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The Gaming Week thread


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Ok, im totally bum raping Assassins Creed II like everybody else who played it but im right to do so because its an inviting hole thats well lubed with lovely gameplay and smashing graphics. Except for the faces. Which are rubbish.

Peggle Nights got bought cos Peggle is crack and daddy needs it in his veins. I know Ben and Hendo didnt like Peggle that much but they are wrong and cocks. SMILEY FACE. Peggle Nights really is more of the same but now the characters seem to have jobs and hobbies you dont care about but god dammit they tell you about them anyway.

Oh, and i fired back up Stuntman Ignition and I'd forgotten what a good game it is. Basically you have to perform a scene in a film as the Stuntman ( :o ) which involves doing all sorts of things in a car that are not onlu noncensical but would look shit in a film but it makes for a good game. The ultimate aim is to string the whole scene together flawlessy by keeping up your combo from start to finish. Ive never played online before cos the games dead but there were a group of whiney American kids online so i pummelled them with my lower voice and superior intellect. As soon as Ass Creeds finished im gonna go back the the single player on this. Only cost me a fiver aswell, sweet.

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Still playing Mario & Luigi: BIS, no change since I last posted about it, its giving good times. I've finally got LittleBIGPlanet on the PSP. The first few levels were a bit so-so but the last few I just did were pretty good, just like its bigger PS3 brother. The physics arn't quite as good, I have been stuck once already, between a dragon egg and a tree at the end of a level. I was pissed off then because I didn't die at all juring the level and I had to self-destruct taking away my bonus, how crap is that!? Other then that, its been alright.

I'm still on the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 beta, I've put 6 hours in, I know I'm going to be sick of that map by the time the full game comes. I've been rocking another beta, the MAG beta but I've just done a big post on that so I'm just gonna say anyone who chooses it over Bad Company 2 is a madperson or a fanboy who needs to buy it then go on message boards to say how much better than Halo it is then ROFL and LOL their way to a climax.

Finally, loads of Left 4 Dead 2. The multiplayer modes work better now, I pwnd some n00bs this morning.

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Going to start with the game that I just finished. Condemned 2 which really was a chore to get through. People said that Condemned 1 was a bit simple in terms of combat and the investigation side so they decided to spice things up this time. In spicing things up thought hey managed to completely break any sense of immersion with loads of stuff on screen including a combo meter. No idea who thought of that but they are an idiot. How are you supposed to be creeped out or feel tense when you have a big red circle popping up on screen, proudly telling you that you have a 3.5X COMBO!!!! The investigation side of things is a lot cooler now but a lot of the time it involves you being asked questions about people or things in the game. Now, I didn't know Halo was on a ring in space so how am I supposed to know who did what at the beginning of the game? Especially since the beginning of the game was played over a year ago. Buffoons.

Left 4 Dead 2 has been the Daddy this week though. Everything I could have wanted is here, more weapons, special infected that make the versus modes a lot more fun and a suitable replacement in my heart for Francis. Just a shame that there has been a lot of problems online. My wingman has had nothing but woes since half way through our first playthrough and the dedicated servers have been absolutely useless for most of the week. These problems should be sorted soon though and then it's back to it being silky smooth.

Played some more Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. Going through on hard this time which has been made much harder by the fact I am playing it with kids watching, it's like someone is slapping me over the head with a slipper made of high pitched excitement for the whole thing. Not much harder than it was on normal though to be honest, probably my leetness.

Resistance 2sday happened although it was rather brief because it was getting in the way of me downloading the following....

God of War III demo! I am a huge GoW fan and the fact that others have played the demo while Sony leave me codeless brings me nothing but pain. Thankfully someone on Gamestm gave me the code from their GoW collection and it is awesome. Pretty much exactly the same as the other games but this really isn't a problem for me, especially when the game is so obscenely gory. So excited about the game that I actually plan on picking up a DS3 when the game comes out because it has some rumble features. I vowed never to buy one after Sony fucked me over by announcing the 80GB PS3 about a week after I bought my 40gig one. Bastards.

Also, editing this in. Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness was downloaded from the PSN store. It's the first time I have played a Disgaea game and I'm currently waiting to be wowed by it. It's not bad or anything it's just that after four hours I don't feel like I have done anything and everyone except my main couple of dudes get squished the second they get into a fight. I am told this is normal though by a couple of big Disgaea fans. Going to give it maybe ten hours and if I am still indifferent to it probably cast it aside for something much more exciting and instantly rewarding.

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This week, I have been mainly playing Borderlands and Left 4 Dead 2. I also had a brief stint on Resistance 2, Forza 3 and the BF:BC2 beta. Nothing I can really add to what people have said before, despite playing online for over 40 hours this week. It's a long time since I played for that long, I blame Borderlands keeping me up until 6 every time I play it.

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More Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story which is still all kinds of amazing, and I started Assassin's Creed II, which is pretty great so far. And that's it. No Modern Warfare 2 multi apart from last Friday when myself and three friends had some public team deathmatch games before going into some private free-for-all. Rust is the new Shipment. I still need to put my time in for the latest stage in Forza 3.

EDIT: oh yeah, played NSMB Wii. I'm half way through the third world, loving it.

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Ah so this week ive been mostly playing:

Boarderlands, still loving this although is a bit of a pain as i keep throwing myself into missions and i don't have the right powerups to get through the mission, ive been playing co-op might have to play some single player for a bit!

Assassins Creed 1, yep i know 1, i can't afford AC2 so thought would give the first one a go, i got bored last time but im enjoying this second time round only snag is im a lousy assassin i tried sneaky but fell off the building and ended up in the fist fight with all the guards! ive just completed my 3rd assassination (ok kill everyone in sight) but im enjoying this might dare i say actually get close to completing this,

NSMBwii, only played for the first world but its good fun but bloody difficult!!

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Most of my time this week has been taken up with Left 4 Dead 2. I think it improves on the first game in every way. Better characters, better scenarios, better weapons, better infected - everything is improved from the first one. I love the rain level and the carnival one. And Ellis. My only issue with it is the multiplayer. I just cannot connect or find a game. It was fine for the first week, it was easy to join a game in any mode, but now it wont connect, wont find a game or signs me out of Live. So annoying. Thing is I can see people on my friends list playing it in groups so why cant I - maybe I am too awesome for the game and the zombies are scared. Or something.

Other than that I have been finishing Lego Star Wars. Still a fun game and the achievements were fun to get - kill the Emporer with Samuel Jackson, kill Vader with Obi-Wan etc. Although as it is now the third format I have completed it on :blush: I didn't really like the Indy ones so I wish they would hurry up an release the Harry Potter one. I have used it as a medium to describe the Star Wars saga to my kids as well - they need to learn.

Also played GTA4. I restarted this due to me starting TBOGT and wanting to see the whole story. It really is a brilliant game and the way they have subtly weaved both the DLC stories into Nikos tale is impressive - I have just seen Luis in a mission where I robbed a bank. I am much further through it than when I played it on PS3 - I have unlocked all the islands and seem to be finishing all the Mcreary mission which I think is near to the end. The only thing that annoys me about the game is the other drivers. You can be flying along on a motorbike and some idiot driver will suddenly change lanes in front you causing a mass pile up, attention from the police and half my energy gone. I will probably get this finished while I am waiting for Valve to fix the L4D2 servers :)

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No gaming week cast this week, so be sure to post 'em up again next week. :)

This week I've been finishing up some battles on Mecho Wars. I defeated Jon after a long-winded battle and now I have no games left, might start up some new battles.

I've gotten a bit further with New Super Mario, but I'm only playing it when my gaming buddy is around. I think we found a warp and have missed out world 5 so I'll have to go back at some point.

Still the best game to play if you want a laugh, just make sure your relationship with the person you're playing is strong enough to withstand you calling them a cunt every 2 seconds.

Finished up Assassin's Creed II and it was brilliant. Got some extra achievements to go back and get but otherwise I'm done. Had a fantastic time with this and really can't wait for the next episiode in Nolan North's career, whatever that may be. Oh, apparently it's Alpha Protocol. Nice.

Still playing Modern Warfare 2 whenever I have some time for shooting people in the face. Had an awesome Search & Destroy match the other day where I got the last killcam where everyone went "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" because the guy I killed ran right in front of me with me stalking behind him. Still ranking up but can't see me changing my set-up anytime soon, though I am experimenting with a sniper rifle.

Just started Left 4 Dead 2 and it really is much better than the first because the first felt unfinished when it came out and this has done a lot to make it feel a bit more complete.

Anyone know how the PC boycott is doing? Fair play to them, first thought I had when I started this game was, "it should be freeeeeeeeeeee!".


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this week i've been very much enjoying a boy and his blob, not the most difficult game i've ever played but ridiculously cute and charming, and when i've not been playing that it's been disgaea on the ds which is swallowing up vast chunks of my time as i attempt to unlock some of the more obscure character classes, i had it on the ps2 and loved it then but thought that a home console wasn't the best setting for it, much better suited to the ds. this game is liquid awesome, and i'm trying to convince my brother to buy a ds just to buy this game so i'll have someone to do the 2 player versus with. does anyone know if 2 will be appearing on everyones favorite handhold?

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Firstly, Mario & Luigi: BIS, nearly finished it, I thought I would have by now but alas no. What I did finish though was LittleBIGPlanet on t'PSP. I enjoyed it overall, sometimes frustrating, sometimes shows some new ideas. If you want more LBP then its hard to go wrong with it. You could say its just a big level pack and I don't think you'd be far wrong. Some of the music was great though, I think you'll be getting some of that.

I'm still catching the odd game of L4D2 and I can definitely say I am getting into much more than the first, thankfully. I was worried it would end up on the shelf. Since I have played it quite a bit I'm putting it here, 1 vs 100, the second season is here and I've played it a bit. The questions are better, you don't get those painfully simple ones as much so it does work a bit better as a light brain teaser now. But then quizes are great so how could you not like it?

Lastly, been playing loads of Jak II... the same fucking bits over and over and over again, it was games like this that put me off open world games and just shows that even the crapper current examples have come some way. Its such an annoying game because you play a certain bit and your thinking "yes, this is good, more of this" but then you have to do a load of driving missions in the over-world that are harsh and there are no fucking checkpoints. I've done 8 hours and showing 50% complete but I'm on a racing mission and I don't think I have it in me to go through it, Jak II has broken me.

Definitely lastly, because of Jak II I started a game of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune on hard, dunno why but I'm quite enjoying despite the difficulty because it has fucking checkpoints!

EDIT: Just one more thing actually. A mate brought LEGO Rock Band round, played that for a bit at the weekend and I don't know what I think of it. Its cute and funny and all and as much as appreciate what its doing the office party-ness of the setlist stopped it from being as enjoyable as I find the regular editions. I was going to rip the disc but there isn't anything I'm missing now its gone.

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Same as last week for me. More Dragon Age: Origins, and more New Super Mario BRos Wii. I'm enjoying both, but I think I'm just marking time until I get my Birthday and Xmas games. COME ON FORZA 3!!!

I spent a few evenings this week completing the write up on 3D Engines that I posted. Thanks for all your feedback guys. It was most welcome. Ideas for another write up will be received warmly.

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I think the only game I have really played this week is Borderlands which is aces. Don't really have much to add that other people haven't already said but that won't stop me. I was surprised at how much fun it has been in single player since I mainly bought it for the co-op. People have compared it to Fallout, then other people have said it's nothing like Fallout. Then some other people have probably said it's a bit like Fallout but not loads like Fallout. I would probably be with those last people. It's semi open world and has had all the story and character interaction taken away so you are left with the basic go there, do that in a wasteland gameplay that would have been in Fallout if you took everything that made Fallout what it was. The FPS side of things here though is excellent rather than frustrating and shit.

I think I might have played some more Jak II but I can't remember. Last time I played it I was at about 80% and I was quickly getting far too annoyed to carry on. I shall go back to it soonish and show it what's what.

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I've had 1 day of internet connection at home all week, so no Xbox Live for me.

Fallout 3 GOTY Edition (PC)

I installed the game to give it a quick once over, and it looks fantastic with all the settings maxed out on my PC. With all the extra DLC content bundled in, and the oputput of the PC mod community to chose from, I can see me spending a lot of time with this.

Forza 3 (360)

I did a little bit of racing, I spent the vast majority of my time editing paintjobs. In fact I spent 4 hours this week just on a Witcher based vinyl group.

Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen (PC)

Apart from when I was on the verge of quitting the game, due to constant random battles with some of the most annoying enemies in the game so far, I've been enjoying it.

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Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen (PC)

Apart from when I was on the verge of quitting the game, due to constant random battles with some of

I'm playing that at the minute (on the DS). I'm enjoying it, I like the more bitesize nature of it, but I've only a few hours in so far

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