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Pinning it on Cavill seems a bit harsh. Main issue for me is costume and set dressing. Everything looks freshly stitched and polished which i r o n i c a l l y makes it look really cheap. 

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4 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

Cavill is too swole. 






To be fair, he's bigger in the games than he is in the book. So it only makes sense he's bigger in the show and then when it gets a movie he can be played by Eddie Hall for the ultimate swole Geralt.

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12 minutes ago, Bob said:

Pinning it on Cavill seems a bit harsh.


I don't see how me not liking Cavill is "pinning" anything but in the name of fairness I'll try again.


I think Cavill looks rubbish. His hair and wig are crap so the costume designers and wardrobe did a bad job. He's also too big so his trainer did a bad job. He's too wooden so the director did a bad job, and he's not a good actor in my opinion so his acting coach and drama teachers did a bad job, and and I dont think he's right for the role so the casting director did a bad job.



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Dunno whether I should put it here or movies but I watched The Perfection the other day and it was really good. It's a weird one to explain without giving it all away which is probably why after half a trailer and two plot descriptions on Netflix I still had no idea what I was going into. 


It's got gays in.. that was cool. It's got themes.. I liked those. It's kind of like another movie... which was great. It is quite surreal at the start which will probably keep you intrigued or make you think it's shit but stick with it if you do give it a try.  


Spoilery synopsis.


It's a lesbian revenge movie that feels like it was written directly after the person had watched the Handmaiden. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've not enjoyed S3 at all. Too much concentration on the dramatics and not enough of the wrestling I enjoyed mixed in.


Up to episode 7 and it just feels like any other Netflix drama this time around. I did like them name dropping Captain Lou Albano, Bobby The Brain Heenan and mentioning Cyndi Lauper at the first WrestleMania though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No-one been watching the Dark Crystal? I'm only 4 episodes in and enjoying it so far. Was a bit confusing at first with so many new characters introduced, but it's starting to take shape. Incredibly impressive puppetry, too.

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The Similars


A Mexican horror film from a couple of years ago, which is wonderful in its theming and shooting as a homage to the 1960s horror genre, and the Twighlight Zone / Outer Limits TV shows.


Shame that the story doesn't really hold up that strongly for the full 90 mins, but a reasonable watch if you don't mind subtitles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recommend "Glitch"


It's an aussie show about a small group of people in a small Australian town who come back to life one day for no apparent reason, and they along with a local cop, have to find out why, aswell as dealing with something trying to make sure they remain dead!


Season 1 and 2 were great, season 3 comes to Netflix (in the UK, i believe it's already airing in Australia) on Wednesday 25th September



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