Bob Posted August 14, 2019 Share Posted August 14, 2019 Role queue is a mixed bag. Healer was fine, actually fun at times, gasp. Tank has been a miserable experience. Haven't gotten round to damage yet. So far the biggest problem is what the problem always was. Those people that wanted to play damage would pick their character and refuse to change. Same still applies only no one else on the team can take that hard counter Sombra if you have a Doomfist tearing apart your backline. You can't swap to a hitscan if there is a Pharah causing trouble. Genji will still dive the enmy Mei over and over again on his own. It feels especially frustrating as tank where you have such a limited view of the game. Healer was okay, I could step back and look at what was happening. Tank just feels like you're alone and then you die. Honestly I haven't had so much fun playing the game as I did last night when QP was bugged and role queue was in place. Every game I was being flooded with endorsements and that's not a brag, it's just that usually I take seeing endorsements as a sign that people are actually having fun in the game. The atmosphere and everything was so chill and happy, comp still feels like a cesspool. In other news. Brig honestly feels great to play now. The three healing packs add some much needed engagement with your team and I had a lot of fun with her. Also lol. Just had a game as damage, much better than tank. Was able to play different characters to do different things and counter problems. Would have been better if my tanks hadn't picked Hammond and D.Va to play into Reaper, Mei, Hog and Orisa but you know, nothing is perfect. Ended up winning four of five damage games. As usual they are not as generous with giving SR as they are taking it away. Was 2500 exactly at the end of last season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Middle_Class_Hero Posted August 16, 2019 Share Posted August 16, 2019 Had a couple of evenings on 2/2/2 since it landed and, whilst it’s not a magic bullet that cures all issues, it’s certainly a big step in the right direction. I like how I can start a game now knowing that I’m not going to lose based purely on the character select screen. Sure, bad picks still occur, but there’s not going to be anything ridiculous like four DPS, one healer and no barrier tank. It also means that generally speaking you get to play what you want to play. Previously, I usually played main tank - not because I’m particularly good at it or because I like it, but because no other bastard would. Now I only have to play it when I want to play it, rather than having to fill to accommodate three people wanting to be snipers ? Think it’ll get better still once Sigma fever dies down. He seems to be an autopick in most games at the moment because people want to try him out. Problem is that nobody seems to be able to use him properly yet (especially since he seems extremely difficult to use), so there’s some very questionable main tank play going on. A friend and I have been queuing for the two support slots and been having a great time. He usually takes main healer and I’ll usually go with Brigette or Lucio, dependent on the situation. It’s not been perfect, but we’ve never played competitive as much as we have over the last couple of days, so that must count for something. @Bob Totally agree about new Brigette. She feels much more proactive and more honest now. Do you think that defensive assists stat is broken/bugged now though since her changes? Reason I ask is that I got 100% kill participation in a game last night which is impossible, surely?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob Posted August 16, 2019 Share Posted August 16, 2019 22 minutes ago, Middle_Class_Hero said: Reason I ask is that I got 100% kill participation in a game last night which is impossible, surely?! It could be. I have noticed that it sometimes takes forever for something to die though. It's going to take a while for people to get used to trying to kill through two healers that actually chose to heal. My point being that by the time anything dies, the person that kills them will have almost certainly received some inspire healing. Or it could be bugged. Sigma's suck seems to be very inconsistent at the moment. I got the full shield once (after the round ended so no trophy, bastards) from a high noon, other times I've had 20 shield off it. Same goes for whole hog. It doesn't seem consistent at all, even taking think account the varied damage ranges both of those skills have. He's a funny one. I'm seeing a lot of bad play from him and people playing around and against him. The biggest mistake is leaving his shield out, both for his team and the enemy team. Sometimes I just see it sitting there and I'm like, break it! Break the shield! Someone break his fucking shield! But people just run around it. Then he pulls it back and it's still full health so.... they run around it again. Unbelievable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duck Posted August 26, 2019 Share Posted August 26, 2019 Looks like Overwatch for Switch might have just leaked.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob Posted September 1, 2019 Share Posted September 1, 2019 Blizzard broke matchmaking and all the top500 players got ranked in gold. Pretty funny. I look forward to the freshnuts compilation tomorrow. Beta extended by a week. And @Middle_Class_Hero the Brig thing was a bug. The assist was being applied if your team mate had received any healing prior to killing an enemy, not just while the healing was active Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Middle_Class_Hero Posted September 2, 2019 Share Posted September 2, 2019 Ah, ok - thanks for clarifying @Bob Thought that might be the case since my Brig really isn’t that good ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 After getting destroyed game after game by Symmetras (while I was locked in Support, so I couldn't really do anything about it), I decided to take matters in my own hand and queued for damage to pick her myself. Symmetra has always been my favourite hero in this game due to her toolset but I never tried out the very recent version of her as it came at the same time as the 2-2-2 lock and I don't feel comfortable with a lot of DPS heroes. So colour me surprised when I played her two rounds on Hanamura, racking up 12000 solo damage and 54 kills for a 74% (!) kill participation. I think I had three Ults in every round as well. And believe me when I say this, I can't aim for the life of me (hence why I really loved old Symmetra). So, long story shot: the nerf can't come soon enough, she's ridiculously overpowered right now. On paper she has counters but good luck surviving as Winston in the current state of the game. In Platinum rank she's on the same power level as Doomfist and can pretty much carry entire games by herself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craymen Edge Posted March 31, 2020 Share Posted March 31, 2020 Overwatch's April Fools thing this year is to give everyone googly eyes, in menus and in game. Even Hanzo's dragon ultimate has them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craymen Edge Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 Currently my top three characters are all on the same play time, that's kinda cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimboxy Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 @Craymen Edge what's your total playing time on overwatch now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimboxy Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 10 minutes ago, Nag said: 765 hours... its says on the picture.? Unless he has a second account? Well spotted hawk eye. I couldn't see that at all. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HandsomeDead Posted October 12, 2022 Share Posted October 12, 2022 I'm debating whether to start a thread for Overwatch 2 or not since it is an update to the first game in a way that it still feels like the previous entry. I've just played some games as Mercy since I'm so bloody rusty so I'll ease my way in. The game itself just feels like the original, I've not tried enough characters yet but the networking is pretty bad, I've been kicked out of all my games so far. My account is still in migration so I dunno what I'm gonna get with the cross progression stuff. I'm playing on Xbox and I did have a bunch of skins I liked on the PS4 version. I wouldn't mind my stats carrying over in some way too. Not a lot to say right now but is anyone popping back to check it out? EDIT:. Looks like everything carried over. Nice. So I'm going in with this. It's definitely all year one for the most part and I have a bunch of new characters to try. Orisa was the last character added when I was playing and I've got four hours on her which isn't bad considering she was added when I dropped off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyKurosaki Posted October 13, 2022 Share Posted October 13, 2022 I tried to play it on launch day, but it was literally impossible to even start the fucking thing. So I gave up. Can’t say I’m that arsed, I didn’t think much to the first game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HandsomeDead Posted October 13, 2022 Share Posted October 13, 2022 I'm not bold enough to say Splatoon 3 is better, I'm just having more fun with it so I dunno how much I'll continue with Overwatch. Maybe when I feel like a change so I doubt I'll be getting competitive with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted December 29, 2024 Share Posted December 29, 2024 Much like maf, I'm a multitasker. I had this downloaded back when they did the classic version or whatever but never logged on. I've probably played 40 matches I think. Bouncing between support tank and dps and being impressively rubbish at all, or generally the worst performing player. I see where Mary comes from with comparing the map design in this to Rivals, it is a lot better and more interesting to play around these spaces. Or to put it more accurately, to see myself get played into the spaces by more alert players. The way the map funnels players into playing into sightlines, like that pig asshole with the hook. Also, I just like being able to commit to a role with a matchmaking option, I hate that Rivals does not have this and I just get so pissed off with how inflexible some people are on it. I had a few matches I felt good about, like having a wall of a frontline when playing as Dva while both their and our healers were engaged in a war of attrition keeping us alive. I'm far behind anyone on PC when it comes to DPS but I killed a few Mercys with the cowboy character and felt alright at that. In another match tho we got flanked over and over while I was on Dva and I want to watch the replay of it to see if there's something I could be doing better. Team quality varies tho, and some of them feel unhealable if they run off ahead doing their own thing, altho it's as much a skill issue of my own at times cause I'm grappling with the character's kits and how to engage. Others break off into much more mangeable groups which I can bounce around between on Kiriko. I'm not sure how to prioritise targets really but I guess it comes with time. One healer I tried to really challenge myself on I forget the name of, but they have a rifle which charges up and place pylons in spots to spot heal nearby players. I was very impressed that Moira actually shit talks people in Irish. American games usually go for the very broad and tedious paddywhacker with Irish characters, never mind actually representing the language itself as well as they do here (watch Conan O'Brien on the Late Late Show trying to crack jokes about our language dying, didn't go down so well). Refreshing to play a game which doesn't just reduce us to an SNL skit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 They do put a lot of work in the globetrotting aspect and casting native speakers and such. To the point where it actually sticks out like a sore thumb when you hear Zarya speak Russian, because she's doing it with a strong American accent. Moira is excellent though, also has the most high profile actress among the cast (Genevieve O'Reilly). A cool detail is also that non-English speaking characters use their native tongue when casting Ults if they're on the enemy team, so that's a nice little tell to know what's happening. But yeah, it's map design but also readability where I think this game has the edge. There's so many stuff in Rivals you either don't see coming (Jeff) or where it's almost impossible to judge its range (Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch's Ult) outside of having it experienced multiple times. It's nothing gamebreaking but it shows the additional amount of finetuning, polish and testing a company like Blizzard can afford to put into a release. Well, at least back in 2016 when this came out, haven't played anything more recent from them. I find tank rather frustrating in OW2 because they went from 6 to 5 players per team so you only have one now, but your team somehow wants you to both make space at the front but also protect the backline, which obviously doesn't work. has the ability to sort of do everything but you still need to make a choice. Generally speaking I'd say it's better to occupy the front, but if there's a particular pesky flanker your team for some reason can't deal with you might have to adapt to take care of the problem. I'm usually on support when I play this game and don't really expect my tank to turn around and bonk Tracer on the head. Illari, the Pylon girl, for example is a support who can take care of herself. She's arguably bottom two in the support role, but high Pylon uptime allows her to play the role of a B-tier damage dealer for most of the match, so I do use her on more static maps sometimes to add to the overall pressure. Kiriko is arguably the best all-rounder. I don't like playing her, but she can pretty much do everything you'd want from a support and is never a bad pick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 I did go back and look at that replay from the POV of the DPS with the highest eliminations and it does shed light on some things, like I'm way ahead and over extended from the rest of the group and the cowboy guy is able to sort of take advantage of that lack of organisation and round us up in all sorts of ways. The map is that canyon area, there's a narrow corridor through a cliff where we kept getting separated from each other. I did also find in the earlier DVA match were we won that Lifeweaver was rescuing me a lot so I think it's a sense I have to develop, tho he only rescued me on low health. That's a hard skill to develop tho, knowing how far to push. I find it ever so slightly easier in Rivals cause it's third person and there are occasionally two tanks so if one is more aggressive I kinda hold off a bit and see if anyone's bothering support. Even if I am main tank in that, Strange is so OP that it covers some mistakes. I do also think support is a harder role to play in this than in Rivals, where it's like the easiest role (while also simultaneously most frustrating imo). The pylon girl seems a bit high level for me right now in terms of the game knowledge you need to actually achieve high pylon uptime, they tend to get destroyed pretty fast. I try to F them to replace them often but the keeping pace with the team is the other skill that I've not got yet. So I'm often placing pretty useless pylons. The game recommends trying to cover a decent area by putting them in places where your healing beam isn't able to access but where that is exactly I don't know yet. The unranked system description says that it matches you with people of your skill level, but I am seeing on the handful of profiles that aren't private that there are players with >1200 hours in the game, so it doesn't sound like it actually sorts people in any meaningful way or it just applies a recency bias of recent match performances or something. edit like right now, we had a match where we only had 2 eliminations (the healer). On the other team one profile says Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 I have actually no idea how matchmaking works in Quick Play. I presume because you're a new account whatever MMR algorithm is applied still needs to sort things out, but even then I've found that in Ranked sometimes matches feel rather uneven, to say the least. A bit weird to put someone with that much mileage in your match, even if playtime doesn't always translate to skill (though the experience advantage alone would be noticeable I suppose). Probably best to just hop into ranked as soon as it's unlocked to have a more even playing field. If you're on a map with long sidelines, if you have a support like Ana and if your team can fend off flankers autonomously, there's no reason why you shouldn't push ahead a bit further and maybe stop the backline with grouping up at the front. But that's a lot of 'ifs'. You have to get a feeling for what works and what doesn't. On Route 66 I think it's a good idea as D.Va to contest the multiple high ground options alongside the path in the immediate vicinity of the payload, but not necessarily to push too far ahead. But her mobility options give you a huge advantage on maps like these, where on defense you're most likely to see a Sigma or Reinhardt. I don't like Illari on Payload maps on attack because you're constantly looking for new Pylon placements. Baptiste offers a similar playstyle without the need of a pylon and also can reach higher ground without a cooldown, so that's one of a couple of better choices there. He's a bit of a boring design but very effective and almost unkillable in a 1:1 situation if he has his cooldowns available. I'd also recommend giving Lucio a shot, he's an incredibly versatile hero with a rather low skill floor but one of the highest skill ceilings, so in essence pretty good across the board. He works a bit like a perma-version of Luna Snow's Ultimate, except that he switches between a healing and speed-boost aura instead of healing and damage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
one-armed dwarf Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 My impression from reading online is the game doesn't really do any sort of proper skill based matchmaking for unranked, that it used to take maybe 10 minutes for a DPS to find a game cause of the role queue changes whereas now it probably takes 1. Most of my matches, when the profiles are visible, you can see people on both teams with 100s or 1000s of hours. My impression is the game is borderline impenetrable to new players cause of this, cause you must rack up 50 wins in quick play in order to unlock competitive where you would hope that players are more sorted into their skill bracket. But actually getting those wins when you're thrown into a match with players who've racked up literal months of active gametime is going to take a very long time as you're essentially like an anchor weighing down the team. I don't know how that is sustainable for the health of the game but I dunno, maybe Blizzard are moved on from Overwatch. They should at least change the description on that tab, I don't know why it thinks my 5 hours of matches is equal to 500-1200. I'm guessing Rivals will also turn into this as its matchmaking is even faster than this game, basically instant. My impression of this genre is it's like getting into a fighting game late, better to get in early and experience the learning curve along with everyone else and while the game is more carefully curated to keep an active audience of new players edit this desc in paragraph 1 might be inaccurate, I'm just fairly confused by the stuff I've read, and a bit heated and annoyed that I feel the game is wasting my time in these kinds of matches when it seems obvious a near 6 hour player should not be in them. One thing I'd considered instead is just doing the mystery hero mode, where it randomly chooses heroes and forces strange and unsuitable compositions on both sides, as it at least means that players are unlikely to be practiced on their character while also forcing me to learn as many as possible. Because the matches I've had recently are fairly useless for gleaming info, and I would disagree that this game is easier to read than Rivals, the screen effects are pretty excessive in this but I think there's a setting to turn them down or off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maryokutai Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 Yeah I don't know if I could get into this as a newbie today. Maybe with a more casual mindset, just hopping in, doing stuff, being happy when my Ult kills two people. A bit like how it was played at launch. But trying to play it a bit more seriously while simultaneously learning it to make up for an, in some cases, 8 year knowledge gap is quite the herculean task. It's not impossible and there's constantly new players coming in, but it's different when there's all these old veterans looming around compared to the experience of a genuinely new game. I wasn't aware of the unlock conditions for Ranked, completely forgot they had to change these for OW2. In OW1 you only had to get to Player level 25, which is about 5-10 hours of playtime depending on how often you win. But you'd get there no matter what. Winning 50 games seems a bit nonsensical without matchmaking. I guess through law of averages you will eventually win those 50 games because other newbies will face the same issues on the opposing team, but still. I can pull you through if you want, stick your Mercy beam up my Winston ass, free wins at low ranks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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