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Whoa so Kendrick and Drake been going back and forth with diss tracks. I think they’d done 3 each. But Kendrick’s new one Meet the Grahams starts with him talking to Drake’s son saying Drake is a bad dad/person, 2nd verse is him talking to Drake’s parents saying Drake’s a peadophile, then the 3rd verse says Drake he has a secret daughter he’s hidden away


Man. This not even rap shit no more. This the straight ugliest diss track I’ve ever heard. Even tracks like No Vaseline that got personal insults felt above the belt. This shit nasty. This shit so nasty I’m hoping some of it isn’t true, but if it isn’t true then I would lose respect for Kendrick because it’s so twisted



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I don't know tbh. I don't follow/read anything to do with Drake at all usually because I don't like him. But I really like Kendrick, so a lot of this is new info for me. 


Although as much as I don't like Drake he's last diss was pretty hard. But more traditional rap beef stuff as opposed to whatever the fuck Kendrick's doing lol



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Kendrick said I’m not done 🫨🫨🫨



Kendrick is the deadliest rapper to ever live. The last song Meet the Grahams is the meanest, most disrespectful, most diabolical diss song I’ve heard. Less than 24 hours later he back to dancing on Drake. And as far as I know Kendrick doesn’t even make club music, so he’s made this song like a club song to prove he can do Drake’s shit better than Drake.

He is unstoppable. No rapper will beef with Kendrick ever again. He’s proving he’s the #1 guy and no one will want this

My favourite comment I saw after this was “And this is why introverts shouldn’t be played with” 

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There are so many good ones. It’s the first time I’ve enjoyed scrolling Twitter for ages.


My fav thing that keeps coming up is everyone was calling J Cole weak for bowing out of the beef. Now everyone is like he saw it coming, wise muthafucka 


This side to Kendrick is crazy and I think this is up there with one of the best rap battles of all time. I don’t follow rap like I used to when I was younger, but I never remember true heavyweight juggernauts going at it like this 

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I think Drake is one of the most over rated hip hop artists ever. And I detest that auto tuned, same flow shit all rappers do these days which he also does constantly so I’m definitely biased towards K Dot, but even so, that ‘Meet the Grahams’ track is fucking brilliant and he’s definitely ‘winning’ so far.


Got to say though I was very impressed with Drakes Family Matters track. That was hard. Saying that, if he had Ghostwriters for that, then fuck it. It’s null and void. You don’t use Ghostwriters for diss tracks. Not saying he did but it’s always something to consider with him. 

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The whole concept of not maturing after hitting 15 years of age and then making a career out of that personality flaw is so weird. Also a bit of a frightening thought that a lot of kids and teens might find that stuff cool and inspirational.


(Disclaimer: I have not listened to any of this, just projecting here. If adults look at this as some kind of laughable and ridiculous entertainment à la Wrestling, that's another thing.)

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@mfnickYeah, the thing that makes me not even bother with Drake is this seemingly open secret he uses ghost writers. I think both Kendrick and Eminem have hinted at that before.


You just can't do that imo. And it's funny how that's one of the insults he never refutes in any of he's tracks. 


Kendrick's first diss Euphoria has one of my fav lines so far. Context - everyone started dissing Drake at the same time and Drake got on Instagram and said it's 20 v 1 


This is Kendrick's line 



"Ain't twenty-v-one, it's one-v-twenty if I gotta smack n* that write with you
Yeah, bring 'em out too, I'll clean 'em out too
Tell BEAM that he better stay right with you"




I'm loving this shit I haven't enjoyed rap for ages 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Absolutely love it. Personally Im a big fan of  his new more lyrical stuff which others seem to hate for some reason but this is a great return to his simple fun rap. Catchy as fuck too. Been singing hook all fucking day. Sending my partner mad. 

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I like the newer Eminem stuff, kinda. It’s really well written but it feels like he talks about the same 5 things over and over. So I listen once and think wow that’s crafted so well. But only listen once because he got really repetitive. 

This has symptoms of that. Another verse about almost OD-ing (was like a decade ago) and the there’s too many ad libs


But yeah being an old Eminem fan it’s hard not to like this. All the references, nostalgia, the catchy rap, Slim Shady looking at 2024 and going what the fuck is this


Not to get in to the ‘fiction’ but does Slim Shady actually rap in this video? That could be really fun later/ 


He’s really syllable heavy in this song as well. So there is still those modern techniques in the older Eminem style


I think this song is really good. Better than a lot of modern Em, still softer than he’s classic stuff (That kangaroo bar is weak!) but it gets me excited for the new album. 

As much as it’s fun to see Slim Shady talk about how weak piss the culture has got, it’s also hard to think of Slim Shady being as controversial as a Tom McDonald or something. 

Lots of thoughts. I’ve only just seen it. Very cool, very cool 

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I’ve never really understood that criticism with his new stuff to be honest but I’ve learnt not to get into those discussions anymore. I like it, others don’t & that’s fine.


Just want to give quick props to that video too. Very nolstagia heavy but brilliant and funny. Best music video I’ve seen in years. 

WRT to the kangaroo line, I don’t personally get het up on things like that, nothing wrong with the odd simple line in a full track IMO. But also having it go with the line before and after I think it fits a lot better and isn’t too bad - the “danger to” and “things or 2 to anger you” rhyme around it make it fit. But whatever, it’s just a throw away line. 

Tom McDonald is just a prick. I’m sure it’ll be a bit smarter than his shit. 

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve listened to a few songs on it and still making my mind up but overall impressed. The thing I like the most is he has got all the modern Eminem super intricate rhyme patterns and ideas but the flows are decidedly old school Eminem. It’s almost like a fusion with himself and I love the way it sounds. 

There’s one song called Brand New Dance but the flow/cadence sounds similar to the Canibus diss song from way back


I want to listen to more of the album first, but the only thing I’m not really sure about is the fixation on being cancelled. In nearly every track I listened to he talks about it. He sounds mixed up between wanting to be as controversial as he used to be, while talking about if he really was he would get cancelled. He sounds like a try-hard reminiscing on when he was the real deal in terms of controversy and it’s kinda sad. Then he just comes out with some shit which is as offensive as ever lol. Especially all the pronoun and identity politics stuff.

I’ll listen to more over the next week or so but overall I love the sound of the album, and he’s rapping is incredible. The first track almost sounds Infinite like, it’s so good. But, and he even says this in one of the songs, he goes all bull in a China shop before immediately getting out the dustpan and brush and moans about the cleaning up.

I’m not sure if it’s age, the times or self awareness which is holding him back. The thing about the old Eminem albums is he showed self awareness, then threw it in the fire with a Joker style let’s just burn everything. Now he sounds like he can’t let go of he’s own leash. And as a listener I just kinda want him too. Stop talking about getting cancelled and do it. 

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That’s the whole concept of the album though. It’s Eminem Vs old Slim Shady basically. So you’ve got Slim going stupid & too far and Em trying to rein it in and the fight between them in his own head. You can hear the voice changes in the tracks. The beats slightly change or have record scratches when swapping between them & the alarm clocks too until it reaches Guilty Conscience 2 where it all comes to a head then it’s just Em really for the last few tracks - or Slim from a position of death.


I think the whole concept works really fucking well. The more I listen to it the more I’m liking it too. I think MTBMB and the highs of Kamikaze are still better - I like the super technical and multi’s of those albums. But it may change with time and repeated listens. 

Also, Fuel is one of the greatest tracks ever made. 

Whole album is prob a 8/10 for me. Very happy with it. 

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