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To The Moon


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I started this tonight, there's a very funny bit early on and the music is superb. And that's as much as I know so far, I don't even understand what the aim of the game is. It's kind of a point and click in that you point where you want to move, click on things that can be examined, and it does seem like what you do affects certain choices.

I really like the atmosphere so far, but I've only just hit the first proper story point (I've been on the tour), so I suspect the game is about to explain itself

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wow this is a bit amazing so far. It's so well put together, changing the tone really quickly which keeps the pace up despite the fact you're just reading text.

the gameplay is basically clicking around until you find the things you need (you dont need to combine anything, just find it), then activating a puzzle, a bit like the memory things in Assassin's Creed. Some of them are quite easy, one of them I fucked up royally. There doesn't seem to be a punishment for doing badly, but it's one of those games where you half expect it to have some sort of effect on the game

one of the regularly used sound effects is the noise Steam makes if someone starts a conversation with you, annoyingly. And Neil is a bellsniff

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excuse the double post, I've been playing a couple of hours and have just hit Act 2, and so far it's a mix of some very funny moments and some very :( ones

I might be stating the obvious, but so far it seems the game is about

Autism. Rare in women, animal therapy, distant, attaching to objects, 'learning' social rules rather than internalising them

There's a scene towards the end of Act 1 where River is sat alone in the canteen. By that point, because she's so likeable, it's heart breaking seeing her ostracised, but if she is autistic then she would be oblivious to it so you shouldn't really care. And I think that's why the other woman with it is envious of her

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Finished this before, it certainly falls into the category of games that will stay with me, it's incredibly moving and deserves every ounce of praise it gets

It was pretty obvious fairly early that River remembered something that he didn't. I didn't see the death of his brother coming though until the female scientist pointed it out. Proper jaw open "oh fuck".

I don't really know what to say about it other than its made this thread worthwhile. I probably would have bought it eventually anyway, but I'm less sure I would have got round to playing it

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My game has glitched.

I just walk right all the time now and I've started again from an older auto-save file before it happened but that didn't work. I'm two hours in and it fucked during the horse riding bit. It's not the keyboard as it works fine on everything outside that game.

I'm pretty pissed off about it, to be honest.

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My game has glitched.

I just walk right all the time now and I've started again from an older auto-save file before it happened but that didn't work. I'm two hours in and it fucked during the horse riding bit. It's not the keyboard as it works fine on everything outside that game.

I'm pretty pissed off about it, to be honest.

Sounds like other people have experienced it too. See if this helps: http://freebirdgames.com/forum/index.php?topic=3775.0

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My game has glitched.

I just walk right all the time now and I've started again from an older auto-save file before it happened but that didn't work. I'm two hours in and it fucked during the horse riding bit. It's not the keyboard as it works fine on everything outside that game.

I'm pretty pissed off about it, to be honest.

Sounds like other people have experienced it too. See if this helps: http://freebirdgames.com/forum/index.php?topic=3775.0

I did have a look at that but it looked scary and complicated but I used a simpler fix. I booted up the game with the keyboard unplugged and plugged it back in when in the game and fixed it like a pro.

I finished it off too. It's... it's a lovely little story, I'll give it that... but it's not a great game. I'm not saying there has to be highly complex gameplay in everything, but there are a few too many times I was just putting the cursor on things to see if I could interact with them and that's it. I just wish there was something more going on there because as it is I think it may have worked better as something other than a game. I do think the pixel art works really well with it as there is an inherent nostalgic sweetness to it that compliments the tone of the story brilliantly so it would be harder to pull that off in another medium but I stand by my criticism.

But despite that it's worth playing, still.

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Finished! Took me 3 hours and 20 minutes. The ending clearly suggests a follow up so i won't uninstall just yet...

I agree with DC, it's more of an interactive visual novel than a game (that reminds me, Christine Love's games would also be good choices for this thread). But it is a nice story, so well worth playing through. It's definitely a better experience than Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Free holiday episode available now.

To the Moon developer Freebird Games released an update for the game today, adding a free "minisode" to the interactive story from 2011, the studio announced on its website.

The downloadable Holiday Special, which Freebird developed over the past month, stars two characters from the original game: Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosalene. Freebird released the Holiday Special on its website, but To the Moon director Kan Gao said on Twitter that the studio's website is crashing due to hosting the file. According to Freebird's announcement post, the Steam version of To the Moon should be patched with the Holiday Special soon.

"The minisode is just about 20 minutes long, and is meant to be played front-to-end in a little marathon, as there is no save feature (or menus, for that matter). It takes place around the holiday season, at the local branch of Sigmund Corp where Eva and Neil are employed," said Gao in the blog post.

Gao also provided an update on the progress of A Bird Story, the follow-up to To the Moon that Freebird announced this past March.

"To be honest, I don't really know when exactly it'll be finished," said Gao, apologizing for the game's repeated delays. "It's not that long of a game at all, but there are things in it that I'm just still trying to figure out. It's also something that means a lot to me personally, and I don't want to compromise how it turns out."

He added, "It will be finished when it's ready." In the meantime, Gao added a few tracks to the original soundtrack for A Bird's Story; the album is available on Bandcamp.


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  • 6 months later...

Bumping this so I don't have to go searching for the thread when I want to talk about it. I've only played a miniscule bit so far, nothing really worth mentioning. I'm going to try and off it in one sitting like a boss tomorrow afternoon before I go Battlefielding.

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  • 7 months later...

New minisode and info for Episode 2.

Hi folks, the 2nd Sigmund Minisode is now available as a free DLC. c: It’s similar in length as the 1st one (around 20 min), but it’s a tad more. . . important, plot-wise. Still, if you haven’t played the 1st, I suggest doing that before this one (here).

With this minisode finished, I’ll be going back to work on Finding Paradise (i.e. episode 2). The idea for it has actually been brewing for quite a while now, so I think I know exactly where it’s going.

While it does have ties to A Bird Story (the patient is the boy in ABS all grown up, after all), I don’t think it ties in a way that I’ve heard most folks speculate — and there won’t be any overlapping scenes from ABS in Finding Paradise. Sometimes I feel like A Bird Story was actually meant to be released after episode 2. . . but that’s just a passing thought; only time will tell.
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  • 1 year later...

Bought this ages ago and finally got round to playing it yesterday.


Really didn't know what to expect heading in, seen next to nothing about the game and the only thing's I've heard are that's it's good and very sad at the same time.


Immediately when I turned it on it looked very dated, after entering into the game proper I got that that's just the aesthetic they were going for and I really didn't expect an old-school top-down RPG looking thing at all.

Really didn't expect it to be as funny as it is either, the two Doctors constantly ripping on one another and taking the piss, it's bloody great. The gameplay though...I'm not so sure on, find the balls, put balls into memory, do a puzzle, rinse and repeat, already got a bit bored of it in the 90 minutes or so I've played so hope they vary it up a bit more as it goes on.


Haven't found it particularly sad yet either, I get that

River has got dimentia? Or some kind of degenerative brain disease of some kind?

but yeah I haven't shed a tear yet at all which I'm surprised about, think it's more charming and funny than sad at this point but still quite early in I think, not even hit Act 2 yet.


Just had a thought that it reminds me a bit of the top-down RPG section in South Park: The Stick of Truth bit as well :lol: 

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