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Cyberpunk last won the day on August 16 2024

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About Cyberpunk

  • Birthday 15/12/1972

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    Plymouth UK
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    Gaming, music, movies, my kids, books, audiobooks, cars, bikes, sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll

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  1. Cyberpunk

    Borderlands 4

    Borderlands 4 is available to wishlist on Steam now. It's says it'll be coming in 2025, and has a non-gameplay video. Obviously someone at Gearbox thought the movie would do well, and bumped it for a quick release.
  2. I watched an older movie today, but it was a movie I'd never seen before, so new to me. Deja Vu starring Denzel Washington, which is currently on Disney+. It was an actual pleasant surprise, as I went into it thinking it was another of DW's excellent thrillers. I didn't know it had a sci-fi time-travel twist. I think it's great when I discover a movie like that, and I've got no idea about it, have never seen a trailer, and then have an enjoyable couple of hours.
  3. I just bought the Pandora Box. The full collection of Borderlands games and add-on/dlc's. It goes for £29.95 on Steam, but as I already had Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and the Pre-Sequel on my Steam account, I paid about £12 for Borderlands 3, Tales from the Borderlands, and New Tales from the Borderlands, as well as all the Borderlands dlc's, etc that I didn't own. I already had the Borderlands 3 base game on my Epic account, but none of the dlc. This was a cheap way to do it. And also, the Bush 50 inch TV shown in my last 'Post your Gaming Setup' post died last week. It still worked, but the backlight failed. So I bought an LG 50UR78006LK 50 inch Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV for £350 from Currys. I didn't want to spend that money from my savings, but we needed a living room TV. And as a side benefit, my Xbox series S now has a 4k screen to play with.
  4. I'd love to. But I've never played Alyx, as I don't own a VR setup. Although it's the only Half-Life universe game I haven't played, so far.
  5. I hear that mate. All the time I was doing this, I kept thinking "How about a right click and rollback option?"
  6. You're probably right there. This mod was made with the help of GOG. It even says so in the opening credits. GOG probably held back their Fallout 4 update, knowing this was going to happen. However, I have the Steam version, and I'm cheap, so I wasn't going to buy it again just to save some hassle. I learnt how to downgrade steam games online, tried to install Fallout London after some messing around. And when I got it, I posted it here for others.
  7. Cyberpunk

    Fallout London

    Hi Guys, Fallout London is a new total conversion mod for Fallout 4. It's free to download on GOG, but installing it is a bit of a pain in the ass. So I've taken it upon myself to write a short "How to" on installing this game. The reason it's a pain to install is it's made to run on an older version of Fallout 4, even though it's a new game. Most of what I describe below is how to downgrade your Steam version of Fallout 4 to install Fallout London. The first thing to do is to go to Steam, and download/install Fallout 4. Most people will have this game in their library by now. Then, go to GOG and download the installer for Fallout London. Once Steam has installed Fallout 4, minimize Steam, and bring up the Windows Run box with 'Windows Key + R' Type into the Run box "steam://nav/console" Next, you need to copy the following commands into the Steam console, one line at a time, pressing enter after each command. download_depot 377160 377162 5847529232406005096 download_depot 377160 377161 7497069378349273908 download_depot 377160 377163 5819088023757897745 download_depot 377160 377164 2178106366609958945 download_depot 377160 435870 1691678129192680960 download_depot 377160 435871 5106118861901111234 download_depot 377160 435880 1255562923187931216 These commands will force Steam to download older game files for you. But it will not put them into your Fallout 4 installation folder. You will need to do this yourself. This may take a while, depending on your internet speed. Once each command has downloaded correctly, you'll get a report that looks a little like this. "Depot download complete : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_377160\depot_377162" (1 files, manifest 5847529232406005096)" There will be a report for every command you pasted into the console, so seven in total. Once this has been completed, open up your file browser, and go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_377160". Inside this folder, you'll find seven folders starting with "depot_" and a number. Open your Fallout 4 install folder in a second window. It's usually "(Steam Hardrive Letter)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 Go back to the window with the "depot_" folders, and copy the contents of each folder to your Fallout 4 install folder, overwriting any files with the same name. Go to the Fallout 4 install folder, and navigate to the "Data" folder. We now need to delete the Creation Kit files added by the last update. Select all files that start with "cc". There will be several. Delete any file that starts with "cc". Next, on your web browser, go to https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42147?tab=files&file_id=253313, and download Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE). You might need to sign up for this site to download it, but it's free. Once it's downloaded, extract it with your zip program of choice, and copy the contents of the zip file to the Fallout 4 install folder, again overwriting any files with the same name. And the final step. Run the Fallout London install program you downloaded from GOG. point it to your Fallout 4 install folder, and click next. Then let it do its thing. A couple of final notes, guys. First, disable cloud saving as this mod might screw up your regular Fallout 4 save. And second, in order to play regular Fallout 4 again, you'll need to uninstall the game completely, and then reinstall it without the mods and patches I've described above.
  8. I've got Gamepass Ultimate. I currently own an Xbox Series S, so I kinda need it really. Yes, I've got an Xbox game library of owned stuff from the 360 and XB One days, and I can download and play that anytime, but Gamepass goes hand-in-hand with a digital only console. A couple things I'll add. With Ultimate, you also get access to EA Play, which adds quite a lot of games you can download and play, both console and PC. And also there's Cloud Gaming, which I use quite a bit to be honest. Usually if I want to try a game before downloading it to PC/Xbox. On my setup with my Virgin Media fibre broadband, it works surprisingly well most of the time. I'm not generally fussed about Day One titles, as it's been quite some time since I got really excited for a video game release. COD isn't really my thing anymore. Yes. I might play the single player campaigns and I'll probably enjoy them, but my hearing is too bad to play them online. I play mostly racing games online, and I'm currently enthralled by Forza Motorsport, despite it's many faults. THe main appeal for me with Gamepass is trying the games I know I'd probably would never buy. Superliminal was a recent game I tried, and I really enjoyed the hell out of it. It would have passed me otherwise, unless a mate recommended it.
  9. Are you guys still looking for donations? If so I can send in a few quid at the end of the month when I get paid. I've been on here, on and off, for years, and most of the older members are on my Xbox and Steam friends list. If you're ok for now, remind me nearer the next time, and I'll help. It won't be much, but I'll send what I can.
  10. Gog is giving away The Last Templar as part of their summer sale. I don't know if it's any good, but it's a free game.
  11. Not sure if this really counts. As the older members will know, I play Trackmania a lot. The latest version is free to play, but heavily limited in the free mode. In order to play with my friends and old racing clan I had to put down eighteen bones for a years prestige pass.
  12. I was wondering if anyone has tried the google Play Game Beta yet? Basically, if you've been invited, and you have Hardware Virtualisation enabled on your PC, you can download and play Google Play Android games on your PC. I know running Android games on a windows PC isn't a new thing, but this works surprisingly well. They've integrated gamepad support on touch screen games, and the few I've tried out of curiosity ran fine. I'm not a huge fan of mobile gaming, so I won't put a lot of time into this. Microtransactions and pay to win set my teeth on edge, but there's been a few mobile games I've liked over the years. Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast, and Mighty Doom being two of them.
  13. Love me some Metal Slug
  14. Bloody hell has it been that long? I've played it through twice. I got the bad ending, and the mediocre ending. But both times, I had a lot of fun playing it. I picked up the DLC, but haven't played it through yet.
  15. Just wanted to say that while I was away dealing with mental health, and actual heath stuff, my Linx Gaming tablet died on me. I'd sideloaded Windows 11 onto it, but that wasn't the cause. It's built in hard soldered SSD died, making it a big paper weight essentially. I sold the gamepad part of it on eBay as a working spare, and ditched the rest. I was quite upset as systems like this aren't being made now, what with the ROG Ally, and the like about. Yes I could run it with a USB hard drive, but I might as well just use a laptop at that point.
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