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Black Myth: Wukong


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This game has very strange stipulations given to streamers playing it, they aren't to talk about 'feminist propaganda' or COVID for some reason




No idea why a streamer would be even getting into COVID anyway. But the unprompted 'don't talk about feminist propaganda' bit makes them seem like dicks

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The Covid thing is probably because they're Chinese. There's no reason why it should be mentioned, but some streamers are idiots 



The other standout phrase, “feminist propaganda,” may have made its way there due to reporting that indicated Wukong’s studio had a “history of sexism” in a widely distributed story, and they did not want that discussed, presuming they think that is what feminist propaganda entails. This could also include a topic like “did they make the female characters too sexualized” or something of that nature

That probably explains the feminism comment. So yeah, dicks 

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I remember reading about those allegations as well, seems like a bunch of their workforce are 'women in the kitchen' types. It's oddly fitting though for a Chinese game to come with self-censorship stipulations.

I also can't imagine many people mentioning any of that stuff on their own, but some might now choose to either not cover it, or buy it on their own terms to be free of the reigns when talking about it, in some form of psychological reactance.

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Based on the momentum this seems to have on steam I can unfortunately see it being one of those things which gets swept under the rug by gamer 'hype'. Never get in the way of a gamer and their hype, it's literally the worst thing you can do. 


I watched some of DF's technical showcase and it is extremely impressive, but the actual review on Eurogamer doesn't make it sound like much of substance beyond its visuals. 

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On 20/08/2024 at 15:39, Maf said:

Well done, Internet 


I didn't need any more evidence after the hogwarts legacy debacle that woke activists are all about their own profile. Serious engagement on these subjects is far too hard for them.

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I'm not the best person to speak on this but I think WRT Rowling, maybe the challenge for people should be to try and put themselves in the shoes of those who feel victimised by her words and deeds and try to imagine why they would take advantage of something like Hogwarts Legacy to make that point more clear to people who otherwise aren't likely to hear it. 


I'm not a perfect person myself when it comes to things like that but I try my best to look at things like this


I certainly find dismissing it as 'woke' a disappointing and incurious position to hear someone take

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While there certainly are people using it as a springboard to inform, there were more than enough calling for a boycott of Hogwarts. And as unlikely that was to ever come to fruition, I find the hypocrisy a bit off-putting. You can't be on the high horse for one issue and then ask people to not buy a game made by hundreds of passionate developers who have no control over whatever Rowling says or does.


With Wukong the situation is obviously a bit different as the studio itself is where the stories came from, so it's more of an internal culture thing than something just vaguely associated with the brand. Though I expect it will be difficult to get any kind of real insight into this through proper journalism (not the usual internet warmongering) due to it being a Chinese studio, and those being more closed-off than even what we're used to with Japan. 


@mfnick I haven't played it but I think performance mode looked solid in this video:





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I just think it's strange to refer to random people on Twitter as "activists".  It's a weird trend to see anyone with particular principles getting that label when it's something I'd say to describe someone as part of an organised movement.  


There was no organised movement behind Hogwarts (but probably more individuals with a platform than usual) or this.  In fact this more falls in line with Steller Blade where some are trying to place these games as some forbidden fruit and you're sticking it to some person they mostly made up in their head.


It's dumb online stuff.  It's certainly not activism.

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12 minutes ago, Maryokutai said:

While there certainly are people using it as a springboard to inform, there were more than enough calling for a boycott of Hogwarts. And as unlikely that was to ever come to fruition, I find the hypocrisy a bit off-putting. You can't be on the high horse for one issue and then ask people to not buy a game made by hundreds of passionate developers who have no control over whatever Rowling says or does.

It is just the nature of any big blockbuster franchise property that there's going to be huge numbers of people pretty far away from a person like Rowling, in both ideology and income. But I don't see it as hypocrisy, JKR is sort of in a position of influence in a way that the developers of Wukong aren't (I think). She's describing and contributing to the popular sentiment on trans people in the UK.


I don't think that all boycotts should need to result in economic loss. I guess being precise about it, that is probably the real definition of the term. But still, I think making people slightly more uncomfortable with their support of an IP who's beneficiary is involved in hate can also be a useful end in itself.


At the same time I think people need to pick their own battles on things like this and I certainly don't blame anyone for just buying the game anyway. If you buy an SNK game you might be contributing to something bad there as well, but I think I am still going to buy those while feeling a bit icky about it. But I just really dislike seeing things on here that come across like punching down, which is how bellow's comment came across to me.

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PC Gamer - 87%

IGN - 8

Gamespot - 8

Eurogamer - 3/5

Also, this has had a huge launch on Steam. It is the most popular single player game ever (in terms of the number of concurrent players) and second only to PUBG overall.



Off the top of my head, is this the first commercially and critically successful Chinese AAA game?

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Thanks @Maryokutai

At the same time DF are saying it uses frame fan to bad effect to hit 60, actually creating more lag. Not sure if I’d notice it but not sure I want to risk £55 when it’s digital only and I can’t sell on if it is bad. Think I’ll wait for a patch, price drop or someone here to play it first and report back.


No wonder companies are willing to sacrifice everything to break into the Chinese market when that alone can make you the biggest game ever. 

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I read about the input lag shortly after I posted. Unfortunately that's really something you can only judge for yourself. But I was under the impression it would get a physical release?


Also, for the record, I read your post dwarf but I think it's best not to derail the topic too much.

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18 hours ago, one-armed dwarf said:

punching down, which is how bellow's comment came across to me.


I wasn't punching in any direction. I was referring to the Streisand effect, and nothing else.


My opinion is simply that the people raising the profile of these games that they supposedly have problems with must know what they're doing by now.


They're motives, then, are open to question.


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I watched DF’s video on the PS5 version yesterday.


It’s hard to tell if this developer is just inexperienced, most Chinese developers have spent years either making phone games or outsourced work from the West. Making ladders and boxes and the small bits for AAA games


So not sure if this team doesn’t have real experience with PS5, AAA games, UE or what, but the way they’re trying to use FSR2 as crutch is terrible


I already think FSR2the way it’s used normally wrecks the image of a game but this is another level. And it causes massive input delay?


So it’s a Souls game you can’t really see and doesn’t register inputs fast. DAMN


This is another case for a PS5 Pro, because rumours is the PS5 Pro has it’s own bespoke restructuring technology. Even if it means it’s another thing developers have to learn, and maybe this team just isn’t used to these technologies anyway, but there has to be a better answer than FSR yikes 

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I ran the bench mark tool, i thought tsa looked way better than fsr especially on running stream. 


RT is a no go om amd, just no optimisation for it at all. That being said everything else running on cinematic quality and gettin about 75fps in native 1440p with frame gen on. 


Its very pretty, though really think my 7900xt could do more its only using 8gb of its 20gb vram. 


Maybe a higher res texture pack as DF suggests or some optimisation to RT to get it running at least on mid settings. 

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