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Sly Reflex

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Out of curiosity I checked it just now and it’s still available. Very interesting. People said, which I thought as well, that the first run would sell out no problem because of early adopters/PS die-hards, then you would see slow down and how popular the Pro would be with the regular audience.

But seemingly can’t even sell out straight away. 

I don’t want Playstation to ‘fail’ but if this doesn’t sell out then I hope they learn that £700 is just too much for a console. £500 already makes a console an extremely luxury item, £700 is too crazy. Hopefully it gives them pause when pricing the PS6 

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Think they were stuck in a rock and a hard place with Pro this Gen, for the average gamer and consumer £500 at the moment is a lot of money, so when put out a pro model at £700 I think many people look at it as greedy especially in a time where current upgrades to hardware are of diminishing returns.


But you couldn't build a PS5 Pro level computer for that money, fact of the matter is that hardware just costs a lot more money now than it used to.

I think they would have been better skipping the PRO this time.

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I think it's less cause of the hardware and more that they're struggling to find a software title to launch it. The most 'exciting' upgrades are for Rebirth, a game that didn't sell super well. The games that did sell well, Sony's games, don't need this system.


They probably could have launched it next year alongside GTA6 maybe, and really hammer people with the upgrade they're getting. Tho I think that upgrade will be more visual than performance

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1 hour ago, Snaggletooth said:

Think they were stuck in a rock and a hard place with Pro this Gen


That's only under the assumption that the system was needed in the first place. They're comfortably ahead of Microsoft, even in not relative terms PS5 is selling really well, so I don't see any reason that would have forced their hand to develop and release the Pro. Even if it was planned at a stage where Microsoft was still considered a threat, or at least reasonable competition, and they might have expected a Series X upgrade, I think it was already clear two years ago already that that ship had sailed and they could have scrapped this whole thing.

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Tbh I’ve spent £5,000 this month - 80% on real life essentials and things I’m way overdue getting, and a little bit on games and takeaways as well. I’m honestly close to getting this. I’m really apathetic right now and just feel like saying fuck it


EDIT: But I know it's not worth the money. Sigh. 

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If I do get one I hope you don’t hold me solely responsible for whatever the PS6 will cost 


Honestly the thing that stops me getting one is the disc drive. £700 is already a ridiculous amount of money for a console but the fact it doesn’t come with a disc drive is the ultimate piss take 

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12 hours ago, Nag said:


Please don't encourage Sony... we don't need a 800 quid PS6 down the line.


I wish we could pin posts, because I think this might be lowballing what the next gen consoles will be. I am expecting 900 to 1100. Throw in 100 for extra controllers and such as well.


Console stuff is as good as dead with the way it's going. I genuinely cannot see how this model is sustainable, at least from a consumer aspect.


A long time ago I made a statement that if we had a single format it would have to be PC. The way they are going, that statement might become true. I don't think anyone is going to settle for a console that costs that much, punt £70+ a game and pay for subscriptions on top? That's insane.


Funny thought while writing this down, I remember buying extra controllers and memory cards for the PS1 and getting mad they were £20 and £15 a shot. The damn PS1 only cost me £130. When I compare that to my PC at the time that cost £800 it really shows you how one has escalated in price and the other has escalated, but not as much.

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For all the "how much?" at the price of the PS5 Pro it's mainly down to it being priced that way as a mid gen upgrade (for me at least)... if the PS6 is announced at this price or a hundred quid more two or three years down the line I will very likely bite on it, even without a disc drive.

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55 minutes ago, DANGERMAN said:

If the PS6 launches without a disc drive I'm holding Nag solely responsible 


Suppose a comparator is - if I buy an off the shelf gaming laptop (or even desktop) does it even come with a default Blu-ray/dvd drive anymore, as I think they've been optional extras for a good while already !?!?

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