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Stellar Blade


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  • DisturbedSwan changed the title to Stellar Blade
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Im gonna spoiler this as it's not intended to offend anyone... and I don't want to get in trouble.🙂





There has to be easier ways of getting pictures of scantily clad young ladies, surely.😂

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  • 5 weeks later...



Told you to have faith! Not too far off. 

Im still well up for this. The whole vibe, the aesthetics of the world, characters, enemies etc. just fucking hit 100% for me. Parries!! Looks like there may be some classic God of War finishers in it too. 


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For me it went from 'but we have Bayonetta at home' to 'but we have Nier Automata at home'. I hope it's decent enough so you guys aren't disappointed but I still don't quite see the appeal unfortunately.


The logo is ace though, I'll give 'em that.

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It got better the more it went on. Not sure why they spent the first half of the trailer explaining how to unlock skills, buy stuff and restore health.


I also couldn’t shake the feeling of it being like Nier Automata but  

But the stabbing and graphics look good so that’s enough for me. 

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29 minutes ago, mfnick said:

Told you to have faith! Not too far off.


Earlier than I was expecting tbf... I'll watch the trailer later. I really want this to be great as I know I'll be pre-ordering at some point... but I also want it to suck badly as I used it as a counter-pick in Fantasy Critic.😂


That's Feb,March and April sorted then.😁

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8 hours ago, Maryokutai said:

For me it went from 'but we have Bayonetta at home' to 'but we have Nier Automata at home'. I hope it's decent enough so you guys aren't disappointed but I still don't quite see the appeal unfortunately.


The logo is ace though, I'll give 'em that.

Same. Hope it's good, and Nier didn't exactly look amazing in trailers either from what I remember, not that this is Nier so that's moot, but you know what I'm saying. I've never quite got why this caught attention 

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Photo mode anyone?


I wasn’t sure what kind of game this was really from the trailer as it seemed to mostly be made up of unplayable bits like an auto finishing moves and stuff. 

You occasionally get to sit down and have dinner or something though?

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