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Rise of the Tomb Raider


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They might want to play Rise though. In all honesty I can't see what will hold the newer version back on a mechanical level, it's not like the processing grunt will make any difference to how the game is coded or designed. All the graphical flourishes that will be on the next gen stuff will be there and present, as it stands now everyone wins. The game won't play any different, it'll just look better on the latest tech.

PC gamers, or at least the ones I know just get on with their superior graphics and framerates to the ports they get. As the framerates have dwindled on consoles they've gone in the other direction with PC games. Master Race innit?

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AI is shit in games because people don't want it to get better. We've had good AI in games like Halo since 2 generations ago, people prefer the cannon fodder crap that we get in other games. Nicer physics would be nice, especially liquids, we've not really got that down yet in videogameland.

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Everyone's always moaning about AI and physics in games... Those are never gonna get better if they keep on coding for older consoles constantly.

Anyway... Fuck it, out with the old in with the new... that's how I look at it.

They won't get better because graphical quality is easier to do, and more obvious in promotional material, etc. e.g. The reason many games ran 30 or less FPS last generation (and probably will this generation too) is because developers choose graphical effects over refresh rate.

The type of games you like (big budget, blockbuster titles) aren't going to be affected by being cross-gen because the last gen ones are normally ported and downscaled from the newer console versions - usually by a completely different studio.

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Everyone's always moaning about AI and physics in games... Those are never gonna get better if they keep on coding for older consoles constantly.

Anyway... Fuck it, out with the old in with the new... that's how I look at it.

You could look at it this way. Now all the people who were crying about Xbox timed exclusivity can stop crying as the majority most likely have a 360 still, so now they can play the game Holiday 2015. :D

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  • 5 months later...

This is Game Informer's cover game, here's some info from the mag. Crystal Dynamics are only doing the Xbox One version, the 360 port is being handled by Nixxes.



- At least two different locations across the globe.

- Jonah is back from the first game
- Environment itself as the main antagonist.
- Cloth and herb to heal wounds.
- More than one of each weapon type.
- Variety of bows with different attributes.
- Weather system that animals and human enemies react to.
- Not sure if they confirmed a day night cycle or not, they mentioned "animals reacting to" time of day.
- Hub areas are two to three times bigger than previous game.
- Lara can climb trees, hide in bushes, swim.
- Pushing for pre planning aspect to engaging in combat, though sneaking past everyone isnt the goal.
- Tools for distracting enemies and luring them where you want them.
- You can lose the enemies after engaging them.
- Game informer says combat reminds them of the Last of Us.
- CD talks about doing more with tombs and puzzles this time around.

From the puzzle part of the article.

- Want greater emphasis on puzzles this time.
- Talk of 'nested puzzles' returning from past Tomb Raider games; multi-stage puzzles.
- CD wants to integrate combat and traversal challenges into the puzzles.
- Still aiming to have the puzzles make sense in a realistic setting.

According to GI, Nixxes is doing the 360 port. CD is focused on the Xbox One, and they claim they're doing it without even thinking of the 360 version.
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  • 4 months later...

I'll probably get it when the exclusivity runs out.

Or I'll catch up with the rest of the MS conference stuff that I missed and see if it's worth me getting one.

Back compatiblity, Rare collection and new Gears could swing it - Tomb Raider isn't a big enough of a draw for me.

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  • 1 month later...

Rise of the Tomb Raider jumping platforms throughout 2016

Rise of the Tomb Raider comes out on Windows 10 and Steam early 2016, and PlayStation 4 "holiday 2016", Square Enix has announced.

Crystal Dynamics' action adventure launches on Xbox One and Xbox 360 on 10th November 2015. It means Xbox has console exclusivity for one year.

The news is somewhat expected. At Gamescom 2014 Xbox boss Phil Spencer told Eurogamer Microsoft's exclusivity deal with Tomb Raider owner Square Enix had a duration, so we had expected it out on other platforms at some point.

Late 2016 is a longer wait than I was expecting but okay, money does make the world go round.

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