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Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

one-armed dwarf

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I’m going in blind. Got it pre-ordered and been a proper sad bastard and even took Friday and Monday off from work next week so I can binge it! Can’t wait. Not done that for a game in literal years! 

Just glad to see it’s not broken at all going from those scores. That was my only concern after the poor performance talk from the demo. & playing FFXVI demo and that looking like shit or being a stuttery mess. 

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Have some trepidation seeing Tam at gamespot (and many others) being annoyed with the story stuff. 


Weirdly though there's praise for the open world stuff, which I would not expect.


But I sort of have to separate these games from my feelings about the story a bit. They get the characters right but the story is so jarring (still feel that way after a recent remake replay, it's too much)

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I actually really liked how they went weird with the story and changed bits. They kept the main beats I wanted to see updated but changed enough to where I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen next. 


The open world stuff is what I’m most worried about. So I’ll probably be the opposite to them. People say the original was open world. But it really wasn’t. Sure it had the over world but really you just travelled to a few points of interest. It was more a means of getting you to other towns rather than a space to actually do anything in so I’m worried what generic open world busy work crap they’re going to fill it with. Not stopping me getting excited though. 


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Doubt it, Dont think they needed any more, after Squareenix/ Sony confirmed that XVI was only a 6 Month exclusive, The games producer  went on to confirm that shouldnt expect a PC port any time soon due to wanting to optimise PS version first, before putting resources into a PC version.


I would imagine this will be much the same for Rebirth, I think remake was just over a Year from PS version to PC, so cant see it being released elsewhere any sooner than a minimum of 9 months, despite exclusivity period passing.

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Doubt what? I don’t think you’ll see a different version in 3 months. But it’s one of the shortest times exclusive windows I think I’ve seen


Either Sony couldn’t negotiate any more, or they don’t feel it’s as important to them anymore. 

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Wasnt overly clear,
I doubt they felt the need to, given the points in previous post, they probably felt confident that securing any small period of exclusivity would guarantee PS5 was the lead platform,  and knew it probably wouldnt release else where for well over the 3 month period negotiated.


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With Sony going on record that they can't keep their games exclusive to their own ecosystems anymore if they want them to be sustainable and moving almost everything to PC, I'd imagine it'd being a very weird meeting if they started asking third-party publishers to do it instead. They've kind of lost a bargaining chip there for the future, if that ever was one. But thankfully so, this 'buy exclusivity for x months' thing they've been pulling for years now is just shit anyway.

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