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Everything posted by DisturbedSwan

  1. I was in at ‘theme by Trent Reznor and Atticus Fitch’
  2. Microsoft Flight Sim utterly fucked me, congrats on the win. I don’t mind setting up the league, don’t mind if someone else wants to either. I’ve got Friday and Monday off so should have time to do it then.
  3. This. I was too blinded by ‘woo X-Men in the MCU’ with the Disney merger at the time, but can see clear as day it was not a good idea and has made the movie industry worse.
  4. Shit Starting to think some of the trophies are fucked, I got the under 10 hour trophy on my first playthrough and my time was about 24 hours 😂 Just going through the Wood Side Apartments again and my radio randomly turned on when seeing Pyramid Head, still says off in the inventory, but still, no idea if that’s the no radio trophy fucked lol.
  5. Yeah last year, was bloody amazing.
  6. Yeah that’s the one, the 100% collectible guide (as I need all the photos, memos etc. too), not bloody 100% for the NG+ stuff is it 😂 To be fair, I should’ve looked up their ending guide too before starting my run, but thought it would all be included in the collectible one.
  7. Haha yep, I have just realised I’ve fucked up my run though. I am only in the Blue Creek apartments so not the end of the world, about 2 hours lost, but still, a bit annoying. The guide I’m following hasn’t included the NG+ items needed for the endings. Got to laugh lol, starting afresh tomorrow.
  8. 79 is a good score 🤷‍♂️ Wish it was higher for my fantasy team though lol.
  9. Nice one, I’m doing the same but only up to Wood Side Apartments. Also trying for all memos, strange photos and glimpse of the pasts in one playthrough along with no radio and the other endings I need.
  10. Finished yesterday. Phenomenal from start to finish, a game for the ages perfectly remade under a 2024 lens but still retaining its identity and uniqueness throughout. There is nothing quite like Silent Hill. Got Maria’s ending first go round which was a surprised, looked up the others after I’d finished. Reloaded a save and got the other 2 (leave and water). That Water ending…Jesus Christ.
  11. 10/01/24 - Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - 8/10 28/09/24 - Astro Bot (PS5) - 8/10 03/11/24 - Silent Hill 2 (PS5)- 10/10
  12. Really hope this turns out great, can’t wait to give it a go next year.
  13. 84/100 on Metacritic lol Looks good, I’ve wishlisted it on PSN.
  14. 1 million sold in just under a week, bloody amazing this has done so well, absolutely chuffed.
  15. Oh shit that’s not good 😬 not there yet. Not long got out of the Otherworld of Brookhaven and currently back in the otherworld streets, last save point was in the jukebox pub.
  16. Haven’t had much more chances to play this as SH2 is taking priority, I have reached up to the first proper dungeon though (I think).
  17. 18 hours Jesus 😮 I’m about 4 hours in and liking it a lot. It’s like a mix between SMT and Persona, there’s definitely more influence from the latter though. The time element yet has barely made an appearance but it has been mentioned a few times that x must take place before y date which is again, similar to Persona. Likewise is ‘academia’ which is the Velvet Room in all but name. The Fairy is basically Morgana/Teddy as well. Not sure I like the class system as much, I have no idea what characters fit which class yet, I put a warrior looking guy as a Mage in the first beginner dungeon, the protagonist as a seeker and the Ryuji lookalike is the Warrior, which I feel is a balls up. I got my arse absolutely handed to me by the first dungeon, will have to lower the difficulty. Honestly don’t know how I got through the mini-boss at the end, pure luck. Just out of the beginner dungeon (cave). It’s good so far, plot wise it’s almost identical to FFXV with some FFXVI thrown in there.
  18. Argos are basically Sainsbury’s Direct at this point, I do quite like them to be honest. Although the last time I pre ordered a game from them they tried to tell me it wasn’t out on that day and refused to sell it to me thinking I was trying to pull the wool over their eyes. But yeah, house stuff, general stuff you don’t want to wait a day to get from Amazon I pick up from there.
  19. I really can’t stand Nic Cage so don’t think I’ll give it a go.
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