It's been a while since I've done this, and there have been a few changes, so here is my somewhat budget limited gaming setup.
First off, my living room. I've got a large TV wall mounted. I think it's about 50 inches, but I've had it quite a while, and it does me. Attached to that is an Xbox Series S with a 500GB SSD upgrade and a 1TB external drive for 360 games and the like. Also an Xbox One OG which is kept mainly as a Blu-ray and DVD player now. And yes, that's a working Wii.
In my bedroom I have my Playstation 4, but I need to buy a new gamepad for it. Also a Wii U, and my Switch.
And finally I got a Man Cave a couple years ago, as my son moved out on his own, and I stole his bedroom. This is where I have my gaming PC. My former PC actually caught fire while I was two hours into a Farcry 5 session about a year ago. Something got hot, and it went up. So this PC is a home build, as all of mine are. It's a core i7 8086K 6 core processor running at 4ghz, boosting to about 5ghz. Graphics are Nvidia RTX 3060. It's on an Asus board, has 16Gb dual channel memory, 1TB M.2 SSD, and about 4TB of old fashioned spinning platter hard drives.
Coupled to it is an Huawei 24 inch monitor, a cheap headset, and my Tiny Tina Xbox gamepad. The old PC speakers are there because my daughter hates headphones when she plays, so I dug these out of the cupboard for her.
Also there's my softmodded Playstation Vita with a 256GB Micro SD card attached to a Vita2SD card reader. Not pictured is my softmodded Nintendo 3DS XL, and my Powkiddy RGB30.