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I can't remember the exact error code I got before, but on my mate's connection the Marketplace was entirely down and all I had access to was the My Xbox and Friends tabs, which was very weird.

I googled it and it may have been something to do with NXE but I wondered if it was my mate's dodgy connection.

Anyone else get it?

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I've not had that, but I have read that some are having trouble, not loading all the content etc.

I just read this on NTSC-UK forums.

FREE Gears of War 2 Premium Themes

Anyone download those free Gears 2 themes ("Bare Your Teeth" & "Hope Runs Deep") that were made available during the GDC and E3 shows?

If you did, then find them in your download history and you'll get the new NXE-friendly versions (worth 250 spacebucks) when you choose to download them again.

I just re-downloaded the Hope Runs Deep theme, and he's right! Free premium theme, thanks very much. :D

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If you havnt noticed yet, there are new clothes for the avatars, themed for christmas.

Snow jacket. [brown/Yellow]

Snow boots [black]

Beanie [brown with red fire]

Gloves [blue/White]

I got the snow jacket on atm, if my sig loads...

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I would say that getting at least one premium theme is well worth it.

They make your friends list look cool.

Anyone else still getting some REALLY nasty dashboard hangs when they try to message or invite mid game?

On a good note, i installed fable and it seems to be running much better now.

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Whatever u do dont buy the banjo theme it is horrible.

They have tht mountain grunty face in the background n it looks hideous.

The friends bit looks cool, a fence comes in the background, thats right a fence, and all the friends bit are like tiptup, clanker, mumbo, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New clothes! I think hendo saw it already.

For the gentlemen we have:

Blue Tuxedo

Black Tuxedo

Shirt with Cummerbund

Black Trilby

Bowler Hat

For the ladies we have:

Elegant Ball Gown

Little Black Dress

Formal Trouser Suit

Elegant Watch

Red 60's Shades

Strappy High Heels

Platform Shoes

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Wtf is a Cummerbund?

It goes around a mans waist, over trousers waistband when wearing a posh suit so you cant see where you tuck your shirt in-normally matches the tie worn and adds a little bit of colour to the outfit

Didnt Barney loose his in the toilet?

Also Stoobie, you look like Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber now.

EDIT: Also downloaded the Holiday 2008 theme, very Christmasy!

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