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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


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Looks really Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay like.  I guess Tomb Raider is what I think of in this genre and it doesn't seem like that.  Looks smaller scale.  I hope the exploring and puzzles are a good standard, and it's important that whip feels good to use.


If that's covered I can see me having a really good time with it.


Also, Troy Baker is showing up again as Indy.  

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8 hours ago, mmmark said:

As game titles go it’s pretty bad. The great circle is just asking to be mocked. 

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Jerk. 
There. That’s the obvious one out of the way. 

This looks pretty promising. Shame it’s not coming to PlayStation.

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It's actually just the thing you see Indy draw at some point in the trailer:



Wikipedia: In mathematics, a great circle or orthodrome is the circular intersection of a sphere and a plane passing through the sphere's center point.


Or maybe everyone here knew that already, I had to look it up.


Maybe the aliens from Indy 4 come back and cut the earth in half and you visit the core of the planet. Sounds reasonable enough.

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I'm catching up on the direct, and this does look good. Really I just want more Wolfenstein, so it's likely that my favourite bits are the bits where you're just murdering nazis. Unfortunately I don't see Indi dual wielding automatic shotguns, but it does look like the combat is still fun

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  • 6 months later...

Going to spend some time reading xbox twitter for a bit 🍿


I was reading somewhere that Xbox have actually only got one exclusive out of buying Zenimax (which I guess is Starfield). At this point it can't be claimed that the whole xbox thing hasn't went tits up for them, none of this can be according to plan. If it is then it's a very stupid plan, although a funny one as well so I encourage it

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The irony of it all is that their most interesting and to an extent successful systems happened before the acquisition spree. It's a fine example of why throwing money at a problem doesn't always solve it. Though I'm not looking forward to a post power vacuum Sony to be honest.


But I guess that's off-topic. I'm a bit surprised this is only exclusive for half a year, but at least that gives us a timeframe now for these things. Game still looks decent btw., it's a shame the drama seems to overshadow it completely at this point. 

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11 hours ago, one-armed dwarf said:

Going to spend some time reading xbox twitter for a bit 🍿


I was reading somewhere that Xbox have actually only got one exclusive out of buying Zenimax (which I guess is Starfield). At this point it can't be claimed that the whole xbox thing hasn't went tits up for them, none of this can be according to plan. If it is then it's a very stupid plan, although a funny one as well so I encourage it

Always have to remember the first, big launch game for Xbox got delayed by a year. Out of the gate they released a system without the system seller. From the start they’ve just looked incompetent. It doesn’t surprise me the plans have changed so radically with fuck up after fuck up. Maybe Phil Spencer is a CEO and doesn’t care, but if I was him I’d be embarrassed having to concede on every plan and still end up in 3rd place. I kind of like Phil Spencer, he seems like good people, but how he still has a job I don’t know.


But I can’t pretend I haven’t enjoyed the drama 

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The situation is so weird when you consider that Microsoft is publishing their own games on PS5 while Sony is paying third-parties to keep theirs off Xbox.


Not saying MS is some videogame messiah or something, they wouldn't do this if they were the market leader. But it does make Sony look like a billion dollar brat.

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I’m completely out the loop really on going’s on in the industry etc. I know Sea of Thieves, Hi Fi Rush and maybe Pentiment(?) came earlier this year but they were either old or smaller titles so it made some sense. 

A new AAA from a 1P studio coming 4-6 months after the Xbox release is pretty mad. Not complaining though, all good for me as I only have a PS5 nowadays.

As someone very much looking from the outside in I struggle to understand the industry at the moment, I know Xbox loved a timed exclusive as well from time to time.

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Guessing that when Starfield gets its last DLC expansion that will be when they announce it for PS5, along with a No Man's Sky style 'relaunch' with new features. They can't be happy with where that game landed so it'd be surprising if they didn't do this


Will be more interesting to see what happens with things like Gears

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