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Death Stranding


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Just thought I'd update this with the TGA 2016 trailer:



And also the news that Kojima Productions has hired lots of Konami's talent:



Generally speaking, when a high ranking employee departs from an employer, the employer has multiple provisions in place to protect their interests, and ensure that the employee won’t encroach on their territory. These provisions include non compete agreements, which bar the employee from holding a similar position to the one they held with the employer for a certain amount of time, and non poaching agreements, which prohibit the employee from asking others at the company to quit to come work with them.

In the case of Konami and Hideo Kojima, it seems that none of those apply whatsoever. Not only has Kojima quit Konami, and started his own new studio right away, but it also looks like he is siphoning off some of the best talent from Konami to his own new studio. We already know that he has Yoji Shinkawa, the Art Director, working with him, along with Ken-Ishiro Imaizumi, the Producer; personal assistant Ayako Terashima; and Shinji Hirano, the former President of Konami Europe.

But it looks like that’s not all, either. Apparently, Kojima also has Masaki Saito and Jackie Tan, formerly game designers at Konami, working at his new studio. He’s also managed to get Yasuhiro Kawakami, cinematic artist at Konami, working at the new Kojima Productions. Chihoko Uchiyama, who was the senior character designer at Konami, has also been recruited by Kojima. And in what is probably Kojima’s biggest coup, he has Akio Sakamoto, the man who designed the core of the FOX Engine, working with him at the new Kojima Productions, too.


Looks like Konami should've bought Base insurance, am I right? ;) 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Jesus Christ, everyone got the attention span of a toddler these days or something? How do y'all watch films or TV shows if you can't watch an 8 minute trailer :lol:


I fucking lapped it up, it does actually tell you a bit more about the game, but you have to be able to read into certain details and stuff included.


But, I would like to see gameplay for sure. Maybe E3? I've got a feeling its a 2019 game at best this.

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Was cool. Kojima has always liked to keep people second guessing. The last 2 games he has announced have even been hidden behind false games.


This is the first time he's making something that no one has any clue what it is story or gameplay-wise.  I would rather have something interesting like this to show off a game over it's dev cycle than watching game play videos and having things spoiled that i'm going to play. 

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I liked the trailer. I do agree that they need to start showing some gameplay, at the minute we've seen a lot of wishful thinking with scenes that almost certainly won't make it in to the game, although these enemies might (they sort of reminded me of the zombie marines from MGS5). Cool trailer though

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IGN Kojima Interview




Partway through the latest clip from Death Stranding, Sam (played by Norman Reedus) watches as an explosion engulfs the giant, Lovecraftian-kaiju that projects through the fog. Suddenly we see an upside-down world submerged in water, where Sam exists among the flotsam and jetsam of the universe around him.

From the sound of it, this is where Sam, and the player, go every time they die. But don’t make the mistake of calling this “game over.” When you die in Death Stranding, you’re transported to this purgatory, where you’re free to explore in first-person. Because of some mysterious “unique” abilities Sam possesses, you can wander outside of your body, recovering items among other things. As Kojima explains, “At that point, you’re not dead or alive. It’s the equivalent of that screen that says ‘Continue?’ and a counter ticking down towards zero.”


On the rain making people age:

In the most recent trailer, you might’ve noticed a mystical, unnerving rain that seems to have the ability to manipulate time. It makes plants grow and wilt the second a droplet hits them, and a human body age and deteriorate in a matter of seconds. That rain, which is not of this world, is called “Timefall,” and it is an integral part of Death Stranding’s story and lore.

So how does this affect Norman Reedus’ Sam? As Kojima explains, “Most people in the game are aware of the rain -- and well, Norman is quite unique in this regard… I think I should stop there. I’m spilling the beans.” When we asked if this Timefall had anything to do with the recurring motif of Sam crying, Kojima joked, “…the tears…that’s really only because he’s sad right now.”



From the newest trailer, it seems like the baby is more than just a plot device. As Kojima explained, “The baby relates to game mechanics as well as the story as a whole.” It seemed like the shoulder-mounted robotic arms attached to Sam and his Corpse Disposal Team 6 pals sparked to life when that person came in possession of the baby.



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  • 5 months later...

Probably my favourite trailer i've seen at E3 so far.


I know there's some ageing thing going with the environment/enemies. (The way the plants were rapidly ageing was cool)


I'm guessing seeing a young Lindsey Warner has something to do with that too. 


Apparently the game is more about "connecting the world" than fighting.


It won't be out for a while but i can't wait.





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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This is one of those games I can't get excited for, and I'm a big Kojima fan


Partly cause the idea of an often over-reaching auter type given carte blanche makes me worry the final product will be fully self indulgent (thinking of twin Peaks season 3).


Also cause the little bit of gameplay shown has this image of big budget walking sim. Reminds me a bit of red dead actually


Of course I will probably buy it anyway cause I can't say no really, but I'm wondering if others are excited for the new Kojima game or apprehensive like me.


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I’m usually the opposite with Kojima, never really fully embraced or loved the MGS series like many others have. I’ve only ever finished MGS2 and MGSU (if that even counts).


But everything I’ve seen of this makes me more and more intrigued as time goes by. I just can’t wait to see more of it which I could never really say about MGS.


I’m 100% sure it won’t be a walking sim, at the end of the gameplay video from E3 you can see Sam take out a gun.


Also, I’ve watched that gameplay trailer about 100 times. It is one of the best ever trailers in my view.


So yeah, I’m Day 1 on this no matter what really, I can’t see it being anything less than extraordinary with Kojima’s pedigree.

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