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    Stellar Blade

    I've hit a "point of no return" with this (the game tells you) so I'm trying to get everything I can wrapped up in the areas available to me... just in case. So mainly I've spent my time fishing today... so lots of going backwards and forwards with Clyde... Managed to catch all of the fish (and chalk off some noticeboard quests at the same time)... spoiler tags contain the last two fish. I'd advise using the easier fishing settings too, makes it a cakewalk. Now I'm on can clean up...
  3. I think I need a break from it. The idea of tracking down another 6 characters (I've googled the requirements for the final dungeon) and then levelling up everyone to get thru it isn't inspiring me at all. Whether I go back at another date is another question. It was always a long shot for me. My first gaming experiences were on PS2, and the 3 FF games on that system still felt fresh and logical when I played them 3 or 4 years back. I also quite enjoyed 7 and 9, although I gave up on 9 because I just got completely confused on the story. But this game seems a step too far for me, and I genuinely think the rest of the game is set up to just have me battling for hours on end to have a chance with the final boss. It's really not that interesting to me If I haven't reconvened in a month I'll put it down as a gallant failure on my franchise playthru list.
  4. Maf

    The Hot Topic Returns

    No, sorry, my fav mini game is this one
  5. Today
  6. If you hit Y or Square or whatever left-most button on your controller you get a detailed map of either the current area (when in a town or dungeon) or the world (when on the world map), including names and such.
  7. I went back to Moblitz, which took a mind numbing half an hour to re-find because there's no names on the map, and the kids are there, but no sign of Terra. I'm close to throwing in the towel on this. God knows how anyone got through this back in the day, having to search for places over and over with no facility to turn off random encounters. It's just a bore at this point. Since the world got blown up my playthru has been a bit like watching paint dry.
  8. Tbf he also just made more Star Wars, and then ruined Star Wars, so let's not go wild
  9. Kind of wish they'd go old school and shoot each other tbh
  10. He was in The Boys, so I'm a little surprised Marvel are going near him but then they don't really pull from a big pool
  11. Yeah, I was trying to think of something, but it's this. Great game
  12. So this is only for today, but Star Wars Squadrons is less than 2 bucks on XBL right now. I haven't played it yet, but supposedly it has short but sweet campaign.
  13. Geometry Wars is a great pick. Says a lot when the minigame has such staying power that it gets its own standalone release. They didn't even have to reinvent the rules like CDP did with Gwent. I was thinking about those, too. I liked the one where you had to sing as Clefairy and got bumped on the head if you messed up.
  14. DEATH TANK ZWEI - one of the best games on saturn was a hidden mini game type thing, you had to have duke nukem and a quake save iirc to unlock it. its like a real time single screen worms for upto 7 players. geometry wars too, the first one was a minigame in pgr2, and theres a different version in pgr4
  15. It feels a little soon for the next Resident Evil, but Capcom do seem to want one out more or less every year
  16. Thats horrendous. I can see how they get to doing it, but if you're taking things away from your customers then you've fucked up
  17. Yeah, it depends what 'high' means. Medium might look absolutely incredible, so I'm not going to stress. I do wish people wouldn't target the 4080 with specs like these, of course it's going to fucking run it 🤷🏻
  18. Blitzball is weird cause from a story perspective it actually fits that the Aurochs get clobbered in that game. But it's highly offputting that they introduce you to it with the actual hardest match you will ever have to do But it's one of those kinda 'replay fodder' things, something to look forward to rectifying in another timeline on a future playthrough. But I always saw it as canon that you lose. It's the Asylum demon design basically It's more about building a team anyway, it's in some regards better designed in FFX-2 where they straight up just turn it into a lite management sim. I found that more boring though (yes I'm a blitzball pervert)
  19. I've got sympathy for anyone who struggles with Doom Eternal because I don't think any game before or since has made me feel as old. It asks so much of you at a million miles an hour. It's a game I sometimes boot up to dip in to again, before giving up because I need to relearn everything. After initially being disappointed with it, I ended up agreeing with @Sly Reflexit's one of the best games of the past few years
  20. Blitzball is so badly tutorialised is the problem. I am willing to believe there is a good mini-game in there but good luck figuring it out. It kinda looks like it should operate like the battle system but it doesn't and it teaches you with a ton of text that is hard to apply to the game. I don't think there is one that fails so hard. I think the only ones I remember playing a lot are the battle arena mode from Mario Kart 64 and those mini-games from Pokémon Stadium; the Lickitung one especially.
  21. There are so many good ones. It’s the first time I’ve enjoyed scrolling Twitter for ages. My fav thing that keeps coming up is everyone was calling J Cole weak for bowing out of the beef. Now everyone is like he saw it coming, wise muthafucka This side to Kendrick is crazy and I think this is up there with one of the best rap battles of all time. I don’t follow rap like I used to when I was younger, but I never remember true heavyweight juggernauts going at it like this
  22. 70 hrs and now on the cusp of going into the Moonrise Towers. Almost rage quit this today - with 2 poor encounters in short succession in the Gauntlet of Shar area and beyond.
  23. My favorite are the George Bush 9/11 memes "another one has dropped, sir" I don't plan on listening to any of them but that makes me lol every time
  24. Maf

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I thought FFX was pretty boring up until that point but making me play Blitzball made me quit the game and I never went back
  25. There's been a lot of cool card minigames in RPGs, my favourite is probably Gwent from Witcher 3, but I also kind of liked the Triple Triad clone from Bravely Default II (though I did not like how it was mandatory to unlock a certain class, forcing you to engage with it on its terms instead of your own). There have been a lot of bad ones but I can't think of too many right now. I think No More Heroes 2 overdid it and I'll never understand how Blitzball got so popular, for me the part where you're forced to play it is easily the worst one of the game.
  26. Favourite mini games: Probably just the entirety of Ape Escape (PS1) or Project Rub (aka Feel the Magic) on DS.
  27. Queen's Blood in Rebirth is great. I slightly prefer Triple Triad in FFVIII though as you can refine the cards into items and spells and power yourself up with it and/or upgrade weapons. It's a super satisfying progression mechanic in its own right. QB didn't have that for some reason, they kept the rewards entirely separate from the main game, which is disappointing In terms of stuff that sucks, I'll mention Rebirth again and that shitty Nibelheim chocobo wrangling section. It's a testament to how good the rest of the game is that something so abominably awful exists in a game which I still might consider a 9/10, nearly a 10. But that section was pure choco-smeg
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