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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League


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It sounds very much like Destiny 1 pre-updates. Very limited in what it sets out to, with artificial dangling carrots trying to motivate through a hollow endgame after the comparatively short campaign is done.

Probably not awful to play through all things considered, and I'd imagine external factors somewhat influencing the scores here, too (10-year project for rocksteady, GAAS fatigue etc.).


I'm intrigued enough to give it a shot at some point in the future, but only after they patched in an offline mode. I remember getting kicked out multiple times playing Destiny and Outriders solo and I'm having none of that anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League "has fallen short of our expectations", Warner Bros. Discovery has said.


Speaking during a financial call, Warner Bros. Discovery Chief Financial Officer, Gunnar Wiedenfels, admitted Rocksteady’s game hadn’t done the business the company had hoped for since going on sale on February 2 priced $70, saying it had “fallen short of our expectations.”

Warner Bros. Discovery failed to mention a sales figure for Rocksteady’s game, but did say Suicide Squad’s failure had set up the company’s games business for a “tough” year-on-year comparison. Last year, Warner Bros. Discovery released Hogwarts Legacy, which went on to become the best-selling game of 2023.

"This year, Suicide Squad, one of our key video game releases in 2024, has fallen short of our expectations since its release earlier in the quarter, setting our games business up for a tough year-over-year comp in Q1," Wiedenfels said



Official flop. Gamepass when?

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I’ve posted my thoughts on this game. It’s absolutely destined to join the ranks of Avengers and Anthem. It’ll have its roadmap cancelled before the year is out, feature prominently in next January’s “Worst games of 2024” lists on YouTube. Then it’ll be digitally deleted, the servers switched off, and it’ll sink below the waves, never to be seen again. 

And having completed the story mode, I can safely say “And nothing of value was lost”.

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1 hour ago, Nag said:


Don't care... Still won't play it.

C’mon, @Nag I’ll be Deadshot and you can be Captain Boomerang. You’ve always seemed like a Captain Boomerang kind of person to me 

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You have to wonder what those suits see when they look out the window atop their skyscrapers. How can anyone who's in tune with the industry have been expecting this to do well? Unless of course they had really low expectations and it didn't even meet those, but I kind of doubt that after they've been willing to delay it for another year. I presume they must have set those expectations in stone back in 2014 when this was greenlit and never adapted them even after seeing similar games fail in an almost bi-yearly rhythm.


Just completely baffled by the incompetence from those collecting the biggest cheques. I really hope rocksteady had a backup plan and a good pitch to secure their future, otherwise I'm afraid we'll hear some bad news coming out of that direction before the year is over.

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Well, when you look at how thin the margins are getting on blockbuster AAA, and how hard it is to get visibility in the indie and AA space, it's not that hard to see why this happens. Most of the younger generation of games play these types of games. To us, they are as appealing as a rusty nail in the toe. But to them they would much rather play FortNite than God of War Ragnarok, a game for boring boomers. Younger people are the ones who will more likely be the market going forward, as the rest of us potentially age out. The returns on GAAS are so high when it hits that it makes sense


But it's another segment that's oversaturated, and these games are so large that any pivot away from GAAS is probably like turning a tanker. It's not surprising then that games like this are often full of MTX, there's not a lot of very stable business models with these big budget games. Being pessimistic about it it's hard to see how the whole thing doesn't crash at some point, but people have been making that prediction since as far back as xbox 360 (for some reason)

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I expect they were aware of the risk with this game, they saw what happened to Avengers and that’s a much bigger brand.


It might just be they’d sunk so much cost in to it there was no way to turn it around, and giving it an extra year for it to be the best it can be was it’s best shot.


In terms of if this game was pushed on to Rocksteady or they wanted to make it. I can say on Twitter there were a lot of people who worked on this game and was excited to get it out there. There were devs taking photos next to bus stop posters and the game on store shelves. Who knows how it originated but from what I’ve seen they really got in to making the game at least


I didn’t read all in to it fully but apparently there’s an Easter egg in the game that points to the next Batman game. Which might just be put in there for fun, but also in Batman Arkham Asylum they had a super secret fake wall that showed the plans for Arkham City so who knows.


EDIT: This is the second bust for Suicide Squad in a row if you count the film as well (fair enough, that was a film trying to release during COVID). But maybe playing as bad guys and killing the good guys is just not as appealing as some people seem to think it is. I know I was always put off by the title of this game. 

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1 hour ago, Maf said:

C’mon, @Nag I’ll be Deadshot and you can be Captain Boomerang. You’ve always seemed like a Captain Boomerang kind of person to me 


£20.00 per hour and I'll be your Captain Boomerang...😉🤣

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The difference between this and Fortnite is that one is free to access and the other is 70 bucks. I'm not saying f2p is the sole reason for Fortnite's success, but not having any kind of barrier of entry combined with word of mouth and it being available on basically every device with a screen – there's no way a full price release that's only available on high-end platforms can even reach a fraction of that demographic. Not to mention that people under 20, 25 probably don't give a flying boomerang about this IP.


I think I remember reading that a bunch of key rocksteady staff left during the last phase of this game's development, so maybe that's a silver lining. But that also means that the constellation of people that made the Arkham trilogy will most likely never work on a WB IP again, so maybe it's more of a bronze lining or something.

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I’ve already seen people on Twitter going “Give Rocksteady more time with their next game”. 
The sad, likely fact is that there’s not going to BE another Rocksteady game. 

When you finish SS, a screen flashes up, advertising the Joker DLC, and “with more to come!!!” That’s going to be a hollow empty promise. If WB are already “disappointed”, why the hell would they want to chuck more money, and effort, down the drain with more story DLC? Especially when they already promised that all story DLC “will be free”. 

The Joker content will come out. Then next it’ll be the “thank you and goodbye” post from Rocksteady. Then that’s it. 

There’s no offline mode for this, despite them saying “We will put one in”. If they don’t before the servers get switched off, this will be literally unplayable.


This game has fundamental issues that are deep within its core. You can’t fix them with patches, or updates. You’d need significant work to sort this out. Anthem was going to have that done. And we all know how that turned out.


The story for this game is decent. But the endgame grind is exceptionally boring. Worse, there’s currently progress glitches. So the few people bothering with the endgame, are getting shafted with their progress.

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Twitter is already having a meltdown about this. Fans crying out “Don’t abandon the game, don’t give up on Rocksteady, they need more time!”


They revealed gameplay footage of this last year. The internet went “Fuck off”. Leading to a delay of a year. What improvements have been made in that time? Not many, I’d say.


I’ve finished the story, so I know what I’m talking about. This game is boring, that’s a fact. Avengers had the same old enemy types, generic soldiers and robots for the vast majority of its gameplay. 
Suicide Squad makes exactly the same

mistake, replacing boring soldiers and robots, with boring mutated people. That’s it, other than the occasional tank/helicopter. There’s no variety of enemies, at all. I’ve not played Destiny 2 much, but I’m pretty sure there’s not just one type of enemy for the entire game.


To reach the final boss in this, you’re forced into a grind. You cannot access the boss until you finish 3 side missions: rescue people, destroy generators, blow up a big gun. It takes forever to do any of these solo, as your AI team-mates do fuck all. They kill enemies, sure. But do nothing towards the objectives. So it’s all on you.


Then you reach the final boss map. And get told again “we cant fight him until we do 3 more side missions”. Care to guess what they are? 
Yep, it’s the same bloody 3 side missions you just did, only with the requirements cranked way up. Rescue even more people, take longer to blow up the big gun. Oh, and destroy 8 generators. Each gen is protected 2 shields, which you deactivate by killing nearby enemies. Take too long, and the shields regenerate. Which they will, as your squad fannies about not helping you.


Oh, and do all of that in a 30 minute timeframe. Every time you die, you lose a minute or so off that time. I’m presuming if it runs out, you have to do it all over again.


Get your way through that tediousness, and you can finally go up against the Final boss. He’s an utter wanker, as they all are. Kill him, and you get cheerfully told “That’s one version of him. But there’s 12 more, in other realities”. To get the “true” ending, you have to do that shit 12 more times.


You must be fucking joking. 
And even if you DID want to do it, you can’t, as that content doesn’t exist yet. So the game doesn’t even have a proper ending.


Who in their right mind, would put themselves through that tedious shit, 12 more god-damn times? I sure as hell won’t.


The fact is, the fans of this game remain utterly deluded. They feel that Rocksteady needs “time”. That we “can’t abandon them”.


 But endgame grind is fucking BORING. I’m not wasting another minute playing that shit. 

And with Warner Bros being “disappointed”, it doesn’t matter how much the fans rally behind this game. The writing is on the wall. And that writing spells “It’s fucked”.

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Wasn’t there a news story a bit ago where WB said they want there games to always be online? I wonder how they feel about it today. 

If they want an always online game why not make a Harry Potter MMO or something. Surely that’s a much better fit than superheroes x Destiny


There is a little bit of me that feels sorry for the game. Risks were taken and now jobs are on the line for it. I want AAA to take more risk and try new things and not just have 1 studio do 1 game forever. And stuff like this hurts the chances of that more and more

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Fuck ‘em. Let it die. I want Rocksteady to survive but fuck WB, this game & everything it represents.


No “big” or AAA game has succeeded in that space. It’s always relatively smaller projects. Learn from that.

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WB did indeed recently say they want all their games to be live services. Seeing as how SS is doomed already, and it’s barely been a month, I expect they’ll be backtracking from that decision, pretty bloody quickly. 

They learned nothing from Anthem’s mistakes, and nothing from Avengers mistakes either. 

People genuinely believe Rocksteady will bounce back from this. They bloody won’t, Warner Bros will be sharpening the guillotine as we speak. Drafting up the final statement, with the usual “Thank you for supporting us, we’re sorry we let you down” spiel.


Ultimately, this isn’t a time to be happy at all. I see people on Twitter celebrating, that “This game was shit lol. Now Rocksteady can make the game that we want”. No they wont, you morons. They’re going to be shut down. People will lose their jobs over this. 
And that’s just really sad.

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