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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


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Sounds like the Series X version is actually excellent


This is where I would prefer to play it so this is good 




With ray tracing 


Have to wait for the PC breakdown, but makes me highly suspect of those PC requirements 

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Makes you wish we'd live in an alternate timeline where everything was on idTech instead of UE5. I completely forgot what this was running on so wasn't even expecting 60fps.


All the info coming out sounds great, good to see an MS studio having a win for a change. I wish I was more interested in it, but based on the feedback I'll definitely give it a try.

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8 minutes ago, Maryokutai said:

. I wish I was more interested in it, but based on the feedback I'll definitely give it a try.

You and me both. I’ve never even seen one of these films and don’t honestly care about the game at all. But since people are positive about it, that makes me interested (Gamepass as well)


EDIT: I also very much dislike Machine Games and thought their Wolfenstein games were crap. I liked it in the DF review where he also called out the stealth in those games to be shit and it’s good they taken a different approach in this game 

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