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Uncharted movie in development


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The Hollywood Reporter brings news that Columbia Pictures is working on a film adaptation of PS3 action adventure Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

Kyle Ward is to write the script. He's already adapted Kane & Lynch for Lionsgate, which Bruce Willis is slated to star in, and is working on a sequel to Fox's Hitman film.

Among the producers are former Marvel Entertainment bosses Avi and Ari Arad, whose production company announced it would adapt Capcom's Lost Planet at E3 last year. Game-to-film adaptations are a profitable niche right now, it seems.

Uncharted's Indiana Jones-style treasure-hunting derring-do and roguish lead Nathan Drake ought to work well on the big screen.

Film based on game based on films and other games. :unsure:

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Wow, they are really making a Hitman sequel huh? It could have been so stylish and atmospheric.

Is there anything in Uncharted's story that hasn't been done before?

The thing about Uncharted as a video game is that it's so well written. The dialogue and characters are so good compared to what we're used to. This is why I'm not really sure a movie will work in the sens that it would be something different.

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  • 1 year later...


Mark Wahlberg has officially been cast as Nathan Drake in the forthcoming movie version of Naughty Dog's PlayStation 3 exclusive Uncharted series.

The former Funky Bunch lynchpin revealed the news in an interview with MTV's Multiplayer blog, stating that Three Kings director David O Russell hopes to start filming in the summer.

"David is one of the best writer/directors I've ever worked with," said Wahlberg. "The idea that he has is just insane."

As rumoured earlier this month, it looks like Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci are also in the frame.

"That's who he wants to write the parts for," Wahlberg explained. "I talked to Pesci about it and I know David's people have talked to [Robert De Niro].

"I'm obviously in whatever David wants to do but the idea of it is so off the charts: De Niro being my father, Pesci being my uncle. It's not going to be the watered-down version, that's for sure."

Nathan Drake - smart, funny, charming charismatic character.

Mark Wahlberg - charisma vacuum.

He's not a "name" actor, but watching Fringe, Joshua Jackson would be a better fit.

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...and it gets worse..

Set aside your concerns about Mark Wahlberg portraying PlayStation 3 action hero Nathan Drake in the big screen adaptation of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, because it doesn't sound like this movie is based on the video game at all.

Uncharted director David O. Russell tells the LA Times that he sees Nathan Drake and his extended family as some sort of global antiquities squad that dispenses treasure-hunting justice. This must be the concept that Mr. Wahlberg described as "so off the charts."

"This idea really turns me on that there's a family that's a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities ... [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice," Russell said, which actually sounds more like Indiana Jones' motivation.

That family may include Wahlberg's potential co-stars Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, transforming this Nathan Drake adventure into a film that could be easily titled Uncharted: Antiquity Mafia.


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  • 10 years later...

I thought because Uncharted borrows so heavily from movies if they tried to make a movie about it, about a game that already takes so much from movies, it would come off as generic. Like a copy of a copy. But actually it stands on it’s own two and seemed to avoid that pitfall. Looks kind of fun and a reasonable remix of Uncharted. 

The only problem is Tom playing Nate. Nate is Jack the lad, acting confident but more lucky than skill, and Holland isn’t bringing that at all. Maybe they wrote the character different so that’s why but it seems kind of key to really bring Uncharted to the big screen. He seems confused and kind of quiet for most of the trailer. 

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  • 3 months later...

I've no interest in the film and think of all the video games to adapt to a movie, a game that takes so much from movies already is a bad choice. But the assumption the problem is with what the film is based on and not the shitty filmmaking is the attitude of a snooty shit sucker  


Hey movie critic. Your industry is the one that failed and produced a bad product, not ours. Fuck off, you cunt 

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