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That looks super interesting. All except for the design of the Prince himself. Who looks very 2000's and a lot more Caucasian than Sands of Time.

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Found this from 2013



According to the profile, the artist worked on the project from April 2010 to April 2011. It was built on the Anvil engine which powered Assassin’s Creed games before the third numbered entry, and was destined for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

While the cancelled title was in development, the artist built a city “in destruction”, including scripted events and sculpted a living creature of some kind.



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I do remember hearing somewhere that the reason they stopped making Prince of Persia games was to focus on the Assassin's Creed franchise instead, as they were "too similar".

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See, I totally understand that outlook in the past. Assassin's Creed one was created from the ashes of a cancelled PoP game, after all. But, and hear me out here... Now's the right time to bring Prince of Persia back. Not a massive, sprawling adventure. Maybe something that's £20-25 - maybe even something digital only.


Keep the platforming linearity. Keep the basic combat. Keep the old-school Persian personality now that AC is jet-setting all around the world. Make it a fun adventure. Light-hearted like the 2008 reboot, gritty and grumpy like Warrior Within. I don't care. Just give the people (well, me) more PoP goodness!

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That clip doesn't look too good IMO. It's just scripted spectacle à la Uncharted and some edgy designs thrown in for good measure. It looks impressive but not really fun to play and seems to follow the same design principles that the awful reboot from 2008 did (i.e. the entire game being a big QTE where the button prompts are invisible).


I agree with regemond that a "Double-A" PoP could work. Maybe even a 2D game like the originals. I still think it's odd Ubisoft gave up completely on these projects. As far as I know the Rayman games, Child of Light and Valiant Hearts were all quite successful.

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2 hours ago, Maryokutai said:

Maybe even a 2D game like the originals.


My instant reaction to this was a massive 'nope', followed by remembering how awesome Sands of Time was on GBA, and also how surprisingly good the Java mobile games were (although I can't specifically remember which one I had), so maybe going back to 2D would be the right call.


Also, side note - the Ubisoft owned Java phone games were fantastic. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory deserves a special shoutout for being sublime. Even on phone.

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I remember really liking Sands of Time. The whole "angst" aesthetic of Warrior Within being a jarring departure and Two Thrones was a decent send off. I really wasn't keen on the 2008 "reboot" though or that 'Forgotten Sands' Movie cash-in. I'd definitely be up for a scaled back to basics PoP game, albeit 2D or 3D.

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I’ve never been a huge fan of PoP to be honest, I was introduced to the series with the excellent Sands of Time but I never finished it. I played the other games but never got too far into any of them before throwing in the towel. 

I think a Sands of a Time Remake/Remaster could do really well.

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