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Until Dawn


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For some that's probably the case... doesn't automatically mean that's what's happening though... maybe they ought to look at how much money a game can actually generate compared to their rinky dink movie.

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"Watch the actors response to if they like video games. I might be wrong but I see how they react to this question, then I imagine how actors feel when told they have to be in a video game"


TBH probably not much different to how they would have felt a few years ago (and perhaps some still do) about being told they're appearing in a comic book film...... until their bank account fills up.


Take a recent (terrible) film such as Dolittle - then wonder how it attracts Robert Downey Jr, Michael Sheen, Octavia Spenser, Rami Malek, Emma Thompson, Marion Cottillard, Tom Holland etc - I don't think it's much to do with artistic integrity - but despite a 14% Rotten Tomatoes rating, the £250m box office takings, and associated payday, is the big factor.

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First at that money Dolittle is a flop. So it wasn’t successful critically or commercially.

Secondly I bet those actors signed up to that film because Downey was in it, who had just come off literally the biggest hit movie in the world, so lots of eyes will be on it. It’s super high budget which means lots of eyes on it. And it should have been a safe, crowd pleasing movie which means most people would of liked it. They didn’t. But theoretically actors attaching themselves to the movie should be a smart move and would be a good boost to their profile, and they get a little change on top.

How that relates to video games I’m not sure. Because it would still benefit actors more to be in a big blockbuster flop than it would a video game. At least people would be aware of them. It might make it a bit harder to get another job, but starring in a video game wouldn’t help them at all.

I think the only relation I can find between Dolittle and celebrities in video game is when those actors are interviewed they don’t want to talk about it. 

To put it in comic book terms since that’s the way we want to go with it. I imagine it’s like if a person was writing movies couldn’t get work any more and ended up writing comic books. It’s just lesser. Doesn’t mean they can’t do a good job, doesn’t mean people won’t appreciate it, but it’s going down the ladder. Way down the ladder. Dropping like a rock. And no matter what your job is going down the ladder is not the way to go. 

The money + no integrity stuff is obvious. Again look at Defoe in that video for 12 Minutes. That’s a man that doesn’t give a shit. But I’m trying to look past that and wonder how, or I imagine how, they feel about doing a video game when they were already doing movies or TV. It’s got to be humiliating. Especially in Until Dawn’s case where someone who was below you on the video game you did then goes on to get an Oscar and be in Bond and holy shit. 

I would love someone to ask the cast of Until Dawn today about what they thought about it. Because they might have done a video game once but they didn’t do it again did they.

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I suppose you need to separate the job from the end product - actor takes role, adopts character, delivers lines - and whether it's a video game, TV show, movie, stage, advert or corporate video, it's a paying job, and then it's down to the director/studio how it's cut, and reviewers / public how it's received.


But it's their vocation, and clearly some work is better than none - whether it's a paycheck or just doing what they enjoy - perhaps they don't really care too much about the end product at all (as it's somewhat out of their hands) - maybe it's the acting process they're in it for.



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10 hours ago, Maf said:

But I’m trying to look past that and wonder how, or I imagine how, they feel about doing a video game when they were already doing movies or TV. It’s got to be humiliating.


I'm sure Henry Cavill would trade his grandmother for a voice acting role in the next Witcher game, even though he has been in some of Warner Bros. biggest blockbusters. It also depends on the project, as I doubt Sony's "cinematic" AAA games are looked down on in the same way as a run-of-the-mill military shooter. I forget his name but I'd imagine the dude who voiced Kratos being rather proud of that project for example (no source here, just a gut feeling).


The situation you mentoned about Malik and Patteniere also isn't necessarily exclusive to videogames. There's this throwaway sitcom (no offense to anyone who likes it) called Last Man Standing, which stars a bunch of has-beens like Tim Allen and some new faces, among which Kaitlyn Dever impressed so many people on her other projects that she basically got written out of the TV show to have more time for important stuff. Situations like that can happen anywhere, someone from "your" cast just finding the right spot and the right project to get noticed by the right person and then move up the ladder.


I'd also like to believe that some actors still have enough integrity to only choose projects they personally see value in. The paycheck collectors are probably bigger in numbers -- and in a time where the entire movie industry is struggling due to Covid repercussions I can't really blame them -- but when I see Ethan Hawke play the (supposedly) villain in Marvel's Moon Knight, then for me that means there has to be something special about that show. I've seen enough interviews and movies with him to know that he would never just do something for the money (except Star Wars, but then again he's a big fan so that's still in line).

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On 06/09/2021 at 17:13, one-armed dwarf said:

I wonder which Willem Defoe holds higher in his estimations tho, the terrible Quantic Dream game he did or Antichrist


Read the plot description to that if you haven't seen it, lol


edit that aside the dude is still doing great (but occasionally very fucking weird) work

Antichrist is a great film tbf

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  • 2 years later...

Being remade (Remastered?) using Unreal 5 and getting a whole new third person camera (instead of the fixed camera used originally)... highly doubt that's enough for me to double dip but I think there's a fair chance this'll be given away with Plus at some point.



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With all the issues associated with licencing, and games getting eventually withdrawn from sale when things like music licenses expire, I wonder how this works in terms of the actors who were motion captured / physically replicated in the original game - do they all get paid again (or perhaps they signed a waiver that allowed for their future usage) ?


Suppose in some ways it's no different in that respect to a movie getting a Directors Cut or remastered / extended version release - albeit that makes me wonder whether the additional scenes that are going to be in the remastered game were 'shot' & 'cut' from the original or if they are using computer wizardry to make the actors / characters do things that weren't previously captured...(which might be ethically dodgy)?

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I certainly never felt it was crying out for a Remaster. Still, it’s not as if Supermassive are wasting resources on it, as they’re busy making a Dead By Daylight game (probably only of interest to me here, but hey ho😄). 

Here’s the thing. If it’s a dirt cheap digital upgrade, £10 say, like Last Of Us 2, yeah, I’d probably get it. Am I paying any more than that? Nope. And somehow I doubt this will go down that road. 

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