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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


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32 minutes ago, Rikzilla said:

Jim Sterlong made one of his "I only have 2 minutes worth of opinion so I'll just repeat myself 5 times" videos comaonjng about this too.


The thing I find funny (and a bit unfair) is the focus on Ubisoft not showing gameplay when it was the majority of the games on show during the showcase that didn't show gameplay, despite us being told otherwise.


This just feels a bit like a Ubisoft witch hunt. And this is coming from someone who hasn't bought a Ubisoft game in around a decade.

Ubi specifically said it would be a gameplay reveal after their own reveal the other day. I've no idea if Paradox or whoever said the same because because they just aren't as big, at best it's a case of Ubisoft being the bigger target. 


I think Ubisoft and Microsoft brought the criticism on themselves, but I also think this doesn't matter and will be forgotten about when MS have their own game showcase.


I actually think they should have just waited for that and put this later with more games, I don't see any benefit to showing this stuff so early 

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While I’m not “outraged”, I do think they’re deserving of most of the backlash. Big publishers keep lieing, whether big or small ones like this. They need calling out on it and this is one of those things which just didn’t need to happen at all. Why call it a gameplay reveal on everything up to and including the video shown? Advertise it as a teaser trailer and they’d be no issue. Sure people would still complain it’s not gameplay but that’s on those people for expecting something they never said would be there. This is totally on Ubisoft and MS. 

While other games shown were mainly teaser trailers too, I think this is a bigger deal because obviously it’s a bigger publisher but also because up to this video it had been pushed quite hard that Valhalla gameplay would be shown on this stream. And I bet this game is what most of the viewers were there for, so they’re bound to get a bigger backlash. 

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I can confidently say I’m annoyed by any trailer from anyone that shows zero gameplay that’s beyond reveal stage.


CGI trailers are as good to me as a Metroid Prime 3 logo. At least the latter doesn’t show anything misleading to get your hopes up. 

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This whole "60fps will be standard" nonsense needs to go away. There's no way you could ever enforce such a thing. In fact if you wanted to you could have had every game ever developed run at 60fps on every machine ever build. But developers will, understandably, sometimes utilise that processing power for other stuff. More NPCs walking around. Better lighting. Further draw distances. 


The first WipeOut looks better than F-Zero X despite coming out three years earlier on a weaker system. Why? Because F-Zero X ran at 60fps. You can't have both. And you never will, even with next-gen machines. Power isn't unlimited.

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1 hour ago, Maryokutai said:

This whole "60fps will be standard" nonsense needs to go away. There's no way you could ever enforce such a thing. In fact if you wanted to you could have had every game ever developed run at 60fps on every machine ever build. But developers will, understandably, sometimes utilise that processing power for other stuff. More NPCs walking around. Better lighting. Further draw distances. 


The first WipeOut looks better than F-Zero X despite coming out three years earlier on a weaker system. Why? Because F-Zero X ran at 60fps. You can't have both. And you never will, even with next-gen machines. Power isn't unlimited.

Yes, all this.


60fps is nice but it sets a resource ceiling.


Also people should have a look at what kind of framerates a 2080ti does on Odyssey. That's a GPU substantially ahead of next gen consoles.


This news is nothing, developers will use resources as best they see fit.


Eventually there will be a 4k 60fps version of this possible anyway either on upgraded tech or PC.


(However I will say it would be nice if they would just add a resolution slider in console games when that is a bottleneck)

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Kotaku: Valhalla is bringing back the Hidden Blade


This latest entry won’t just bring back the series’ iconic hidden blade, but will once again make it lethal enough to regularly pull off one-hit kills.


“We wanted to look at the old games and see the greatness that those games had and acknowledge what’s great about the updated formula,” Ismail told me. “There was an identity and a uniqueness that we wanted to bring back for Valhalla.”

“Eivor receives the hidden blade quite early on,” Ismail told me, referring to Valhalla’s main character. “We continue with the idea that Eivor is not a trained assassin. Eivor is a Viking who receives this badass weapon and has to learn very quickly. Early in the experience, Eivor will learn a technique that, with the right timing ... can one-shot-kill virtually anybody.”


That last bit is the key. If we can one-hit kill with the hidden blade (it will require some skill, he notes) then we can be stealthy. If we can be stealthy, then perhaps we can play this new game as we could the old: from the shadows or, cue another positive revelation from Ismail, from crowds.


Ismail promises that another recently abandoned Assassin’s Creed staple is coming back, too: social stealth. That’s the ability for the hero of our adventure to blend into a crowd and remain undetected in plain sight.


“We have a cool new spin on it,” Ismail told me. “But, yes, social stealth is back.” “The idea that a Norse person or a Viking is in a place that they’re not wanted, for them to sort of go incognito and kind of hide in the crowd, if you will, made a lot of sense,” he said.


Connections to the other games will be there “for the fans and for the people who want to dig,” he said.


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  • 1 month later...



Or am I simply not seeing part of your post?


Edit: ok, Mr Google helped. So he was cheating on his wife. A lot. And stepped down because it came out.


Not sure if it's even possible to feel the influence, or lack thereof, of a single person in any AC game. Hard to say if this will mean anything for the franchise at all. Highly doubt it.

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18 minutes ago, Maryokutai said:

Not sure if it's even possible to feel the influence, or lack thereof, of a single person in any AC game. Hard to say if this will mean anything for the franchise at all. Highly doubt it.

He was still the creative director, so yeah he would of definitely had an influence as the leader of the project. 

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3 hours ago, Maryokutai said:

So you're saying you would have been able to notice that he was involved with Origins and not with Odyssey if you hadn't known?

It was his vision that made Origins what it was and established this whole AC RPG angle they’ve got going on now.

He wasn’t involved with Odyssey, that was made by Ubi Quebec City, but you can tell they used Origins as a template and ran with it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like an palette swap of Odyssey to, I suppose, absolutely nobody's surprise. I'm okay with that but I wish they had put at least a little effort into making it look a bit different. Even the equipment screen is largely the same.


Still, I enjoyed Odyssey and will play this again. Female Eivor looks really cool as well.

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Those of you who played the other two, were the animations this rough in that? I took the roughness of the footage to just be its early nature. 


I'm sort of wondering will games like this get delayed, they must have lost some momentum transitioning to WFH and all the challenges it presents.

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Animations don't look better or worse than they did in ACO² as far as I can tell.


I remember reading a comment from Phil Spencer about these big games and COVID and he basically said that every game that had both voice work and mocap done before the lockdowns is safe, but everything else would suffer major delays. Pretty sure AC was mostly done in March, so I doubt there will be a delay but I guess we'll know in a week's time.

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