reached my breaking point in the abandoned village in the desert. A gun turret packing jeep. Multiple snipers, and grenades being chucked at me. No matter what I tried, I died over and over again. I could have put it down to Easy. But by that point, I was so fucked off with it, I just didn’t care anymore. I finished it on Normal back on the PS3. But this was just too much of a chore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimboxy Posted January 11, 2020 Share Posted January 11, 2020 Uncharted 3 made me so cross I never returned to the series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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