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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League


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  • 2 months later...

Watched the gameplay trailer. Can’t say it’s got me excited about it. All 4 characters use guns? A battlepass system for cosmetics. Always requiring to be online, even in single player? Constant quipping/never shutting the fuck up? 
I dunno. My hype for this wasn’t much, it’s even less so now. 

Rocksteady are usually pretty reliable. But something about this just feels “meh”. 

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Yeah the gun focus is weird, it makes the combat look really boring


Here are all these genuinely really cool movement options, some of which seem to be unique between characters. Then here they are just sort of.... shooting... over the.... shoulder ..zzzzzz.


Everytime they pull the machine guns out it feels like it's pulling the brakes, killing the momentum. Superheroes should have creative clobbering options


As an aside, I don't know how game studios are struggling with the ensemble superhero teamup game so much. Publishers must be kicking themselves that they seem to be missing out on this craze in pop culture a bit, as it passes its peak. Actually kind of a shame too as the core concept could be really cool as a game

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People tore into the combat in Gotham Knights, saying it wasn’t as good as the Arkham series. But man, least it’s not generic gunplay, which is what this very much looks like. 

I’ll rent it at some point. But I certainly wouldn’t buy it, not from the way it’s currently looking. The cutscenes look gorgeous. But the combat looks boring as fuck.

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I thought it looked decent fwiw, but despite how much they stressed it's for single player too, it really looks multi focused. Which is fine, but that's not what people go to Rocksteady games for, and it makes me less interested in picking it up


That's before you get to the rumoured always online requirement which means I'm just not going to buy this on point of principle 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently this has been delayed again, until Spring. Obviously they won’t be making drastic changes to the gameplay, as that would require a far more significant delay. 

But the gameplay video they released certainly wasn’t what I was expecting from Rocksteady. Guess we will see what happens. But my enthusiasm has definitely been curbed. 

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  • 1 month later...

I don’t want this to fail. I love the Rocksteady Arkham games. But a generic looter shooter really isn’t what I was expecting from this. Gameplay trailers are supposed to get you hyped up. But I just felt “meh” from what they’ve shown thus far. 

Even delaying it til next February likely isn’t going to mean it will be a dramatically different game. But hell, I hope they can do something with it. Because they’re a damn good studio, so it’s not like they don’t know how to make a good game. 

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I just don't get why they had that big Gameplay showcase at the end of February really if it was nowhere near ready?


Or perhaps the feedback from that showcase was ammunition for the Devs to go to WB and say 'we told you so' kind of thing but I don't see how a fundamental rework of the game can happen in less than a year and I think that is really what the game needs. I dread to think that this may mean 10 months of crunch for the Devs too possibly.

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On 14/04/2023 at 19:54, AndyKurosaki said:

I don’t want this to fail.


I actually do hope it does, but in a way that has no impact on rocksteady's continued existence as a studio (which is, unfortunately, doubtful). If we predict a two-year support cycle for this game, rocksteady will have spent over a decade on this project when all is said and done. If Warner would have let them work on games closer to their expertise, they might have been able to put out two really good games in that period instead and it's a shame we live in a timeline that wasted their talents for so long.


But if it fails, maybe it adds to the list of high-profile service games that didn't find an audience and forces publishers to rethink some of their approaches. Particularly if it involves a studio with zero online-multiplayer knowhow. EA learned their lesson, maybe Warner will, too.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I’ve got this on the way from Shopto. The gameplay footage I’ve been watching has convinced me to give this a go. IGN’s recent negative viewpoint hasn’t put me off, as their major issue was “We don’t like that you’re killing the Justice League”. Despite that literally being in the game’s title 😄

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