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Showing most liked content on 10/02/24 in Posts

  1. You're looking at this from the wrong angle, I think. Sure they could just not bother and let you trail and error it, but nobody wants to get into a place where they have to try jumping up al the walls like they're playing the first Tomb Raider game. They could tailor the grab points to look in theme with the game. Some games for example use the tarpaulin hanging down or something similar. Which is what I think I would prefer if it was up to me. just make it look like part of the world so it stands out, but it's not garish. Maybe do the sheen thing so it glimmers or twinkles so it draws your attention that it's important. I think the bright colour of yellow serves a few purposes. One is that it's super eye catching. Even if you take a break from the game as well you're going to want to inspect that. Standardising it across games make games easier to read. Sort of like how nearly all loot colours follow the same progression, or Square/X/R reloads your weapon. Things sort of become standards for reasons as it allows players to jump in and get a running start to playing the game once they are literate. The final thing I thought is that maybe it helps with inclusiveness with colour blind people, but apparently they can struggle with yellows bleeding into blues. As someone who has perfect colour vision this is maybe a conversation for someone that is colour blind, but the more I think about it it's not that often that the yellow is placed on blue. Maybe grey? From an accessibility point it might have some traction over other solutions that I mentioned above.
  2. Devs paid special attention to Eve's backside Well at least they're honest about it.😂
  3. Having done two speedruns of RE4 I think its use is justified there, that is a kinda arcadey game anyway and while it's silly that some asshole is going around smearing ugly yellow paint on everyone's windows I sort of don't look at that game the way I'd look at something like Alan Wake, which is going for maximal immersion at all times. But I really think lots of other stuff needs to think more about scene composition. It's a lot harder with a free camera versus a fixed one, but there's no reason a game needs to have so much junk on the screen at all times and putting more yellow junk on things to help just feels like putting lipstick on a pig. That's my real problem, not the yellow paint by itself. Games are just often awful to look at. Let's have some more negative space in games, let a scene breathe a bit and have that guide the player's eye. In other words, follow the example of the most recent Zelda games and imagine that in 4k or something. Those games have a knack of laying out a scene that naturally shows ways through it, and enemies are lit up with bright primary colours. Even in the depths. 10/10 marks for Nintendo's visual language, 3/10 for Horizon Zero Dawn
  4. 2 likes
  5. Bought the Switch release, even though I bought them all on 3DS before the eShop closed.
  6. I’ve never played one of these games before. My impression has always been they’re bad games and for fans only. But I can’t lie, the characters look sick.
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  7. I was pretty close to just bumping the old thread because man, is this Persona 3. I'm sure there are plenty that want a remake as faithful as this but I was more on the side of using the opportunity to take a second run at it and tighten it up a bit and improve some of the story of the game. There are quite a few changes to the dungeon crawling element, a lot of additions in presentation and mechanics such as the ability to pass a turn to another party member after hitting a weak spot which makes the game easier. But I was a bit disappointed with the AI party members since there are less tactics than the original and they don't use the new mechanics. Just for nostalgia's sake I tried to play it the old way but it's so not optimal. It just seems to be thoughtlessly added and it's clear they're really expecting people to play it with direct control of the party. I just always thought it was cool to be the leader of an autonomous group and it's just faster too. But oh well! Bosses haven't really been touched very much either, mechanically, despite those getting quite a bit better in later games is a big missed opportunity too. Other difference is it obviously looks better... actually, I dunno, it doesn't have the creepiness of the original to me, something to do with some of the colour grading maybe. Looking too clean isn't hitting quite right. More of the game is voice acted, I think it might be a little rewritten but I'd have to look at side by sides to be sure but it's mostly the same stuff happening and even acted out the same way. I'm not new to this game but I think to someone that is or is coming from Persona 5 it's still gonna feel like an older iteration despite the new coat of paint. It's still one of my favourite games, and I've barely stopped playing it but it's my fault, I did at one point dream of a game that felt like a sequel to P5 but with P3's story and it isn't that. It's P3 with some modern concessions.
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  8. I’m just throwing this in because I saw it yesterday and it made me laugh
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  9. I genuinely don’t get the reaction to the yellow paint in FF7 Rebirth, or any game whatsoever for matter. Because of my dyspraxia, I get frustrated if I get lost, or stuck. So I’m fine with this. Better that, than something like Hogwart’s Legacy, where you ended up having to cast ‘Revelio” 15 thousand times, as it showed you where stuff was for a few seconds before vanishing. Rebirth is going to be one of the most epic games of the year. Sorry, but people kicking off on Twitter because “It’s got yellow paint in it” just seems utterly ridiculous to me.
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  10. Wondering around the same area for forty minutes wondering where the hell I'm supposed to be going "takes me out of the game" more than a bit of yellow paint.
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  11. It's never been anything I'd get bent out of shape about. I'm always aware I'm playing a game, I don't get taken out of a game by noticing this stuff. I think it's aesthetically more pleasing if it communicates it's paths more organically, like the climbable walls in the Tomb Raider reboot where a good way of doing it because it still looked like the environment. Oh, and Maf uses the same example is I make this post. Also, doesn't FFVIIR already have some corny UI element at ladders and stuff. Dunno why this wasn't brought up then because that's more egregious than yellow paint.
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  12. It’s just left on d pad. They reveal it early on to switch to boomerang because he wants to speak to penguin the most and that boosts your stats. You can ignore that though I think. Had a couple of times it’s gotten stuck on the loading screen but the game has started in the background which is annoying but twice isn’t a biggy. I like this a lot more now than initial opening gameplay experience. It’s certainly better than Gotham Knights and a different league to the god awful Saints Row. It looks beautiful, the writing is fun and the gunplay can be addictive.
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