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The Game Awards 2024

one-armed dwarf

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I'm off work so I could technically watch it live, but I think I'll just skim through the day after. It's really late for Europe after all and 3 hours is an eternity when you consider that 90 minutes of those will be trailers for mobile games and extraction shooters.

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Schrier hyping it up apparently, says there are two things that'll make ppl go holy shit




Now obviously one of them is Half-Life 3, undoubtedly no question about that. But what is the other 🤔


Altho watching the clip he equates 'hype announcement' with that stupid Quantic Dream Star Wars announcement a few years back, so that grounds that very quickly 



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As much as I like a good bit of hype how many times have these kind've tweets (or whatever the fuck they are now) fallen on their arse. Short of unexpected hardware reveals I honestly don't know what would get that kind've reaction nowadays. 

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Yea I mean really the only way that hype can be matched is if they do actually have Half Life 3 or somehow convinced Nintendo to do their Switch 2 reveal there. Or a new GTA but we already know about that so… Nothing else will match the kind of shit they’re going on about. 

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Well, maybe when he says 'holy shit' he means it in a bad or strange way.


Like, Sony come on stage "one last thing", announces a partnership with Tenga. Holy shit Sony why.


On a serious note, forgot to mention it when bumping the Orange Box thread but they do actually talk about the future of Half Life in the Half Life 2 commentary, which was only recorded this year. So whether that gets announced this week or not, it's absolutely a thing they are working on. If they don't just cancel it internally again like all the other times...

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It doesn't have a huge captive audience in that sense I suppose, but the thing with HL is it's generally tried to push technology and gameplay design first before story. But integrate the narrative in super clever ways. But the story isn't deep in Half Life or a major reason for someone to play it, it's more additional


Basically I wouldn't expect it to be like a FFVII Rebirth situation where all they market is nostalgia story beats and younger people don't have a reason to care. It would be cause the game is trying to do stuff that's technically incredible, like HL1, 2 and Alyx did. Like players didn't need to know what Black Mesa was to be impressed by City 17 in both HL2 and Alyx, so it's not necessarily a new position for these games to be in


Of course this is also the thing which has paralyzed Valve for so long cause it's harder and harder to achieve 'technically incredible' now. But if they have something to show, or release, it's likely something they think will bring in as much people as possible (who can run it, at least)

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Well if it is ever actually announced I hope for the folk who do care it's all they ever wanted... nothing like the anticipation of getting something you've waited for.


Like a fucking Resident Evil 9 reveal.😭

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Valve seems so far away from that VGA hype thing though to the point where I wonder if Gabe would open his pockets to spend money on Keighley when they would have media attention on them whenever they wanted to go public anyway. A bit like Rockstar with GTA or Nintendo with Switch 2, which are two other things I don't really expect to see here. Schreier also mentioned the big things are far away, which also goes a bit against current Valve strategy.

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