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Gaming Shout Thread

Sly Reflex

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Last night I realised that the version of Hot Wheels Unleashed I bought on Xbox is not the XS version but the One version and there’s no upgrade path or anything. It’s the first time I’ve been fucked over by the this gen that gen shit and I feel scammed and hurt and that I’ll never love again but also need someone to hold me it’s like my life has been turned upside down at thirty frames per second 

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Purposely ignoring the thread and playthroughs online, until my physical copy of TMNT: Shredder's Revenge arrives. So I checked through my emails for the release date (I'd forgotten, surprising no one). Surely it should be any day now??



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Release Date: 2022-07-29


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Looks like it’s another big Switch month with Xenoblade 3 and Alive A Live.


This year has been non stop for Switch. Feels like every month there’s been a big release for Switch.
Pokemon Arceus


Switch Sports

Triangle Strategy

Mario Strikers

Fire Emblem

Looking at what’s to come there’s Mario Rabbids, Pokemon 9, Splatoon 3 and Bayonetta 3. 

Just every month medium-big to big-big games coming out. Such a variety, too. Got a bit of everything 

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I was browsing games today and seeing the rest of the year made me think about what people were saying with ‘22 being no good for games.


It’s still pretty light for the rest of the year, I saw maybe 15 big retail games coming out that I want to play between now and December. I remember a few years ago that would be 2 months worth of big games.  

But combine that with the first half of the year which had some great games in it too. I don’t think this is the strongest year ever but overall I feel pretty good about it


Also there’s this game called Evil West that keeps popping up but no one’s talking about it. I think it looks sick, I’m really in to this



Sort of like Gears of War with melee + Doom 2016 vibe 

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For sure there are some cool AA type games, or cool indie titles. Speaking for myself though, I've got a good enough idea of what I'm into and looking at a lot of the press conferences this year they are full of titles that I know I will not be interested in.




Maybe that Valkryie game might be alright, I dunno. I just don't really feel the need to check out half the shit on this list. I'm not someone that really takes punts on random shit without an idea of what it could be at first, the concept has to be interesting. I tried Tunic and binned it after a few hours cause it just felt like Dark Souls Metroidvania stuff all over again, I am just done with that style even if the game might have some hidden trick that others dont. Even when I look up what a game actually is it's so far outside my wheelhouse of things to care about and I imagine a lot of other people might feel the same way. 


My big frustration with indie stuff sometimes is I struggle to find stuff that really feels original. This could be a me issue, and maybe there's a way to better discover stuff. But something like Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium, I feel it's rare to really find stuff that's as good as those games. Like people say indie are leading the charge in innovative design but I really struggle to find it, that's not me declaring that everyone else is wrong and I'm right or anything so if someone quotes this with a big list of games proving that I'm wrong I actually would really like that lmao (unless it's loop based/run based/rogue based/repetition stuff)


AAA stuff has more broad appeal, more stuff for the boomers. Even then on the AAA stuff, outside of GoW there is The Calisto Protocol, which looks good but it also just looks like another Dead Space game. Like I'm sure it will be good and all but I want something new and different. There's really very little here that stands out imo. God of War stands out, that's kinda it for me. Not new and different, but still.


Bit of an unintended rant but yeah I think it looks like a pretty shitty year, but well that makes time for other things I guess. Like manga I will never read, and books I will definitely never read but enjoy looking at on a shelf.

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It’s just rare to find a game like Outer Wilds full stop. That game is exceptional for a reason

Indie games are really creative but the scene is diluted when there’s so many all doing the same thing. More Metroidvanias, more PT wannabes, more rogue likes. Individually they are probably more creative than an average AAA game but there is so many they kind of dilute themselves. 

There’s also such a glut it’s too much to sort through. I rely on things like Metacritic to spotlight the good ones for me because they’re so hard to find searching on my own. Though some times I find cool shit like Heaven’s Dust for example.  

I dunno. It reads like you’re not interested in anything too familiar but also not interested in things not familiar enough. I think that problem is when you’re trying to find a game to reinvigorate old interests instead of developing new ones. Sometimes you just need to try shit and surprise yourself with what you like. I mean Guilty Gear last year was a game you took a punt on and there you go.


I don’t have an answer for you I’m just saying. I’ve been in those gaming ruts before so sharing what I found the solutions to be. 

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To be honest though, I'm constantly doing that. For me, most of the games I've really hit off with the past couple years have been based on concepts kinda well outside my main interest 'sphere' or whatever you would call it (but not so far outside that the idea couldn't appeal to me, just wasn't based on a pre-existent interest like you say). A mostly survival based immersive sim where you have to manage a disease outbreak as society collapses, a game where society has already collapsed and you perform deliveries in the middle of an apocalypse while your shoes fall apart, an entirely speech check based CRPG, a sorta X-Files rip off with middling combat but a cool story and theme, and so on.


I wanna add Subnautica to that list, but if I'm honest I did not enjoy it as much as I would have liked because it's loop reminded me too much of leveling a gatherer and crafter in FFXIV. But if I had not played so much XIV I would have mentioned it as well. It's a game where you craft bases deeper and deeper beneath the sea and make the inhospitable less inhospitable as you go along.


Anyway for me though the solution is to play less new stuff and just stick with old stuff until the release calendar appears more interesting. Like I don't need to try out another rogue like game to know how it will make me feel, lol. Really my point is just it's not surprising if people find the release schedule to be underwhelming, least from my pov.

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Yeah, it’s not a stacked second half of the year by any means. But browsing the deals/upcoming games this morning I just ended up finding a bunch of games that all look good to me.


Also helps being a Switch fan I guess because it carried the first half of the year and even the more interesting games in the second half are Switch titles  

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  • 3 weeks later...

TMNT should be arriving any day now.

So I thought to give Astalon another quick go. Get me in the retro mood. While finishing up the post-game content. Except I forgot all the modes I have left are late-game difficulty. Also, in the case of Black Knight Mode. He doesn't steamroll bosses from a distance like Algus does...

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Today I’m just in the mood to play a cool video game. Like a game that is just cool. Do they make those anymore? The only things I can think of are Uncharted 3 (Which I don’t like, but not played in years maybe I like it now) and Destiny 2 (Which I’ve been loving lately but doesn’t really fit the bill)

What is just like, a cool, single player action game. I can’t think of any. 

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Well, devil may cry is cool. If you are uncool it's very quick to remind you of it and reward you with a shitter uncool game, only cool people need apply


Other than that I don't really know, games about 'feeling cool' are such a subjective and fuzzy thing. An immersive sim which rewards perfect stealth and hacking playthroughs maybe, something like Dishonoured (which I've never played).

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