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Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth

one-armed dwarf

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FFVII Remake sequel. Winter 2023 (wow)




We also have Final Fantasy VII: Reunion, which is a remaster of Crisis Core


Trailer is a little weird. As someone who's spent too much time thinking of ffvii tho Aerith's line here near the end indicates that (ffvii spoilers)



it at the very least gets as far as the gold saucer date in the original game, which is pretty close to the big spoiler event. So it probably goes past that a bit and covers a lot more ground this time


tho all of that is obviously up in the air a bit cause it's a parallel universe sequel thing or whatever


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Yeah it is. They say they've also started some work on part 3 so I guess they have it locked down now.


I can see this one being a lot better than the first one now that they aren't forced to waste time and pad things out in Midgar, and can potentially just tell a different story where they want.


Intergrade is also out on steam today, which means it's out on steam deck as well

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Not going to lie FF7R is one of the worst gaming experiences I’ve had in generations of games. It lives down in the wasteland of dog shit with MUA3, Horizon 2, and something else I really hated but can’t remember. Either way. Top 5 worst game I’ve played in a very long time.


But also everything I hate about the game is stuff I’ve heard no one else talk about so it’s very likely it’s just me and not the game. That’s why I hold off saying worst game and keep it to worst game experience. Because playing the first game was a fucking dreadful time. 

When everyone was pissing themselves about the remake going “oh, my god what If they mess it up” and I was like chill even if it doesn’t live up to the original it’ll be fine. Then the game comes out and flips the whole thing. Everyone is like “this game is great” and I’m like you’re fucking mad. 

But it could also very well be me. I keep trying to find the energy to give it another go. At least now I got a deadline to do that 

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Why was it one of your worst gaming experiences?


I thought it was a pretty average 7/10 kinda experience with really high highs and some really really drawn out boring bits. I couldn't possibly put it as one of my worst gaming experiences though, that honour lies with Red Dead Redemption II

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fwiw, the above goes into spoilers (marked in the article as well but saying just in case)


But anyway


I fully accept that it's not really a remake of FFVII, I actually think that was the right approach and it's something I wanted. I like the metanarrative playfulness of FFVII: Remake and when it directly acknowledges the fact that the player already knows things like Aerith's death and stuff like that. But I still don't really enjoy the larger story implications of it and the theories about time travelling and stuff cause that's where things get messy and the stakes get risen to a level that smothers the more human scale factors that the original game made very resonant. Which would be a shame if it were to happen with Rebirth and its follow up cause the characters are even better and more rounded in Remake than they were in the clunky translated original game.


To be honest though I'm not even fully on board with the popular interpretation of it anyway, frankly I think the whole thing is the ending of LOST and we are looking at multiple parallel limbo universes that all take place entirely within the lifestream and FFVII Remake is a sequel not cause it's a parallel timeline but because it takes place after everyone is dead. Aerith is an agent for the Planet trying to help everyone 'return to the planet' and Sephiroth is still not fully dissipated into the lifestream and is an agent for chaos trying to seduce and trick people into following him, so that he can eat their spirit energy and resume his quest to become a planet devouring god with Jenova. 


I think the running theme of these games will end up being sort of about letting go of FFVII. Which is what Rebuild of Evangelion ended up being about. Course this is a take that's not really concretely supported by anything but I just like thinking of it that way rather than time travel stuff, which is just a bit too funky for me at least until it's more firmly addressed in the follow up entries.


Also the last game will be called 'Requiem', fully completing this analogy


Anyway that's my FFVII fan theory ted talk, thx for coming


That said I do think there is a weird denial in the fanbase that sort of still hasn't come to terms with the original game's ending, which will make Rebirth a particularly painful pill to swallow for these people. Personally the parts covered by Rebirth are my favourite parts of FFVII and where the character stories really start to emerge, so even with all the differences it's the entry I'm most excited for. I could not give a single shit about Midgar, it's all about what's beyond the Shinra tower when it comes to the original for me

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interviews about FFVII Rebirth have happened




The summary of a lot of it is they aren't cutting out any locations from the original game, but will probably move around and change some stuff. Targeting Winter 2023, which I expect will get the traditional 2020s AAA gaming delay that everything gets these days


Apparently there is a 'mystery' to unearth.



This makes me think my theory I posted could end up being accurate, lol. Sounds like (crisis core, remake, ffvii)


Zack might still actually be dead


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I haven't played/watched any of the surrounding media or games in the Final Fantasy VII series and I'm still upset that this isn't a straight up Remake... I have zero clue what the fuck Zack has to do with anything or why I should care.🤣

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Zack is also in the original FFVII, here's his scenes (spoilers obviously, tho remake also spoils stuff imo)




Zack is who Cloud based his whole lie about being a first class soldier on, he basically stole Zack's identity. Tho they retcon that a bit in Crisis Core



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Yeah, I realise he's in the original but I've not seen any of his expanded story... and to be fair I don't remember any of it out of the original either.


Maybe I'll watch that YouTube video after all.🤣

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