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Looks all over the place but it's intriguing and at least different enough from both the Snyderverse and the MCU, at least as far as possible with a superhero IP made into a mainstream movie.


Not quite sure yet how I feel about Hoult as Luthor, but on the other hand Hawkgirl looks excellent in that 1 second shot.

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I love it. 

I love the colourful, clean, glossy sheen everything has


I love that it looks like they’re trying to show a ‘normal’ Superman. A guy who has a job, and a dog, and a dad but he can fly as well


I love that he’s surrounded by superheroes. I can’t wait to see how they position him amongst them. 

Obviously Lex is barely in it and doesn’t say anything but he looks the part to me


The colour in this trailer on everything just looks right. Even on the TV screens in the office everything looks like a Superman world should where it’s all bright and modern. It is supposed to be the city of tomorrow


I love that there’s crazy shit happening outside and he’s not rushing to deal with it. I guess Green Lantern is out there trying to fight whatever that is and is losing? 

I base this only on one image where it looks like Superman is in a box. But I wonder if the villain here is Brainiac?


I love that we’re getting a Superman on screen we’ve never gotten before. 

Absolute hype. Haven’t had this feeling around a comic book movie since Infinity War/Endgame


The start of something new and fresh let’s go

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As someone who's been very much not expecting much with the new DC approach I think that's a really good trailer. He really likes the vertical framing here, how big everything looks. 


Like the only gripe I have is the teal colour grading is pretty extreme but that's very subjective. 


I really think every film Zack Snyder has done is absolutely awful. 'Pretentious' is such an overused and abused descriptor but it's how his whole visual style feels to me so looking at this it looks like they're making a smart decision tbh

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I wish our son was 12 already, he would love to see these blockbuster films at the cinema!
(he's 10, nearly 11, so we watch most at home).


Trailers make most things look great but I'm still excited for this, looks ace!

5 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

I really think every film Zack Snyder has done is absolutely awful. 'Pretentious' is such an overused and abused descriptor but it's how his whole visual style feels to me so looking at this it looks like they're making a smart decision tbh

I enjoyed 300 back in the day and it was amazing to see Watchmen come to life. Outside of those though, FML...

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I really liked Watchmen when it came out, but haven't seen it since. That said I think Legend of Guardians and his recent animated show (Twilight of the Gods) are pretty good. Noticeably better than his recent live action output IMO. Anyway, just my two off-topic cents.

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The soundtrack is exemplary example of what’s wrong with Watchman. The characters and things that happen are meant to be ugly, bizarre and fucked up. And somehow Snyder went “Isn’t that cool! Slap Hendrix Watchtower song on it!”


Which tbf, is an amazing part where Rorschach and Niteowl approach the base perfectly in time with the lyric “2 riders were approaching”


But while the comic is like “derangement and nuclear fire bwahh alien”

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2nd vid, I prefer the version in The Boys


edit oh ffs, that third video really pisses me off. I've never seen this film but you really have to make him go all crucifix mode like that? How clever does he think he is, this Zack Snyder, I'm submitting a DMCA on that video right away fuck it 😠


70s one is GOAT fuck these other guys.

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There’s probably a really interesting Superman movie to make about a god king who is worshipped as a messianic figure and is expected to be humankind’s saviour but just wants to live a normal life


but it can’t end in shaky cam and Dragon Ball

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It looked interesting.


Guy Gardner definitely looked on point (especially That haircut). Barely recognised Nathan Fillion.

I do like that we are world building immediately.


Wasn't expecting that Krypto reveal either. 

I wonder who the villain is going to be? Obviously Luthor is there but there will likely be someone Supes physically fights.

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1 hour ago, Jimboxy said:

Yeah this looks pretty cool. The only thing that bothered me is in the opening of the trailer he hit the ground at an incredible rate yet hardly made an impact in the snow, but that’s probably a little pedantic 

I thought the same 


However, it's kind of cool Yamcha is getting his own movie 

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One thing that’s interesting to me is everything Superman does in the trailer looks hard for him. In every action he looks like he’s really having to try.


Which will be interesting how they contrast that against other superheroes in the film. One of the reasons they give Superman so much power is because actually he’s powers are very basic, and almost every superhero can do them + more. So they up his power to the point no one can match it. Which ironically leads to bad Superman stories because why is anything hard or how do you suspend the disbelief in that he can lose?


So making a film where he seems to struggle a lot makes sense because they haven’t done that, like, ever. And it’s also cool they’re putting him around other heroes because they’ve basically never done that ever (In JL he is dead for half the movie)


But those things together then become really interesting. Hawkgirl, who is in the movie, can fly, has super strength, can reincarnate, and has nth metal wings and mace. What will separate Superman from her and anybody else who can fly and punch really hard 


I’m really looking forward to seeing how they handle that 

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