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Damn, that must be the most high-profile failure the industry has seen so far. Makes stuff like Shenmue or, more recently, Suicide Squad look like small disappointments in comparison.


I guess we'll be able to read between the lines whether or not this will resurface depending on what horror stories come out of Firewalk in the coming weeks. I hope they get another chance, either with this game or something completely new. Though considering they're going with the refund route, I wouldn't be surprised to see them try the f2p model after all.


From a collector's perspective, do you guys think the disc version will be worth picking up before Sony gets rid of them? The game will not work of course, but there can't be more than 50k of those out there.

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More than any of the other recent bombs this just makes you feel really sad for the people who worked on it. It's like a modern E.T., except the game never looked that bad like E.T. did it just didn't seem interesting in the current market


Like I think the thing that gets me about it is the kind of legacy left by all that hard work. Something like Star Wars: Acolyte getting cancelled, that has been the subject of a hate mob but it has its fans and it will presumably exist in either disc or pirated form to develop some sort of cult following. But this thing gets hated or at best ignored for 2 weeks and then vanishes, brutal.

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Didn't both Valve and Amazon have games that failed so badly they pulled them in the past few years? 


Talking of Valve, it's mad that their hero shooter probably had more people playing it at it's peak prior to being officially announced than Concord had in total. It also shows the weirdness of the situation, because it's a hero shooter that I saw an article saying it had 150,000 concurrent users yesterday, it's invite only! So it's not the genre that's necessarily the problem. 


Then you've got Marvel Rivals or whatever that's called. That seemed to be getting some traction, so it's not even entirely Marvel fatigue. 


So maybe the price, the cynical 'Marvel at home' vibe, who knows, but reportedly it played fine. I hope they manage to fix it and turn it around 

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An aspect of this game’s failure which is really bad is it was one GG2 was focusing on for all the DEI stuff. I can’t lie, the characters in this game look like total ass. But it’s not DEI it’s just shit character design. But it’s going to make that group even louder and feed the narrative once again after Saints Row 4, Suicide Squad and now this. 

A big selling point of this game it was going to have new cinematic every week. I bet that was a big factor in cutting the costs right now. Presumably they planned for bad sales but still see it through for an initial period. The sales here must be catastrophic to the point that wasn’t viable when trying to produce new cutscenes every week

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Yeah but it wasn't about to turn around in its current form, they need to reset it somehow. It's surely going to come back as f2p, I suppose the question is what it looks like. If they've done the work on the CG stuff so they still put them out? Do they change the tone? Do they turn it in to PlayStation Allstars Tournament 

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I don't think I agree with the characters looking bad, I just think they didn't translate well into these realistic 3D models. On a 2D plane with outlines and strong shadow contrasts, most of these characters could have been on a panel from SAGA, for example. Maybe they should have gone with a different rendering style, Borderlands-y cel-shading or something. Not saying that would have saved the game of course, but it might have alleviated one point of criticism that got thrown around a lot.


But if this comes back, I doubt there'll be any major changes like that. It'll likely be a f2p version, stripped back of the cinematic content in exchange for a battle pass, and that's about it.


This also just now made me think of Hyenas, which was a surprisingly similar situation, except that game got axed a few weeks before launch, not after. So much time and effort just utterly going to waste with stuff like this.

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Hopefully each time one of these fails this badly it helps heal the cancer on gaming which is live service and “ongoing” games. I strongly believe these type of games are one of the main reasons why the industry so fucked right now. They all take up so much time, money and oxygen there’s nothing for anything else. At least with other trends there was a natural end point. These fucking things just keep going.


Feel bad for the devs and what’s about to happen to them. But otherwise fuck this game and others like it. 

Also, mediocre games can be worse than straight bad games. At least bad games can be interesting. This is just yawn inducing. 

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Director steps down from the game 



Concord game director Ryan Ellis has reportedly stepped down after the beleaguered 5v5 shooter was yanked offline amid apparently disastrous sales, with staff at developer Firewalk Studios said to be in limbo while they await Sony's decision on the future of the game.


I mean I'm not really invested but that has to be hard. How do you even get another job after that 

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I don't get it, the game did come together in the end, didn't it? The whole discussion has always been around its genre, its release timing, the unappealing and uncharismatic characters etc. But those are the first things you set in stone before production begins and it's mostly about decisions and not quality of execution. The actual game seems to have been fine, with the only common criticism that it felt too slow (mostly coming from the PC side of things where shooters in general are being played at a higher pace). And games like Metroid Prime, God of War 2018 etc. also were reportedly pretty awful until very late in production, so I don't see a fundamental issue with investing a bit more to get over the finish line, as it is being presented here.


The issue with this has always been that the suits at the top were unable to read the room. I don't think we need to look for more reasons to beat a dead horse.

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