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Films II : The Filminator


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World War Z


Second time I've seen this and I think it's a shame that so many people hate on it because it's so different to the book. I don't even think it is that different from the book, as in it's mainly boring to pretty average but has a few really excellent bits. The book just turned out overrated and this turned out as literally worse than Hitler. 

The human element of this movie is handled really well. The rule with Zombie movies is that the humans are the real villains right? All the classics have these stories where you are generally safe until some dickhead comes along and ruins it. That wasn't really the case here but the way they used people was interesting. The movie has 6 big zombie bits. Three of them feature crowds of humans as well as zombies and the other three just have zombies. The bits with people are great, so claustrophobic and you can't tell who is the zombie and who is the person until it's too late. The scene in Jerusalem especially is horrifying and really shows just how unstoppable the zombies are. Again something the movie has in common with the book since it wasn't until I read the Battle of Yonkers that I ever really bought the idea of a zombie apocalypse being possible. I've always loved them but thought nah, slow zombies would absolutely eat shit before it could get out of hand.

So you compare those three scenes of the opening, Jerusalem and the bit on the plane to the other three scenes where there are basically no other humans and dude they fucking suck. Its so boring just watching a few people run away from zombies and the tension is completely gone. The last scene is a bit different because it is so out of place. More fitting to Resident Evil than the rest of the film but even then there is just nothing to get invested in.

I know the movie had its troubles during production so maybe it was hard to focus on what was working and what wasn't but if it had stuck to those bigger, more frantic scenes I think this could have been a real classic. As it is I will still defend it because I think it gets a bit of a hard time. The the scene in Jerusalem I watch semi regularly on YouTube because it's so sick.

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I suppose it depends on whether you think, "different to the book" is a valid criticism. It needed a series to be a faithful recreation of the book so blame Max Brooks for shilling it out so quickly. If he'd waited until now HBO would be snapping that shit up. Very concise counter points though so that's good. 

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That's the fundamental shit film feature that they changed the utterly core premise upon which the book's zombies were based. They could have changed the locales, the characters, the events but they changed the zombies and therefore the global story. So the film bears no real relationship to the book. As for Max Brooks who knows? Once you sell the rights you no longer have control or any say over the unfolding disaster.

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I haven’t seen world war z since it came out but I remember thinking it was very middle of the road.  It not shit, but not something you’d ever want to come back to. It didn’t review terribly iirc?

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  • Hendo pinned this topic

Saw Midsommar.


A bit disappointed. I really liked Hereditary. I get that it's a bit divisive but the theme of that film really got me


This tho, just a bit boring and obvious



The main character finds her "real" family at the end and leaves her dysfunctional (and dead) family and unsupportive boyfriend behind. I think it's about that anyway, being lost and isolated and stuff. Trying to find a support group to help you through a trauma. But I found it dull


Not at all scary either. Booo ?

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Watched a film called Freehold tonight, really enjoyed it. It's about a sleazy estate agent who fucks someone over so the guy surreptitiously lives in the estate agents flat and starts ruining his life. It's on Amazon and is a decent film, which is a novelty 

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I watched Toy Story 4 in the cinema yesterday. It was good. I don’t really remember Toy Story 1 or 2, but it definitely wasn’t as good as Toy Story 3, Wall-E or Coco. It was still enjoyable though, and quite poignant.


I loved the final lines of the film, if felt like a perfect way to end the Toy Story saga.



Where the new toy asks Forkie “why am I alive?” and he replies “I don’t know.” It reminded me of the final line of Breath of the Wild where Zelda asks Link “Do you remember me?”


Also, it was quite touching when the “in memory of Don Rickles” came up at the end. I’ve become a big fan of his from watching videos of him on YouTube. 

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Creed 2.


Watched Rocky II, III, and IV for the first time yesterday in preparation for it and I'm so glad I did, I feel like I got much more out of it.


It's a pretty great movie. Not as good as Creed, the middle slows down a little too much, but the final fight is genuinely superb.


I think I'm going to skip V and put Rocky Balboa now. 

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I've been quite a fan of the Insidious and Conjuring film series, but The Nun is one of the worst films I've seen for a good while.


It's got a bunch of jump scares in it, but the set up is predictable, the dialogue and staging ludicrous and the story too thin to create any empathy with the protagonists.


A really poor effort all round.

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Just finished Rocky Balboa.


Really enjoyed it, felt much closer to the first 2 Rocky films than the last 3. Lots of heart and Stallone was great, could see he really threw himself into it. 


I can't believe I've only just watched this series, I feel like I've been missing out. 

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The Insiduous films annoy me cause they're pretty well put together and you can tell the director understands proper horror. But they lean in far too heavily on lots of jump scares rather than just having a few really good ones.


I think that's the whole reason why "The Nun" is played by the hobo from Mulholland Drive. The director is trying to do something like that scene. But he's too predictable with it imo.

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