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I’m not going to post the lyrics because I don’t think the language will go over well here, but The Game is apparently releasing a diss song at Eminem called The Black Slim Shady and here is a leaked verse.




Hahaha oh, if this ends up real then The Game is in trouble. I don’t think Eminem has been that good in a very long time. But there’s 2 times he always shines. On a feature and on a diss track. And even if Eminem doesn’t make good music anymore, he’ll still rap circles around The Game.

Lot of people saying The Game should not release this song. 1) because he’ll get toasted and 2) it’s just ugly. It doesn’t even read like a good verse, it’s just calling Eminem’s daughter a slut for no reason. 

But I want him to put the verse out just for the response. Every beef Eminem has had is with joke rappers. Game is a nobody these days and not on his level, but it’ll be Eminem’s best opponent yet so I want to see Eminem beef with someone who can actually rap. 

To keep this more relevant to the thread here is Eminem’s last diss song at MGK. Although at 424 million views you’ve probably already heard it 😲



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No Vaseline is a great diss track in terms of just how mean, raw and tough it is. Just really stomping all over the NWA, their history and their managers and the like. But being a 80's hip-hop track it's beat is not very good. Makes it a hard song to listen to for fun. 


I think my fav diss tracks are either Nas's Ether or Eminem's Nail in the Coffin 

EDIT: Oh, Stromzy's Disappointed is really good as well



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Ether by Nas and Hit ‘em Up by 2 Pac (mainly because of the high energy) are 2 of my favourites.

Eminems are brilliant though but I’m biased, I’m a big Eminem fan, I think all of his recent stuff is great apart from Revival. Take multiple listens to “get” though. Music to be Murdered including Side B are particularly good.
Takiing of Killshot, I actually thought Rap Devil was good against him though. But Killshot is lyrically in a different league. Even his small diss on Not Alike is better. Still, props to Rap Devil for its it’s quality in simplicity. 

Give Homicide with Logic a listen for a good feature track too. The way it blends into his verse gives me goosebumps it’s that good. 

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The Em verse on Homicide is probably my favourite verse he's done in a long time. The video for the song is good, too. 


I liked some of his songs from Music to be Murdered by, both sides. But most of it doesn't really do it for me. He's so repetitive. Eminem is the best rapper who has nothing to rap about. 


But if that Game verse is real, lol. I'm sure that'll shake him up a bit. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great album. I mean it’s the same shit, coke dealing and gang banging. But execution and production is top. One of the few artists who really gets brevity as a positive too. 30-40 min albums are usually a much more satisfying listen than a stretched out 90 minute one. See also, games and films being too long for their own good.



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Listening to his new album a lot over the last few days.


I’ve never been a fan of Kendrick. Including this album, at first. However I just kept putting it on for some reason and on each listen I’m liking it more and more, actually love it now. They usually end up being my favourite albums of all time when they’re like that. Hopefully this is the same. 

Might have to listen to his previous albums again and reassess, especially TPAB since everyone always goes on about that. 

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Love black midi, keeping 70s prog rock alive in their own way.


I’ve been listening to Angel Olsen’s new album “Big Time” which came out today, it’s a nice singer-songwriter type album in the vein of some of my favourite albums of recent years (Jubilee by Japanese Breakfast and Saint Cloud by Waxahatchee).

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I’ve seen some of these Harry Mack videos on YT before, he is extremely talented. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone freestyle like he does. Most real freestyles are people just rhyming words together and if it happens to work out they’ll get a good but easy bar or two. But this guy just takes words people give him and makes, given the context, amazing rhymes and punchlines out of them


Anyway he got on Sway and did his thing. Wow. He rhymed Velociraptor with every syllable in a fucking freestyle. I had to stop the video and do a YT style reaction take. Blown away The brain on this guy 



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I don't keep up with music much anymore but My Bloody Valentine is probably one of my favourite bands ever. Went off and got FLAC downloads of Loveless and MBV the other day and listen to them loads while working. 


Anyway went down a rabbithole and looked up some concerts and found these pretty awful recordings of what is apparently considered one of the loudest shows ever and the comments are full of people distressed by the permanent hearing damage being at these shows inflicted on them. I wonder why such a cool band got to be such dickheads to people's ears like that. I really don't get it, so I guess I will never try and see these guys live lol



The song is 'you made me realise', apparently. Not that you could tell


Anyway this is my fave off of Loveless, might know it from Lost in Translation if you saw that film 



and mbv, the hugely underrated 2013 followup. Listen to these instead of the crime against people's ears




Also fun fact, My Bloody Valentine make a little cameo in FFVII. Someone on the team an appreciator of irish shoegaze




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