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Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero


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I loved Budokai 1-3. Especially 1, seeing the main story beats replayed in that (at the time) great graphical style was special. The little cut scenes for specials never got old for me back then either. Loved building my meter up and going Super Saiyan rather that it being a seperate character as well.


I fell off when they went behind the character though. Just never felt the same. Think I’d just grown out of it by that point too. 

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Another trailer


I think this is the first trailer that doesn’t look very good. Some of the animations are very robotic and some of the camera angles on these characters make them look bad


The effects are still eye catching and it looks good overall. But I think this is the first trailer to slip up so far and show a more realistic look at how this game will look when playing instead of cut for a trailer 

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“There’s no way you can beat me now” I love UI Goku 



I hope UI is actually like a god mode cheat character that automatically dodges attacks. That would be amazing.


This is looking like a day 1 for me. 

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Pre-order stuff and collector’s edition




Looks kinda cheap compared to some of the other statues lately. Broly getting slapped the fuck up by UI as well, they should have changed positions 

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In answer 2 he says the game is not balanced. “The strong characters in the game are strong, and the weak characters have a hard time”


Mr Satan is a playable character 😬

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Looks so good. The one thing I’m confused about is how transformations work. It seems like Goku and Goku Blue are different characters, but in the first trailer it shows them transforming mid-fight. Unless that’s just a cutscene. 

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