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Clair Obscur: Expedition 33


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  • 3 months later...


Out a bit earlier than I expected (24th April) and the trailer shows a few additional, slightly more fantastical and goofy party members that play the role of a summon and a mount, respectively. Related to the latter they also unveiled that this has a classic JRPG overworld (with a depth of field effect that gives Blue Dragon a run for its money), which is a nice surprise because part of me expected this to be a more linear game à la FFX/XIII.

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Yeah, it’s just looking spectacular on every level. Just hope the story is good to back up all the visuals and gameplay. Some of it looks kind of silly which is surprising. I thought it was going to be a very serious thing 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The fact this game looks so awesome, it has a really expensive celebrity cast, it’s on Gamepass and retail price is only £40, I feel like there’s a shoe to drop here. It feels like there should be a catch but I can’t see it yet 

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40 minutes ago, Maf said:

It feels like there should be a catch but I can’t see it yet 


Guess that's part of the beauty of Game Pass... you get to try without maybe blowing 50 quid on a duff purchase... not that I expect this to be duff at all.

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I think the 'catch' here is that it's just not very long, IIRC they mentioned about 25 hours, which is very compact for an RPG (which is absolutely fine I think). Also it's a small team, the publisher wasn't involved from the very beginning, France doesn't pay well in general – and there you have your moderate budget.



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