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It's certainly ended mine over the last couple of days.


I've had this for months but only started it a few nights ago and absolutely love it. I managed my first complete run last night with the green deck, and managed to get to the final level with the red deck. I've been mainly focusing on small hand builds, the half joker is good for this I've found. I'm also trying to do runs where I switch or add more cards of the same suit and try and manipulate the deck to consistently draw face cards, still working on this though.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I am playing this unfashionably late on PC, unlike cooler people who've probably moved onto the mobile version now. 


It's the only rogue like I've tried that makes me not want to delete it. Well Prey Mooncrash was alright, but too easy. This seems like it would be a good way to delete hours quickly and make you wonder where the fuck they went

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I got to 'ante' 7. They turned all my cards upside down, bastard.


That was my 2nd run so not bad I guess. I was trying an approach of converting/destroying cards so that I had two dominant suits (diamonds and spades). I don't know if it's a good way or not (and am happy to find out for myself), but learning the layers of strategy is really interesting. Only good roguelike I've played and doesn't annoy me with the time invested

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Yep definitely one of the best Roguelike games. I’ve just got it on mobile that’s how much I liked it. 

I played it every spare second I had again when I first bought it but luckily that only lasted a couple of days & not touched it since. Even though I like this one I still can’t play it non stop like some people can. My brain just isn’t wired that way. Which is a good thing really. 

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Balatro is my game of the year. Not that it was a case of it was released this year, just a case of new stuff I have played this year that was new to me. It's disgustingly good.


Now if only I could beat this black deck. I managed all the others up top this point, but this one is causing me no end of misery.

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After some early success I feel I've hit a sort of plateau where I'm making lots of mistakes in the deck building and joker synergising parts of the game. There's a lot of things which seem simple on the surface but hide their complexity. Even the fact that the jokers should be in a particular order, +mult before xmult.


Its easy to get forgetful of the stacked effects i find. What I'd really like to theory craft is a build around playing high cards, maybe by using clone/destroy strategies. Or the DNA joker. I bet it could be good


edit woop, that worked. Beat my first 'white stake' with the red deck. Focused on high hands, using jokers which gave mults on rerolls, some basic gold generating jokers early on and got a few which buff on certain cards/suits and give bonuses based off the highest rank held. Also used that DNA joker to clone a bunch of Aces with enhancements. A bit of a scrappy, random build but it managed to synergise pretty easily by the end. I've moved to the phone version as well, as PC is kinda inconvenient. A shame there's no cross save, massive missed opportunity there but I imagine it gets added eventually.




Going to try and use different approaches on the next run. If my appetite for this game stays this high it will topple Queen's Blood.. I mean Rebirth


edit 2 and I beat it two more times, got a score of over 1 million with the purple deck, I think? The wins on white stakes are coming a bit too easy now so I might try the higher stake with one of the three decks I've won with. 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sort of hard stuck on getting past the middle difficulty stakes on several decks. It's the blue stake which takes away one of your discards, hard stuck with it on red deck, painted deck and zodiac deck.


I think my runs lack flexibility. There's a lot of strategy I'm trying to integrate a bit better, like maximising gold on early rounds by clearing a round in as few hands as possible and grabbing gold cards. Just grabbing a cheap common joker to get some easy chip bonuses. I find I hit the wall around the fourth ante though, usually cause I've banked on particular hands and I'm not managing the odds of them coming up very well. That -1 discard is keenly felt.


One thing I keep landing on is the joker which Xmuliplies if your hand is full of clubs and spades, and another joker which multiples based on the suit in your played hand. But I think this is leading me down a road of wasting discards to produce the perfect multiplier on both sides which is a habit I got to disabuse myself of a bit I think. You can look at the deck at anytime and see what suits have what cards but I don't think I have a great nack yet for the actual odds and how to manipulate them, which is a whole other skill with a bunch of real maths behind it. Destroy cards is one of my fave tarots and you can think you have a great build but completely lose sight of its massive weaknesses or the particular approach it needs.


Another one is fibbonaci. That has great synergy with the joker which lets you have gaps in straights.


One thing I'm not sure is a good idea or not is I almost always skip the first small blind cause of the stake which takes away your reward on small blind. But you can still get 2 dollars easily enough with a straight and full house. Maybe that's not to be sniffed at


Any other year other than 2024 I'd say this is my GOTY but this is a very strong second place


edit one thing I'm not doing at all is saving money, there's this whole interest earned mechanic that I'm sort of ignoring so I think that's something I gotta improve

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  • 3 weeks later...

I beat purple stake on painted deck, I feel dumb it took so long for me but I'm hyperfocused on completing this specific deck. I got there with the joker which generates chips based off playing 4 cards and the trousers joker for 2 pairs, and the joker which gives x3 if you have 16 enhanced cards. Which worked well enough with a 2 pair approach cause it was flexible enough, could easily fish for 2 pairs with a bunch of steels in hand and even a single pair worked really well cause I still had the chip and mult bonuses working cause I built them off of 2 pairs




The next stake includes decaying jokers, which is fine I don't mind this disruption. It'll force me to look more into builds which scale based off discarding/selling stuff I guess, or using that sacrificial joker card. I found it hard to lock into the scaling of purple tho so I hope I have the idea now


edit first time watching that mobile trailer, that's a good trailer

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  • 2 weeks later...

PEGI are giving this an 18+. Lmao


I beat the gold stake on painted deck, which is where you have to rent certain Jokers. It's the final stake so you have that, expiring and permanent jokers to consider (which stack as well so you could be paying rent on a permanent Joker). But once you have a good grasp of the economy and stop buying candles it's easy to generate the interest to weather that. Purple stake is the hardest one to overcome but what you learn on it will carry you on the Joker limiting stakes, at least on Painted Deck (which admittedly only uses 4 jokers so maybe it's not as harshly impacted by this)


Beat the first two stakes on black deck, games feels sort of easy now. Maybe I'm finally Balatro-ed out. I think once you recognise Flush and Straight for the scams they are it sort of breaks the illusion a bit.


I wish I could see my hour count on Android. On steam it's something like 6 hours but I know on mobile it's going to be something horrendous.

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Well, after losing the first small blind in the tutorial TWICE I then got to the head (still on tutorial seed) and lost there, too.


Yes, it definitely seems cool, I get the one more go factor straight away. And I just learned more about cards in the past 30 minutes then I think I’ve ever known (although can feel myself forgetting the hands again as typing)


Played it on iPad as it’s part of Apple Arcade which is neat. 

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