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Hey jon, I sent you a diamond when I saw your orb floating around, cheers for helping me get 10G's! :P:D

I finished this earlier

and went for the Love ending, as I really wanted my dog back, plus my wife in Bowerstone market is pretty fit. The bit where you're young again was a bit trippy, did anyone shoot all 20 bottles? I didn't.

(ending spoiler). The story was short and sweet but I enjoyed it all the way through, as did the wife who watched it from start to finish. I'm not sure whether I'll go back and do a few quests or not yet, so much more to be getting on with! Super game though, well done Peter.

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Funny that, my wife is into the game also! I'm really glad, makes a huge difference, I actually get to play it!!

I never had anything pop up about getting a diamond, although after I saw you I did go see my wife to give her one (a diamond, she wasnt' THAT lucky) and I noticed I had two of them! Cheers :D

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I finished this earlier

and went for the Love ending, as I really wanted my dog back, plus my wife in Bowerstone market is pretty fit. The bit where you're young again was a bit trippy, did anyone shoot all 20 bottles? I didn't.

(ending spoiler). The story was short and sweet but I enjoyed it all the way through, as did the wife who watched it from start to finish. I'm not sure whether I'll go back and do a few quests or not yet, so much more to be getting on with! Super game though, well done Peter.

There is another kid bit where you go to garths tower and sleep in the bed at the very top, that bits weird.

Yup i shot all the bottles, kicked all the chickens in and killed all the beetles but nothing happened :(

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Started playing this today and I'm not all that far in. Somehow my dog took a beating, I think it may have been from getting a kick from the thief. I'm currently at the blacksmiths, because I needed money to buy weapons I took on a job, but didnt have time to actually buy anything before the woman from My Family turned up or before the store closed. I did get promoted a couple of times though and am tempted to stick at it until I'm a master blacksmith, but it'll probably take far too long to get the next promotion.

I missed some experience early on because when it was telling me how to collect the orbs my dog found some treasure and the text changed. Also when you're trying to chat to one person you end up performing for a whole group which is a bit annoying when you're putting some moves on some fine piece of ass. Incidentally there's a gypsey girl who I've won over but I dont know how to propose. Do I need a ring or is it something you just learn when the game wants you to?

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If you press Y when highligthed on a person, it has like theyre fave place, expression n gifts, these ways make tht person like you quicker

Theres a bar at the top and when theres a red ehart above theyre head, they wna marry you, say get a ring, press down on the D pad to propose and u'll be engaged

Once engaged u have to buy a house as a marital home.

Dont get married with 2 wifes in the same town tho unless u want a cat fight :)

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Got this just now from Game on Oxford street YAY.

Pluss they seemed to have actually got a manager in there who is decent. I got served pretty quickly this time thank fuck.

Cant wait to try it out and looking forward to testing out some co-op too.

Wooohooo... hurry up hometime.

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I've not long finished one of the main quests (the big burly woman one) so I'd guess I'm about a third through the main game?

I'm half tempted to just run through the main quests and then play it again taking my time and doing the complete opposite of what I'm doing now. Mostly I'm being a very good boy, but occasionally stealing cash from tills when no-one is looking.

I spent ages at the Blacksmith and eventually got a 5 star ranking on it, with Jon's orb appearing at some point and then pickled appearing for ages, so I'm guessing they were also banging out swords at the same time as me.

I got married to a bloke but I don't think we've consummated the marriage as I don't remember any sex taking place. :(

Is there really any point in getting married and having kids in the game if all they do is take your cash off you?

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i got married to two separate women, set them up in gypsy carvans next to each other and had a baby with one, they weren't too happy with me, one divorced me and i killed the other one (i'm getting bored of playing as a good hero, time to get nasty)

if you have families and keep them happy, sometimes they give you gifts, but they seem a bit arse to be honest, much better just renting out the houses to make money

yeah the blacksmith was a little weird with your orb floating in the background hendo, kept putting me off my hits!

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I can see why people are still playing this despite the main quest not being very long. I've got me a house/farm (rented out) and a small stall. Neither are going to make me rich but it's a good start and once I can afford a few more I'll probably keep one for myself in each town (assuming I play it that long. I want the blacksmiths, ill seemed to be raking it in and cheaper weapons is always a plus.

I killed someone before by accident... sort of. I thought they were a bandit but they were just robbing the dead, which is apparently ok in fable and it was evil of me to kill him. Oh well so be it

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i've gone fully evil, got maximum corruption now, glowing eyes and horns, and still people will follow me if i do a little dance in front of them, the fools muhahahaa

and i own loads of property and have put the rent up 100% on everything

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Well I got married, to a black man. We were happy for a while but then my inner Daily Mail put an end to it. Fortunately our my house is right near an embankment, he followed me out there and tripped over onto someones sword. :unsure:

Fortunately minutes before I'd met a lovely young barmaid who took a shine to me and we were destined to be married. I'm struggling to get laid which considering her profile says she wants it is aggravating, I've got the horn damn it!.

I own pretty much all the town (Oakland) thanks to some wood cutting skills, I need to buy the pub and the mill for sure (the missus likes the mill), then I'm going to expand into the city. I really am startiong to get into this now and can see why everyone bar Spatular loves it.

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Im glad to see lots of people playing this, its yet another game that gives back what you put in.

With the impending release of Gears 2, the only way i could finish this properly without rushing was to pull an all-nighter which i did last night and im glad i did, Fable isnt a throw away experience - its to be savoured. So i completed the main quest and a fair few side quests on the way (not a spoiler but definately do the Salty Pete (?) the Pirate mission in the Bloodstone pub, its pretty good). I really enjoyed the climax (fnar) -

i picked the dog, i love him


ADVICE - get decent weapons before you do the last missions, it just helps. Magic wise i had the number one slot as Time Control and the rest all Blades as level 5 Blades is kick ass. Slow them down then chop them up, thats how i roll

All my previous beef with the fighting system is well and truly expunged (if thats an appropriate word, if not who cares, i like it - EXPUNGED! Fuck you). With my trusty Cleaver and Turret Rifle im a one man kick ass machine. Finally got the triple kill achievement, ironically without trying after two burns through the crucible with that as the aim. Speaking of the crucible, has anyone done it with all perfect rounds? I definately know the patterns now and what to do, ive got five but i know i can do all of them.

The one thing im working on now is becoming good. Gotta get my tattoo's off and then do some good deeds. Ive gone through Bowerstone and reduced all my highly inflated rents and sales charges but even with them down im making 6k every five minutes. Actually im enjoying going for the 2.5 million in real estate, ive just done a mission for the dude in the Bowerstone Cemetary Mansion which is now for sale at the hefty sum of 10,000 gold. When i get home tonight i should be able to afford it, then im gonna deck it out with luxury furniture.

Also, im at 50,000 reknowned so go me - w00t. Awesome game.

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Fucking roffle. Maybe someone else has picked up on this, but I just did the Summoners quest where 2 people have read from the Normanomicon. I played it like Ash, mixing swipes with shots from my boomstick, then when I returned the book the two brothers read the holy words, which I'm pretty sure are the words Ash gets wrong in Evil Dead 3 :lol:

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Ive done all the perfect rounds on the crucible, its so not worth it, you need a pistol really to do that last bit in under a minute fifty. You get a magic weapon, but it wasnt even as good as the one I used to go through the crucible. I dont even think you get an acheivement either.

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