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Forum Feedback II


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6 minutes ago, Bob said:

How does one mark everything as read on mobile without going into the threads? There is so much stuff and mad props to the people doing it yo but I would like my new posts button to not take so long to load. 

From the main listing (news, general, games etc) click on the blue speech mark on the left. It'll mark that whole section as read.

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9 minutes ago, Bob said:

How does one mark everything as read on mobile without going into the threads? There is so much stuff and mad props to the people doing it yo but I would like my new posts button to not take so long to load. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s always difficult for me to properly work out whether the site is slow or my phone net is being rubbish. Probably column A and B.

It’s been slow for me in work, but I’ve also been dead busy so haven’t had much of a chance to look at much today.


I think Jim said earlier that the problem shouldn’t be thread length but we might have to look at cutting some long threads down again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a couple of minor questions really,


1) Why can you not delete posts? I had a double posting issue a couple days again and it was one brought to my attention there was no 'X' (AKA delete post function) in the corner. Just an odd little omission to me.


2) Is there a reason the like button is anonymous? I think it kind of defeats the point of having it, if the result is just a random inflating number, without context.  I'm only one three such platforms, four if you include YouTube (whose social problems solely stem from people hiding behind Internet anonymity). Now, one of them doesn't have a like system at all, and the other attaches a name to the Like, as with Facebook. Indicative of who actually agrees with your point. So I was curious. Again, something I only recently noticed.

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Oh ok, thanks for the feedback @Hendo

As far as deleting posts goes, not being my field of expertise, I just assumed it was a default option for a forum. I mean GTM was very archaic to what you have here, and had the option, if for no other reason than general house keeping. But, as you say, introducing the function retroactively would led to issues.


When it comes to anonymity I think it is, in itself, the number one problem with online social platforms. How I always envision what I say online is to give it real-life context. If I were to, for example, interrupt a random conversation with my thoughts, would my answer lead to someone kicking my teeth in? If yes, then you probably shouldn't say it, at all. Don't be overly polite, but be respectful without being insulting, just because you can.

Many years ago, I watched a video on YouTube, wherein the YouTuber told an anecdote about his ageing Grandmother. Scroll through the comments and some random, spews out "I hope your Grandmother dies". That is a comment, regardless of context, that can only exist due to anonymity. Which is why you see less of that on active social media, such as Facebook. Wherein people aren't as hidden, so are a bit more wary of real life retaliation.

I had an issue myself with a troll on the UK Mortal Kombat forums years ago. I just gave a bit of truth which nipped the issue in the bud. I was still working in Debt Collecting at the time and merely said it quite easy to find people. Peeling back that anonymity, the troll never replied and moved on to someone else, I imagine. It helped that my profile did have a picture of me from my Gym Bunny days too ?

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@OCH  If you do make a double post just report one of them. We do tend to spot them and delete them, it happens fairly often, but just on the off chance it would help us out


as for the likes, we used to have down votes as well, but it wasn't used great so to stop some of the problems it caused we turned it off. If we made the likes named it would cause the exact same problems unfortunately

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21 minutes ago, DANGERMAN said:

@OCH  If you do make a double post just report one of them. We do tend to spot them and delete them, it happens fairly often, but just on the off chance it would help us out


as for the likes, we used to have down votes as well, but it wasn't used great so to stop some of the problems it caused we turned it off. If we made the likes named it would cause the exact same problems unfortunately

No problem at all. The other forum I use that has a Like button, similarly used to have a dislike button too. But also removed it, citing the problems it caused. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So one thing I've noticed since signing up is the @ function people use mostly doesn't work for me. This is on firefox on android


Like if I go to edit a comment and try and @ someone it wont work. Or sometimes if it does work the text entry will not allow any further text entered after the @-ed user


Ironically every time I entered @ in this comment it seemed to work fine, so its weirdly inconsistent about it.


This is firefox 67.0.3 on a Samsung s9 but I also had the same issue on a oneplus3

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