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Astro Bot


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  • retroed changed the title to Astro Bot

This does indeed look excellent. It's the kind of playful, mascot-level title that's been missing from Playstation for a while so it's really nice to see them going all-out with this. In that context I'm also glad it's not a VR game. I realise that this cements Sony's abandonment of the platform, which is a shame for people who bought it, but on the other hand this would never have gotten the budget it obviously has now if it would have been limited to commercially failing hardware. Cool stuff – here's hoping my brother upgrades to PS5 Pro and I can get his old machine for cheap.

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I agree with you I’m glad it’s not VR. It looks amazing enough on it’s own


However I wonder what the possibility of is implementing a VR mode later? If possible both technically and design wise, that could be great 


I’m sorry I can’t get over this fucking trailer. This is a home run and the most excited I’ve been about a PlayStation game since Returnal 


Like Sony have had a good year so far between Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin and FF7R2

But this is the next level shit


September release date perfect timing as well. 

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I don't think this being a flat game is a reflection on VR, it's more because of how well the free PS5 game was received. It looks great though, I loved the PS5 game and the VR game, this just looks fun.  Probably the only thing from the State of Play I had any interest in 

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That trailer looks great if you watch it 4K on OLED. I'm sure it'll look like that on PS as well.


Definitely the type of thing that's been sorely missing from Sony, something which isn't an OTS cinematic 'prestige' style drama with crafting systems. Hopefully it does well and opens them to more playful and genre diverse offerings.


I still think it's a huge shame it isn't a VR game though, but the format is sort of dead tbh, hard to blame them really

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  • 3 weeks later...



Looks and sounds like all good stuff. The only thing that doesn’t sound great is they’re going all out on the haptic stuff of the PS5 controller. I’ll try it but if it annoys rather than enhances hopefully it can be turned off


Apart from that, though, it can’t get here soon enough


I think the thing I love most about Astrobot games is the aesthetic. It looks like water park the video game by way of PlayStation


Maybe that’s informed by the VR game that really was like a theme park ride in the best way


But all the blue skies, bright and shiny visuals and toy like energy just shouts water park summer holiday, and any game that can give me that kind of feeling is very welcome 

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  • 3 weeks later...



The title is a little misleading (considering something is not almost doing it) but it's interesting they even thought about it. They probably made the right choice though, I can't see an open world platformer work as well as a level based one (haven't played Bowser's Fury or Sonic Frontiers though).

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Something like Astrobot should be about bursts of fun, so levels is a way better way of doing it. Frontiers just littered the map with stuff to do, To get the variety they still had to break stuff up in to levels. Similar to Mario Odyssey in that regard, free movement within the area you're locked in 

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  • 1 month later...

Was watching Jeff G play this and he was saying it's bittersweet to play such a good game which celebrates an era of Sony which doesn't really exist anymore (specifically WRT its representation of Ape Escape). He really really likes it to the point he finds it emotionally moving, but also finds it a bit saddening, he says


The whole thing gives me such strange dissonance cause it does look rich and diverse in a way Sony hasn't since like PS2, personally speaking. But at the same time the specific 'PS2-ness' of it is maybe part of why I don't really feel a rush to play it cause I would rather Sony just release games that are like that, rather than a kinda simulacra of it. The representation is just reminding me of the original thing's absence


Shit's postmodern yo, we stopped making games like this but here's an awesome pastiche of them thrown together in a very lavish way. 



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