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Doom Eternal

one-armed dwarf

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Doom Eternal is an amazing game if you're extremely good at it like that. I'm not, so for me it wasn't


I reckon they shipped a card out to someone in the community to grab that gameplay. Big fan of how they used the grapple hook to swing around enemies, think that's the 'air control' perkj

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  • 1 month later...

Funnily enough, i've been playing this on and off on gamepass just before the RT update dropped. Playing it at 120hz is just insane. This game just flat out looks amazing, and the RT mode just makes it look better.

I'm really enjoying it this time around (I got given a PC code at launch, but I just can't hack mouse and keyboard controls and my laptop requires some dark wizardry to even think of getting a controller working on it). It's so blisteringly fast and the combat has some crazy kinetic energy on the go. 

I'm only playing on the next difficulty up from normal and it seems just the right amount of challenge for me.

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This is very impressive. Over 100fps with high raytracing and resolution with the screen full of enemies and projectiles. Mental. Man that part from 21:30 especially looks incredible with RT. Shame the consoles can’t even come close to that. 

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25 minutes ago, mfnick said:


This is very impressive. Over 100fps with high raytracing and resolution with the screen full of enemies and projectiles. Mental. Man that part from 21:30 especially looks incredible with RT. Shame the consoles can’t even come close to that. 




I'm all about RT but I still don't care about RT reflections, at least outside of Control where they were really well used. I dunno.


I did see someone mention that you could use the RT reflections in this to spot the monsties behind corners, which is a pretty good idea tbf

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I disagree. While lighting can definitely be more impressive, those reflections really adds a lot to those scenes overall IMO. Especially that area I mention at 21:30.


Reflections helped add real depth to the city in the PS5 Spider Man remaster and Miles too which was really missing if you remove it and have the flat textures. It’s subtle but really noticeable when removed. I’m a big fan. 

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  • 2 years later...

I'm trying this again after a few years, and I'm really, really trying, but I still think it's crap 


I'm playing on PC with M&KB and to compensate I've put it on the easiest difficulty. Which helps a little bit taking pressure off the buttons, but I've died 3 times on level 3 so it's still not that easy. 


I just hate the weapon system/s. I can't really detail it more than that. I just hate the combat. Especially this weak point shit. It's a good idea but doesn't work at a game this speed. I think having certain weapons be better against certain enemies makes sense, but I think asking for precision in this game ruins it. Even stopping for a split second to try aim correctly on the easiest difficulty loses all my armour or half my health. 


I get that Doom 2016 was too simple and kinda braindead. But this hasn't made it a 'thinking man's' shooter it's just made it fiddly. At like 100mph. 


I hate to be reductive but all I can think of is this game is like Returnal if Returnal was shit. 


The game has also crashed on me twice now which is just like really fucking adding to it 

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I also don't like this game, but I'm happy enough to admit that it's a skill issue on my part. I think you should embrace this as well, we are too shit at this game. Sometimes it be that way


You don't really need to go for weak points tbh. Whenever I look at high level play of Eternal it doesn't play it like that at all. It's all about momentum, schmoovement 


This looks amazing, pity I'm shit at this game



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I got up to level 4 and there was a new twirly-whirly dancing guy that put up plasma shields. I was so distracted I didn’t realise the game spawned in a bunch of enemies behind me that drained all my armour. I thought since they’re all standing together I flame+shotgun to get armour back which worked, then out of nowhere there was a floating platform with fire blasting out underneath it than ended up overhead of me. I didn’t die but it was enough for me to quit the game


Maybe because I only have 4 guns the combat is not fun yet, but I hate that my best answer for basically everything is the zoom in scope shot on the machine gun and everything else is useless. Why do frozen enemies not die from one shotgun blast? Not even the small enemies? What’s the point 


Also everytime I get an upgrade I put it in to more ammo. Fuck the perks I just want more ammo. But it’s never enough I’m constantly out all the time. 

I know this is part of their design, they want the player to be constantly be between high/low/health/ammo. But their game design can suck a dick it’s so unfun 


Also that video is cool but the guy has clearly played that section a billion times to get it right. I’m not looking for practiced speed run shit I want fun on the fly, make it up as I go but in a cool way. Instead it’s just a scrambling mess of “do I have zoom in scope shot machine gun ammo again yet because all these weapons suck”


Playing on easiest has a weird problem as well where you want to gore kill an enemy for health but if you shoot one extra bullet they explode and the chance is lost. So for small enemies I’m trying slow down and pepper them lightly so I can get some health out of them while they’re fucking shooting at me point blank. That kind of exactness should be for higher difficulties. On easy when they flash they shouldn’t take extra damage at all until they get gore killed or they become active again. 

Also the time it takes to swap the mods on guns and having to learn all the stupid fucking icons for which one means which mod is dog shit. Just have an alt+alt fire. Although tbf I stopped using the automatic mod on the shotgun because it’s just a waste of ammo

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I mean the guy in that video has practiced a lot, sure, but it's also full of on-the-fly improvisational gameplay


The thing is I don't disagree that this particular loop is kinda not what I was looking for, but I can't tell from your post if you're engaging with it the way the game intends so forgive me if I'm saying obvious things. But it's because you're mentioning things like carefully squaring up against weak enemies to hit them with a 'gore' attack (dont remember what this is, edit I think I remember it's the glory kill). It's a rotation based system, you put the grenades and chainsaws on cooldown to replenish resources and also rotate the weapons. You use stuff up fast but also replenish it just as fast. You murder and move on (rip n tear, init). It's just that, really, the weak points system is more like a garnishing they put on top. A gimmicky bit of flavoring, but not something you need to leverage all that much or make a core part of your offense.


I mainly used the weak enemies for chainsaw fodder I think. I have my own mediocre gameplay posted somewhere in this thread, it probably has a lot of that


edit re-reading your post back, yeah, use the chainsaw more. You're probably 'overcapping' on the chainsaw cooldown. You got to use it lots


Is it a good gameplay loop, turning chainsaw from this cathartic expression of fuck-off-murder into a utilitarian resource-replenishment button, nah. But that's how it is

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I've got sympathy for anyone who struggles with Doom Eternal because I don't think any game before or since has made me feel as old. It asks so much of you at a million miles an hour. It's a game I sometimes boot up to dip in to again, before giving up because I need to relearn everything. 


After initially being disappointed with it, I ended up agreeing with @Sly Reflexit's one of the best games of the past few years 

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