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Until Dawn


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finished. Really enjoyed it by the end. And I was doing so well until the end :lol:

I had everyone alive, I don't know if you just do at the start of the last chapter but I did. Josh died first, I think because I missed a qte in his section which lead to him getting his head crushed 10 minutes later, I didn't see an obvious way yo save him

Everyone else was alive in the lodge. I didn't realise I wasn't supposed to move, and it's the part I'd redo if I could just do that scene rather than the whole chapter. The end result was everyone burned to death other than Chris, the 2 characters who weren't in the lodge, and Hayden Panettiere and her lovely, lovely cg arse

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The annoying way re-doing chapters work is everything before the chapter you start is how it was, so you were lucky.

I really like how the shrink stuff is handled.

You think he's talking to you, the player. You think you're having some meaningful impact on the story, but really he's talking to Josh and you're just guiding the story in a very minor way.

I was under the impression before I played the game that the answers you gave affected how the psycho looks but I don't think that's the case?

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  • 3 months later...

i've been playing this thanks to DANGERMAN lending me his copy. I like it but at the same time find it scary and stressful to play - i'm not really into horror stuff. guess i'm approaching the end now, people have definitely died. when finished it'll be interesting to go back and read the spoilers see what other people did. oh i had a few control failures too where i did things i didn't mean to and i'm crap at the QTE's but i'm not that bothered as the story just plays out in a different way.

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Finished! Saved 3 people, one of which I was sort of trying to get killed because they were annoying.



One more I could have probably saved by not doing something really stupid, splitting from the group, just because I wanted to see what happened. And when given the choice of shooting myself or the girl I shot her by accident trying to work out how to put the gun down, which lead to a later death. The annoying woman I left to die a few times but she's a survivor.


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  • 5 years later...

Me and my friend have abandoned Resident Evil 3. Firstly because it sucks and secondly because the unbelievable as happened. My friend has found a game he is actually excited about.


My friend likes video games. I would say he has a very casual and light interest. Usually we play horror games together. Mostly because I’m a wimp and need someone to back me up and tell jokes with while I shit myself but also because he gets to see games without having to play them, if that makes sense.


Anyway he watched a playthrough of Until Dawn on YT. Fell in love with it, played it through himself, and now has been texting me all week like “We got to play Until Dawn, we got to play this game”. Apparently he played it for 6 hours in a row by himself on his playthrough. That’s basically unheard of. 

Even now when I’m playing it, and he wants me to play to see what choices I make and stuff. The whole time he is sitting there almost bursting at the seams because he’s dying to tell me what’s next, or what happens if I do this instead of that, or muttering like “Oh that was different for me”.


It’s really crazy. I’ve never seen him like a game this much. When I used to rent a room to him he used to see everything as well. Uncharted’s, Mass Effect’s, Racing games (Which is mostly what he plays), basically everything, and I’ve never seen him have a reaction to a game like this. He fucking loves this shit.


I did say I had seen it before (Giantbomb Let’s Play) a few years ago so remembered bits and pieces. But he doesn’t care he just wants to show the game off and talk about it.


He’s like “Look you can make the character walk with one stick and move the flashlight with the other stick” 🤣 I’m like yeah man it’s cool.


The game is really fun and I’m enjoying it. Honestly I’m more fascinated with how much he likes the game, though. I’ve never seen this before. He said he’s going to go start a new playthrough for himself so he can do everything differently. 

Yeah. Crazy. Anyway. As far as my playthrough goes. I fucked up right at the beginning and got both girls murdered. I don’t know if that’s avoidable. I can’t remember.


My only mission in this game is to get Mike killed. First chance. He’s super dead. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

✌️ Perfect game ✌️ 


As in, everybody lived. Well, if you want to call what happened to Josh living..


I only cheated twice. Once involuntary, I was going to open a trap door and my friend said “Don’t”. Apparently it’s basically a bullshit insta-death for one character. Then when I got to the end I recognised it was the end of the game from the GB playthrough I watched years ago. So I asked what to do at each of the decisions. You just keep hiding until everyone gets out. 

My ending was also a bit different because Matt and Jess weren’t at the house. My understanding is they were meant to be but I guess I did something different? 

Did quite good on the collectibles front, too. Missed 3 clues and 2 totems. Think I will use a guide to go in and just grab those for easy trophies.


I really liked this game overall. It’s pretty cool. Still unsure why my friend likes it as much as he does, because he loves this game. He said he has watched 4 different LP’s of it on YT. I think it’s quite good. Not especially special in any one area, but quite unique and a good enough time.


Also I only realised right at the end that Rami Malek is in this game?! Didn’t he go on to win a Oscar or some shit? I wonder if when people bring this game up to him if he tries to smooth over and not talk about it. 

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I’ve never seen the show, I didn’t realise he was in it. 

The whole time I was playing it I kept thinking about the blonde girl who was in Heroes, she plays Sam in the game. I was thinking, I wonder how annoyed she was at doing the game. Firstly that her career was at a point she had to do a game and secondly because she doesn’t even get the majority of the screen time.

Celebrities doing video game is always fascinating to me. I wonder how sad it makes them when they do a game. Especially in this case where the blonde girl sunk to a video game and the other guy went and got an Oscar. Ouch. 

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18 hours ago, Maf said:

Celebrities doing video game is always fascinating to me. I wonder how sad it makes them when they do a game. Especially in this case where the blonde girl sunk to a video game and the other guy went and got an Oscar. Ouch. 


What a weird way of looking at it. I mean I guess Orlando looked a bit dumb in the PS2 LotR games but videogames are way past the "oh, yeah, we have to do that too..." period. I doubt a man with a carreer like Dafoe would take in multiple videogame projects if he didn't believe they had some kind of worth, either for him personally or for a certain audience. And that's just one of many household names -- pre-#metoo Spacey, Page, McAvoy, friggin' Keanu Reeves, Giancarlo Esposito who seems to really embrace his role in FC6 with an almost unprecedended amount of enthusiasm. Or Andy Serkis, whose love for motion capture let to him collaborating very closely with Ninja Theory because he wanted to push the technology in other media than movies.


It's really not the bottom of the barrel kind of thing you make it out to be.

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If you ask me video game acting is either roughly equivalent or perhaps even a bit above acting in a super hero movie, as for all the shortcomings of video game story-telling it's still a seemingly more diverse form than a super hero film (specifically films, I'm not gonna litigate the merits of the comic form itself cause I ain't at all informed enough to do it, also I'm literally reading a sorta comic right now anyway)


I don't even mean it as a major slight as such, but like those films are basically a big budget anime series. So if you've got serious actors like Josh Brolin playing the baddie in Avengers then IMO the leap from that to something like a video game (he's not done a game but just as example) is not a big one IMO.


Rami Malek will probably play a Marvel character at some point I bet.


Obviously the big diff there is the visibility, MCU puts a spotlight on an actor whereas a game does not. That's a diff conversation tho imo, I'm specifically speaking to this absurd notion (IMO) that there's something to be ashamed of by appearing in a video game these days

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No that is also totally valid lol, I doubt Kevin Spacey put much more thought into it as you did.


Now he would probably kill for the opportunity to be in a game though, but games are above him at this point


The bad example is Keifer Sutherland in MGS who barely seemed present. Had a few good scenes but wtf was the thinking there I wonder

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I just don't believe people act in video games for any other reason than for money, to somehow keep their career alive, or their team/manager doesn't know anything about games but think it's a good idea.


I think the visibility and cultural impact is the big thing that separates superhero movies and video games. Actors by nature are vain, want to be seen and get recognition. You just won't get that from a video game. Only yesterday Shaun Layden had a quote saying games punch much below their weight when it comes to cultural impact. He is a 100% right and you don't have to know much about video games to understand that. So why else would celebrities do it? People are going to ask Brolin about being Thanos for the rest of his life. 


I could be way off but I just don't believe celebrities want to do games. It's either money or their career is struggling. Even in examples like Jon Bernthal or Keith Sutherland in their respective games. Stuff like that stinks of stunt casting. 


I was going to include Keanu as stunt casting too but a quick Google said he actually pushed for a bigger role in Cyberpunk because he enjoyed doing it. So there's one celebrity that actually liked doing a game. 


In regards to 12 Minutes. I didn't post this observation at the time but look at the promo interview posted in the news thread. I watched it, there's a bit where Dafoe says a line like "The player completes the performance" and even Dafoe isn't a good enough actor to keep a straight face because he laughs when he says it. 


Even with exceptions where actors make big commitments. Like Norman Reedus in Death Stranding. He said the reason he did the game is because Del Toro (?) told him too. Which was weird to me because Del Toro leant his face to the game but no motion capture or voice haha. Reedus must of been like what the fuck.


The interview I saw Reedus said they're close or he owes Del Toro or something. Even in interviews post Death Stranding Reedus clearly has no clue what's going on. In fairness, I'm not sure anyone knows what's going on in DS, but regardless if you were interested in the thing you were spending a lot of time doing you think you would learn something about it.


Despite not believing any celebrities want to do video games I'm fascinated as to why they do. The thing I want is for interviewers to ask them about the games they were in after the game is out. So you know it isn't marketing, their obligations are fulfilled, etc. I want to know if they even remember being in a game.

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1 hour ago, Nag said:

Am I simplifying things too much if I just say it's a paycheck? I doubt they care any more then that.


I think this is it really, a whole supply and demand business, where if the time is right, the money okay, and they've nothing else on, then they take it. 


Dennis Hopper appeared in a couple of the first generation FMV games in the 1990s.


Clearly you've got Elliot Page, Clancy Brown & Eric Winter playing rendered versions of themselves in Quantic Dreams Beyond Two Souls and Detroit.


It's a weird perceived 'stigma' though to appear on screen on a videogame though, whilst many actors do voice overs for games, without any issues.


Furthermore, I'm not sure how much actors are really bought into films and shows as much as the fans are invested in them.


The film (and daresay game making) process is pretty disjointed, with an actor only involved in their own scenes, often not filmed sequentially, and never sure what'll make the final cut, or how CGI will affect it all - indeed many confess that the 'premier' is the first time they see the finished article.

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Do me a favour, if it works, click this video I saw a few weeks ago at 40 seconds. Watch the actors response to if they like video games. I might be wrong but I see how they react to this question, then I imagine how actors feel when told they have to be in a video game 



Voice acting in a booth is one thing because it's easy cash. It's the bare minimum usage of an actor's skills. But actually being part of a video game properly? I think big time actors see it as a downgrade. 


Also fuck Jodie Comer for her response to this question.

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Actors go where the money is... there was a big stigma about Netflix movies once upon a time now look at the names those films are pulling in. If the money is good enough actors won't give a flying fuck if it's a video game or a triple A movie, it's not like it's the death knell to their career.

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8 minutes ago, Nag said:

it's not like it's the death knell to their career.


I think for a lot of actors, if they hadn't been in something important for a while and they can only get a video game job, it feels like the death knell to their career. 

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